Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
Eimeria abramovi Svanbaev & Rakhmatullina, 1967
Eimeria anatis Scholtyseck, 1955
Eimeria aythyae Farr, 1965
Eimeria battakhi Dubey & Pande, 1963
Eimeria boschadis Walden, 1961
Eimeria bucephalae Christiansen & Madsen, 1948
Eimeria danailovi Grafner, Graubmann, & Betke, 1965
Eimeria koganae Svanbaev & Rakhmatullina, 1967
Eimeria krylovi Svanbaev & Rakhmatullina, 1967
Eimeria mulardi Chauve, Reynaud, & Gounel, 1994
Eimeria nottion Matschoulsky, 1947
Eimeria nyroca Svanbaev & Rakhmatullina, 1967
Eimeria saitamae Inoue, 1967
Eimeria schachdagica Musav, Surkova, Jelchiev, & Alieva, 1966
Eimeria somateriae Christiansen, 1952
Isospora mandari Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora, & Agrawal, 1971
Isospora sp. of Chauve, Reynaud, & Gounel, 1993
Some reports of unnamed Eimeria spp. in ducks:
Anas acuta (Northern pintail)
Anas americana (American wigeon)
Anas clypeata (Northern shoveler)
Anas crecca (Green-winged teal)
Anas discors (Blue-winged teal)
Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard)
Anas strepera (Gadwall)
Aythya affinis (Lesser scaup)
Aythya americana (Redhead)
Aythya collaris (Ring-necked duck)
Aythya marila (Greater scaup)
Aythya valisineria (Canvasback)
Bucephala clangula (Common goldeneye)
Oxyura jamaicensis (Ruddy duck)
Somateria mollisima (Common eider)
Tadorna ferruginea (Ruddy shelduck)
Anas (?) sp.
"domestic duck"
Some reports of unnamed Isospora spp. in ducks (most are
likely pseudoparasites):
Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard)
"Khaki Campbell duck" (Anas spp. domestic hybrid)
"domestic ducks"
"Unknown renal coccidiosis in ducks"(these may represent
Eimeria somateriae Christiansen, 1952):
Eimeria anseris (Kotlan, 1932) Kotlan, 1933
Eimeria brantae Levine, 1953
Eimeria clarki Hanson, Levine, & Ivens, 1957
Eimeria crassa Farr, 1963
Eimeria farrae Hanson, Levine, & Ivens, 1957
Eimeria fulva Farr, 1953
Eimeria hermani Farr, 1953
Eimeria kotlani Grafner & Graubmann, 1964
Eimeria magnalabia Levine, 1951
Eimeria nocens Kotlan, 1933
Eimeria pulchella Farr, 1963
Eimeria sp. of Chauve, Gounel, & Reynaud, 1991
Eimeria sp. of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Eimeria sp. 1 of Golemansky, 1964
Eimeria sp. 2 of Golemansky, 1964
Eimeria stigmosa Klimes, 1963
Eimeria striata Farr, 1953
Eimeria truncata (Railliet & Lucet, 1891) Waiselewski, 1904
Isospora anseris Skene, Remmler, & Fernando, 1981
Isospora sp. of Anpilogova, 1965
Isospora sp. of Cerna, 1956
Isospora sp. of Chauve, Reynaud, & Gounel, 1993
Isospora sp. of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Isospora sp. of Golemansky, 1964
Isospora sp. of Rakhmatullina & Svanbaev, 1967
Isospora sp. of Venn 1954
Unidentified oocyst of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Unidentified oocyst of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Unsporulated oocysts of Davis, 1957
"Unidentified renal coccidia" of geese
Eimeria christianseni Walden, 1961
Eimeria sp. of Gajadhar, Cawthorn, Wobeser, & Stockdale, 1983
"Unidentified renal coccidia" in swans
Adler, H.E. 1948. Renal coccidiosis and gizzard worm infection in geese. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicial Association 112: 154.
