Coccidiosis Conferences (2008-2014) Powerpoint Presentations
Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University
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Updated: 4 February 2015
Comments: (Duszynski), (Couch)
2008: 39th Conference, Arlington, TX
Introduction: Taxonomy (Alpha and Beta) and Systematics of the Coccidia. J.R. Barta and R.S. Seville
Coccidia from Mammals: Status of the Taxonomy and Methods for Collection, Preservation, and Sporulation of Fecal Stages. R.S. Seville
Amphibian Coccidia: Taxonomy, Host Specificity, Ecology, and Phylogeny. M.G. Bolek, D.W. Duszynski, and S.J. Upton.
Methods for Collection, Preservation, and Sporulation of Snake Fecal Stages to Help Resolve What We Still Don"t Know about Snake Coccidia. S.J. Upton and D.W. Duszynski
Collection, Preservation, and Sporulation of Fecal Stages from Birds: Concepts, Methods and Challenges. J.R. Barta, J.D. Ogedengbe, and J. Cobean
The Emerging Role of Molecular Markers in Coccidian Speciation-1. K.B. Miska, D. Motriuk-Smith, and R.S. Seville
The Emerging Role of Molecular Markers in Coccidian Speciation-2. K.B. Miska, D. Motriuk-Smith, and R.S. Seville
2009: 40th Conference, Knoxville, TN
40th Annual Coccidiosis Conference 2009. R.S. Seville
Ecology and Phylogeny of Amphibian Coccidia: A Review. M.G. Bolek and C. Whipps
Coccidia from Mammals: Interesting Insights on Phylogenetic Relationships, Host Specificity and Morphology. J. Kviceroca
2010: 41st Conference, Colorado Springs, CO
Microsatellite and Its Application in Genetic Studies of Malaria Parasites. X.-Z. Su
Virluence Shift in a Sexual Clade of Wild Toxoplasma gondii Infecting Marine Mammals. M.E. Grigg, N. Sundar, M. Miller, J. Wendte, P. Conrad, P. Keeling
Genetic Charasterizations of Cryoptosporidium spp. Using Microsatellite and Minisatellite Markers. L. Xiao
A Tale of Two Theilerias: Microsatellite Genotyping, Wild Animal Reservoirs and Vaccination. A. Tate
Studying Genetic Diversity in Eimeria:Present Challenges and Future Approaches. K.B. Miska
2011: 42nd Conference, Anchorage, AK
Designing and Mining Genome Databases: From Genes to Drugs and Vaccines. D.S. Roos
Genetic Dissection of Apicomplast Function and Biogenesis. R. Striepen
The Role of Translational Regulation in Sexual Development of Malaria Parasite. L. Cui, J. Miao, L. Cui
Construction of Transgenic Eimeria Parasites and Study of Their Elicitation of Mucosal Immunity. X. Su, X. Liu, G. Yin, X. Huang, Y. Chen
Cryptosporidium: Unique Evolutionary Position and Metabolic Features for Drug Development. G. Zhu
2012: 43rd Conference, Richmond, VA
Avian Coccidiosis: Current Commercial Practices for the Control of These Illusive Agents. S. Fitz-Coy
Understanding Species-Dependent Host Response to Eimeria spp. Using Comparative Transcriptional Analysis. H. Lillehoj, D. Kim
A Novel Mucosal Vaccine Based on Live Eimeria Expressing CTB-induced Systemic Immune Responses in Chickens. G. Yin, X. Liu, X. Suo
The Molecular Basis for Distinct Host and Tissue Tropisms of Coccidian Parasites. L. Lai, B. Cowper, J. Bumstead, Y. Liu, D. Blake, T. Feizi, S. Matthews, F. Tomley
Identification and Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii Cyst Wall Proteins. T. Tomita, Y.F. Ma, B. Fox, D.J. Bzik, L.M. Weiss
A Case for Host Involvewment in the Glycosylation of Toxoplasma Tissue Cysts. B. Eller, B.C. Lynn, A. Data, A.P. Sinai
2013: 44th Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Coccidiosis Vaccination: Problems and Solutions. H.D. Chapman
Parasites, Places and Poultry: Environmental Influence on Live Coccidiosis Vaccine Success in Commercial Poultry Rearing. K.R. Price, J.R. Barta
Opportunities and Challenges for Achieving Uniform Protection of Chickens Against Coccidiosis with Live Eimeria Oocyst Vaccines. M.C. Jenkins
DNA Barcoding of Coccidia: Promise and Pitfalls. J.R. Barta, M.A. Hafeez, M.E. Ogedengbe
Virulence Shift in a Sexual Clade of Toxoplasma gondii Infecting Wwildlife in North America. N. Sundar, M.A. Miller, J.M. Wendte, K. Haman, E.R. James, p. Keeling, P.A. Conrad, M.E. Griggs
2014: No Conference Held this Year.