The Coccidia of Suidae

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 2 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

Eimeria almaataensis Musaev, 1970

Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921 of Svanbaev, 1958
Synonym: Eimeria almataensis Musaev, 1970 of Svanbaev, 1979, lapsus
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Musaev 1970; Svanbaev 1958, 1979
This may be a pseudoparasite (Svanbaev 1979) or a synonym of another species.

Eimeria betica Martinez-Gomez & Hernandez-Rodriguez, 1973

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Martinez & Hernandez 1973, Martinez-Gomez et al. 1974

Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921

Synonym: Coccidium suis Jaeger, 1921
Synonym: Eimeria brumpti Cauchemez, 1921, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria jalina Krediet, 1921
Synonym: Eimeria scrofae Galli-Valerio, 1935
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Arnastauskiene 1976; Boch et al. 1961; Cauchemez 1921; Galli-Valerio 1935; Greiner et al. 1982; Henry 1931; Jaeger 1921; Krediet 1921; Lindsay et al. 1987; Riassunto 1966; Upadhyay & Ahluwalia 1977, 1978; Vetterling 1965, 1966a, 1966b, 1968; Waddell et al. 1971; Yakimoff et al. 1925; Yvore et al. 1976; Zajicek & Pav 1972

Eimeria guevarai Romero Rodriguez & Lizcano Herrera, 1971

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Aleksic et al. 1994; Romero Rodriguez & Lizcano Herrera 1971

Eimeria ibrahimovae Musaev, 1970

Synonym: Eimeria scabra Henry, 1931 of Svanbaev, 1958
Synonym: Eimeria ibragimovae Musaev, 1970 of Svanbaev, 1959, lapsus
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Musaev 1970; Svanbaev 1958, 1959
This may not be a valid species.

Eimeria neodebliecki Vetterling, 1965

Synonym: Eimeria brumpti Cauchemez, 1921, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921, pro parte
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Cauchemez 1921; Coussement et al. 1981; Douwes 1921, pro parte; Greiner et al. 1982; Shrivastav & Shah 1968; Upadhyay & Ahluwalia 1977, 1978

Eimeria perminuta Henry, 1931

Synonym: Eimeria perminuta var. mathurai Mishra, 1967
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Arnastauskiene 1976; Boch et al. 1961; Greiner et al. 1982; Henry 1931; Mishra 1967; Shrivastav & Shah 1968; Upadhyay & Ahluwalia 1977, 1978; Vetterling 1965; Zajicek & Pav 1972

Eimeria polita Pellerdy, 1949

Synonym: Eimeria cerdonis Vetterling, 1965
Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921, pro parte
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Arnastauskiene 1976; Boch et al. 1961; Centurier 1970; Greiner et al. 1982; Lesser & Davis 1958; Pastuszko 1966; Pellerdy 1949; Rommel 1969; 1970a, 1970b; Shrivastav & Shah 1968; Vetterling 1965; Waddell et al. 1971; Yvore et al. 1976

Eimeria porci Vetterling, 1965

Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921, pro parte
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Douwes 1921; Shrivastav & Shah 1968; Vetterling 1965; Wheat & Fitzgerald 1978

Eimeria residualis Martinez & Hernandez, 1973

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Martinez & Hernandez 1973, Martinez-Gomez et al. 1974

Eimeria scabra Henry, 1931

Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria romaniae Donciu, 1961
Synonym: Eimeria scarba Yakimoff & Matikaschwili, 1932, lapsus
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Arnastauskiene 1976; Boch et al. 1961; Greiner et al. 1982; Henry 1931; Hill et al. 1985; Koudela et al. 1990; Mandrussov 1969; Pastuszko 1966; Rommel 1969; 1970a, 1970b; Rommel & Ipczynski 1967; Shrivastav & Shah 1968; Vetterling 1965; Vitovec et al. 1987; Waddell et al. 1971

Eimeria spinosa Henry, 1931

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Alicata 1946; Andrews & Spindler 1952; Boch et al. 1961; Greiner et al. 1982; Henry 1931; Vetterling 1965; Wiesenhutter 1962