Allen, E.A. 1933. The occurrence of Eimeria truncata in the United States. Proceedings of the 152nd meeting of the Helmitholoical Society of Washington, 18 March 1933, Bethesda, Maryland. Journal of Parasitology 20(Abstract 2): 73.
Arnaoudov, D. 1969. Epizootiological features of coccidiosis in geese. Veterinarno Meditsinski Nauki 6: 65-71.
Anpilogova, N.V. 1965. On the finding of coccidia of the genus Isospora Schneider in domestic birds. Doklady Academii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR 8: 44-46.
Antukhaev, I.K. 1976a. Ultrastructure of Eimeria kotlani. Veterinariia 0(11): 73-76.
Antukhaev, I.K. 1976b. Nekotorye lannye ul'tratonkoi organizatsii Eimeria kotlani. In, Materially II Vsesoyuznogo S"ezda Protozoologov. Chast 3 Veterinarnaya Protozoologiya. "Naukova Dumka," Kiev, USSR. Pp. 9-10.
Antukhaev, I.K. 1977. Study of ultrastructural organization of the goose coccidian Eimeria kotlani. I. Intranuclear development of the macrogamete. Cytology 19,3: 288-292.
Antukhaev, I.K. 1978. Ultrastructural organization of the intranuclear parasite of geese Eimeria kotlani. PhD thesis, Leningrad.
Arnastauskiene, T. 1967. On the coccidia of domestic geese in Lithuania. Acta Parasitologica Lithuanica 7: 5-13.
Arnastauskiene, T., and Povilaitis, V. 1967. Duck coccidia in the Lithuanian SSR. Acta Parasitologica Lituanica 7: 15-20.
Betke, P., and Wilhelm, A. 1976. Zur Dunndarmkokzidiose bei Gansen. Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin 31: 585-589.
Bhatia, B.B. 1968. Observations on oocysts from anatids. Indian Journal of Microbiology 8: 245-246.
Bhatia, B.B., Chauhan, P.P.S., Arora, G.S., and Agrawal, R.D. 1972. Observations on some coccidian infections in birds and a mammal at the Delhi Zoo. Indian Journal of Animal Science 42: 625-628.
Bristol, J.R., Mayberry, L.F., Bueno, R., and Canaris, A.G. 1981. Coccidia of surface-feeding ducks from the central flyway, Texas. Journal of Parasitology 67: 276-277.
Cerna, Z. 1956. Prispevek k pozani hysich kokcidii. Vestnik Ceskoslovenske Zoologicke Spolecnosti 20: 366-371.
Chauve, C.M. 1988. Contribution a l'etude des coccidies de l'oie dans la region du sud-ouest de la France. Proposition d'une cle de diagnose des differentes especes, basee sur la morpholgie de l'ookyste sporule. Avian Pathology 17: 433-440.
*Chauve, C.M., Gounel, J.M., and Reynaud, M.C. 1989. Studies on coccidia of "mulard" ducks in the south-west region of France. In, Proceedings of the 5th International Coccidiosis Conference, 17-20 October, 1989, Tours, France. Edited and Published by INRA. Poster No.6.
Chauve, C.M., Gounel, J.M., and Reynaud, M.C. 1991. Les coccidies du canard mulard. Bilan d'une premiere enquete realisee dans trois elevages du sud-ouest de la France. Avian Pathology 20: 713-719.
Chauve, C.M., Reynaud, M.C., and Gounel, J.M. 1993. Isospora sp. from ducks. Infectivity for the goose, four anatids and the domestic fowl. Annales de Recherches Veterinaires 24: 430-433.
Chauve, C.M., Reynaud, M.C., and Gounel, J.M. 1994a. Description d'Eimeria mulardi n. sp. chez le canard mulard. Etude de la phase endogene de son cycle evolutif avec mise en evidence du developpement intranucleaire. Parasite 1: 15-22.