Eimeria suis Noller, 1921

Synonym: Eimeria brumpti Cauchemez, 1921, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria debliecki Douwes, 1921, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria jalina (Perroncito, 1901) Neveu- Lemaire, 1912, nomen nudum
Synonym: Eimeria perminuta Henry, 1931 of Boch, Pezenburg, & Rosenfeld, 1961
Synonym: Eimeria tuis Noller, 1921 of Pellerdy, 1963, lapsus
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Boch et al. 1961; Cauchemez 1921; Douwes 1921; Greiner et al. 1982; Krediet 1921; Neveu-Lemaire 1912; Noller 1921; Perroncito 1901; Vetterling 1965; Waddell et al. 1971

Isospora suis Biester, 1934

Synonym: Isospora sp. of Yakimoff, Iwanoff- Gobzem, & Matschoulsky, 1936
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Arnastauskiene 1976; Biester, 1934; Biester & Murray 1934a, 1934b; Blagburn et al. 1991; Boch et al. 1961; Ernst et al. 1985, 1986; Greiner et al. 1982; Harleman & Meyer 1983; Henriksen et al. 1992; Lindsay et al. 1980, 1982, 1983a, 1983b, 1983c, 1984, 1991; Matuschka 1982 ; Sanford 1983; Stuart et al. 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982a, 1982b, 1982c, 1986; Upadhyay & Ahluwalia 1977, 1978; Vitovec & Koudela 1987a, 1987b, 1990; Vitovec et al. 1991; Yakimoff et al. 1936; Yvore et al. 1976

Reports of avian or carnivore isosporan-like coccidia in swine

Isospora almataensis Paichuk, 1953

Synonym: Isospora almatanesis Paichuk, 1953 of Fu, Lin, .... 1986, lapsus
Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
References: Fu et al. 1986; Paichuk 1953
This is likely an avian isosporan

Isospora neyrai Romero Rodriguez & Lizcano Herrera, 1971

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
Reference: Romero Rodriguez & Lizcano Herrera 1971
This is likely Toxoplasma, Hammondia, or Neospora from a felid or canid.

Isospora sp. of Shrivastav & Shah, 1968

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
Reference: Shrivastav & Shah 1968
This appears to be an avian isosporan.

Isospora sundarbanensis Ray & Sarkar, 1985

Host: Sus scrofa (swine)
Reference: Ray & Sarkar 1985
This appears to be an avian isosporan

Select references

Aleksic, N., Dimitrijevic, S., Lepojev, O., and Panajotovic, V. 1994. The first demonstration of Eimeria guevarai Rodriguez et Herrera, 1971. in Yugoslavia. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd) 44: 29- 32.

Alicata, J.E. 1946. Occurrence of Eimeria spinosa in swine raised in Hawaii. Journal of Parasitology 32: 514.

Andrews, J.S. and Spindler, L.A. 1952. Eimeria spinosa recovered fromswine raised in Maryland and Georgia. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 19: 64.

Arnastauskiene, T. 1976. On the coccidiae fauna of the wild boar and their host specificity. Acta Parasitologica Lituanica 14: 9-14.

Biester, H.E. 1934. Isospora suis, n. sp. from the pig. In, Coccidia and Coccidiosis of Domesticated, Game, and Laboratory Animals and of Man, Becker, E.R., editor. Collegiate Press, Ames, Iowa. pp. 106-107.

Biester, H.E., and Murray, C. 1934a. The occurrence of Isospora suis n. sp. in swine. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 84: 294.

Biester, H.E., and Murray, C. 1934b. Studies in infectious enteritis os swine VIII. Isospora suis n. sp. in swine. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 85: 207-219.

Blagburn, B.L., Boosinger, T.R., and Powe, T.A. 1991. Experimental Isospora suis infections in miniature swine. Veterinary Parasitology 38: 343-347.

Boch, J., Pezenburg, E., and Rosenfeld, V. 1961. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kokzidien der Schweine. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 74: 449-468.

Cauchemez, L. 1921. Frequence de la coccidie du porc (Eimeria brumpti, n. sp.), en France. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 14: 645-648.