Chauve, C.M., Gastellu, J., and Reynaud, M.C. 1994b. Pathogenicitie d'Eimeria nulardi Chauve et al., 1994 chez le canard mulard apres infection experimentale. Precision des stades pathogenes. Avian Pathology 23: 557-568.
Christiansen, M. 1952. Nyrecoccidiose hos viltlevende andefugle (Anseriformes). Eimeria somateriae n. sp. hos ederfugl (Somateria mollissima (L)). Nordisk Veterinaermedicine 4: 1173-1191.
Christiansen, M. and Madsen, H. 1948. Eimeria bucephalae n. sp. (Coccidia) pathogenic in Goldeneye (Buchelphala clagula L.) in Denmark. In, Danish Review of Game Biology, Volume 1, Part 2, Sparck, R., editor. J.H. Schultz Ltd., Copenhagen. pp. 63-73.
Clinchy, M., and Barker, I.K. 1994. Dynamics of parasitic infections at four sites within lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) from the breeding colony at La Perouse Bay, Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Parasitology 80: 663-666.
Cole, L.J., Hadley, P.B., and Kirkpatrick, W.F. 1910. Blackhead in turkeys. Bulletin 141 from the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, June 28, 1910. pp. 5-15.
Critscher, S. 1950. Renal coccidiosis in pea island Canada geese. Wildlife in North Carolina 14: 14-22.
Davies, S.F.M. 1957. An outbreak of duck coccidiosis in Britian. Veterinary Record 69: 1051-1052.
Dorenkamp, B. 1981. Die Wirkung einiger Coccidiostatica auf Eimeria anseris und Eimeria truncata. Dissertation, Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover, 81 pp.
Dubey, J.P., and Pande, B.P. 1963. A preliminary note on Eimeria battakhi, n. sp. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from domestic duck (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos domesticus). Current Science (Bangalore) 32: 329-331.
Entzeroth, R., Scholtyseck, E., and Sezen, I.Y. 1981. Fine structural study of Eimera truncata from the domestic goose (Anser anser dom.). Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde 66: 1-7.
Farr, M.M. 1953. Three new species of coccidia from the Canada goose, Branta canadensis (Linne, 1758). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 336-340.
Farr, M.M. 1954. Renal coccidiosis of Canada geese. Journal of Parasitology 40(Abstract 122): 46
Farr, M.M. 1963. Two new species of coccidia, Eimeria crassa and E. pulchella (Sporozoa, Eimeriidae) from the Canada goose, Branta canadensis. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 30: 155-157.
Farr, M.M. 1965. Coccidiosis of the lesser Scaup duck, Aythya affinis (Eyton, 1838) with a description of a new species, Eimeria aythyae. Proceedings of the Helmithological Society of Washington 32: 236-238.
Farr, M.M., and Wehr, E.E. 1952. Eimeria truncata associated with morbidity and death of domestic goslings. Cornell Veterinarian 42: 185-187.
Faust, B.S. and Pappas, P.W. 1977. A survey of coccidia and helminth parasitess of birds at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 8: 18-23.
Frandson, J.C., and Derksen, D.V. 1981. Renal coccidiosis in oldsquawa (Clangula hyemalis) from Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 17: 237-239.
Frank, C. 1978. Plasmodium (Haemamoeba) und Coccidia: ein Beirag zur Protozoenfauna verschiedener Vogel aus Ostosterreich. Zeitschrift fur Angewandtzoologie 65: 195-204.
Friedhoff, K.T., Wehage, M., and Korenkamp, B. 1983. Pathogenitat der Gansecoccidien und Verhutung von Gansecoccidiosen. Fortschritte der Veterinarmedizin 37: 282-289.
Fujomoto, S., Inoue, I., and Shirai, A. 1989. Observation on coccidia isolated from pintail, Anas acuta. Bulletin of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon University 46: 130-135.
Gajadhar, A.A., and Stockdale, P.H.G. 1986. Ultrastructural studies of microgametogenesis and macrogametogenesis of Eimeria truncata of the lesser snow goose. Journal of Protoozology 33: 345-351.
Gajadhar, A.A., Cawthorn, R.J., and Rainnie, D.J. 1982. Experimental studies on the life cycle of a renal coccidium of lesser snow geese (Anser c. caerulescens). Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 2085-2092.
Gajadhar, A.A., Rainnie, D.J., and Cawthorn, R.J. 1986b. Description of the goose coccidium Eimeria stigmosa (Klimes, 1963), with evidence of intranuclear development. Journal of Parasitology 72: 588-594.
Gajadhar, A.A., Wobeser, G., and Stockdale, P.H.G. 1983a. Coccidia of domestic and wild waterfowl (Anseriformes). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 1-24.
Gajadhar, A.A., Cawthorn, R.J., Wobeser, G.A., and Stockdale, P.H.G. 1983b. Prevalence of renal coccidia in wild waterfowl in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 2631-2633.
Gajadhar, A.A., Stockdale, P.H.G., and Cawthorn, R.J. 1986a. Ultrastructural studies of the zygote and oocyst wall formation of Eimeria truncata of the lesser snow goose. Journal of Protozoology 33: 341-344.
Golemansky, V.G. 1961. Species and biology of coccidia of birds in Bulgaria. III. Coccidia of the goose (Anser anser anser). Annuaire de l"Universite de Sofia, Faculte de Biologie, Geologie et Geographie, Biologie (Zoologie) 56: 89-104.
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Grafner, G., and Graubmann, H.-D. 1964. Eimeria kotlani n. sp., eine neue pathogene Kokzidienart bei Gansen. Monatshafte fur Veterinarmedizine, Zeitschrift der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fur Veterinarmedizin in der Deutschen Kemokratischen Republik 19: 819-821.
Grafner, G., Graubmann, H.-D., and Betke, P. 1965. Dunndarmkokzidiose bei Hausenten, verursacht durch eine neue Kokzidienart, Eimeria danailovi n. sp. Monatshafte fur Veterinarmedizine, Zeitschrift der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fur Veterinarmedizin in der Deutschen Kemokratischen Republik 20: 141-143.
Greiner, E.C., Forrester, D.J., Carpenter, J.W., and Yparraguirre, D.R. 1981. Coccidia of Aleutian Canada geese. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 17: 365-370.
Hanson, H.C., Levine, N.D., and Ivens, V. 1957. Coccidia (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) of North American wild geese and swans. Canadian Journal of Zoology 35: 715-733.
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Kasykhanova, B.M. 1977. The biology of Eimeria anseris in domestic geese. Trudy Instituta Zoologii Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR 37: 46-50.
Klimes, B. 1963. Coccidia of the domestic goose (Anser anser dom.). Zentralblatt fur Veterinaermedizin, Reiche B 10: 427-448.
Kotlan, A. 1932. Adatok a vizimadarak (kacsa, liba) coccidiosisanak ismeretehez. Allatorvosi Lapok 55: 103-107.
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Levine, N.D. 1953. A review of the coccidia from the avian orders Galliformes, Anseriformes and Charadriiformes, with descriptions of three new species. American Midland Naturalist 49: 696-719.
Levine, N.D., Morrill, C.C., and Schmittle, S.C. 1950. Renal coccidiosis in an Illinois gosling. North American Veterinarian 31: 738-739.
Lindquist, W.D., Belding, R.C., and Hitchcock, D.J. 1951. A report on the presence of renal coccidiosis in Michigan. Michigan State College Veterinarian 12: 19-20.
Matschoulsky, S.N. 1947. Coccidia of wild birds in Buryat. Trudy Buryet-Mongol'skoi Zooveterinarnogo Instituta 3: 93-101.
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Musaev, M.A., Surkova, A.M., Jelchiev, J.A., and Alieva, F.K. 1966. New kind of coccidia from the genus Eimeria from the domestic duck (Anas domestica). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidjanskoi SSR Seriya Biologischskikh Nauk 0(3): 34-36.
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