*Centurier, H. 1970. Der Lebenszyklus des Schweinekokzids Eimeria polita (Pellerdy 1949). Dissertation, Berlin. 31 pp.

Chhabra, R.C. and Mafukidze, R.T. 1992. Prevalence of coccidia in pigs in Zimbabwe. Veterinary Parasitology 41: 1-5.

Coussement, W., Hoorens, A.M., Ducatelle, R., Berghen, P., and Geeraerts, J. 1981. Diarrhee bij zuigende biggen geassocieerd met Eimeria neodebliecki. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 50: 384-395.

Desser, S.S. 1978. Extraintestinal development of eimeriid coccidia in pigs and chamois. Journal of Parasitology 64: 933-935.

*Donciu, I. 1961. Cercetari asupra Coccidiilor la Animalele Domestice in R.P.R. Bucuresti. Ed. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., Bucarest. 89 pp.

*Douwes, J.B. 1921. Bijdrage tot de kennis van enkele darmprotozoen der huisdieren in het bijzonder bij schaap en varken. Proefschrift Veeartsenijkundige Hoogeschool, Utrecht. 62 pp.

Ernst, J.V., Lindsay, D.S., and Current, W.L. 1985. Control of Isospora suis-induced coccidiosis on a swine farm. American Journal of Veterinary Research 46: 643-645.

Ernst, J.V., Lindsay, D.S., Jarvinen, J.A., Todd, K.S., and Bane, D.P. 1986. The sporulation time of Isospora suis oocysts from different sources. Veterinary Parasitology 22: 1-8.

*Fu, A., Lin, M., .......1986. Investigating report on the coccidia of pigs in Jiangsu. Journal of the Jiangsu Agricultural College 7: 39-42.

Galli-Valerio, B.1935. Parasitologische Untersuchungen und parasitologische Technik. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitologie und Infektionskrankheiten. I. Originale 135: 318-327.

Greiner, E.C., Taylor, C., Frankenberger, W.B., and Belden, R.C. 1982. Coccidia of feral swine from Florida. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 181: 1275-1277.

Harleman, J.H. and Meyer, R.C. 1983. Isospora suis infection in piglets. A review. Veterinary Quarterly 5: 178-185.

Henriksen, S.A.A. and Christensen, J.P.B. 1992. Demonstration of Isospora suis oocysts in faecal samples. Veterinary Record 131: 443-444.

Henry, D.P. 1931. A study of the species of Eimeria occurring in swine. University of California Publicaions in Zoology 36: 115-127.

Hill, J.E., Lomax, L.G., Lindsay, D.S., and Lynn, B.S. 1985. Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria scabra in a finishing hog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 186: 981-983.

*Jaeger, O. 1921. Beitrage zur Anreicherung der Parasiteneier in Kot der Haustiere. Dissertation, Munich. 48 pp.

Koudela, B., Vitovec, J., and Sterba, J. 1990. Concurrent infection of enterocytes with Eimeria scabra and other enteropathogens in swine. Veterinary Parasitology 35: 71-77.

*Krediet G. 1921. Over het voorkommen van protozoen-cysten en entwikkelingsvormen van coccidien in den darm van mensch en enkele dieren. T. Vergelijik. Geneesk. 6: 95-104.

Lesser, E. and Davis, L.R. 1958. First report of Eimeria polita Pellerdy, 1949, from swine in the United States of America. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 25: 71-72.

Lindsay, D.S., Blagburn, B.L., and Boosinger, T.R. 1987. Experimental Eimeria debliecki infections in nursing and weaned pigs. Veterinary Parasitology 25: 39-45.

Lindsay, D.S., Blagburn, B.L., and Toivio-Kinnucan, M. 1991. Ultrastructure of developing Isospora suis in cultured cells. American Journal of Veterinary Research 52: 471-473.

Lindsay, D.S., Current, W.L., and Ernst, J.V. 1982. Sporogony of Isospora suis Biester, 1934 of swine. Journal of Parasitology 68: 861-865.

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