Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
The genus Barroussia (=Barrouxia) Schneider, 1885 has thus far only been reported from invertebrates and is characterized by oocysts with numerous sporocysts, each sporocyst with a bivalved wall and containing a single sporozoite. Levine (1983) reestablished the family Barroussiidae Leger, 1911 and included several genera (Barroussia, some Eimeria (=Goussia) spp., and Defretinella) based on the presence of longitudinally bivalved sporocysts (Levine, 1983). We do not consider the presence of sporocyst sutures a characteristic sufficient enough to warrent re-establishing the family Barroussiidae; thus, we retain the genus Barroussia within the family Eimeriidae.
Barrouxia alpina Leger, 1898
Barrouxia belostomatis Carini, 1942
Barrouxia bulini Triffit, Buckley, & McDonald, 1932
Barrouxia caudata Leger 1897
Barrouxia labbei (Leger 1897) Levine, 1980
Barrouxia legeri Schellack & Reichenow, 1913
Barrouxia ornata Schneider, 1886
Barrouxia schneideri (Butschli, 1882) Schellack & Reichenow, 1913
Barrouxia spiralis Averinzev, 1909
Barrouxia ventricosa (Leger 1898) Levine, 1980
Averintzew, S. 1909a. On the coccidia in the intestine of Cerebratulus sp. (Preliminary communication). Trudy Imperatorskago St.-Petersburg Obshchestvo Estestvoispytalelei, Vypusk 1, Protokoly Zasiedanli 39:320-329.
Averintzew, S. 1909b. Studies on the parasitic protozoa. VIII-XI. Trudy Imperatorskago St.-Petersburg Obshchestvo Estestvoipytatelei, Vypusk 2, Otdielenie Zoologii i Fiziologii 40: 1-96.
Averintzew, S. 1916. Studien uber parasitische protozoen. IV. Beobachtungen uber die entwicklungsgeschichte von coccidien aus dem darme von Cerebratulus sp. Archiv fur Protistenkunde 18: 11-47.
Ball, S.J. 1982. Ultrastructural observations on Barroussia schneideri (Apicomplexa, Eucoccidiida) in the centipede Lithobius forficatus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 39: 229-235.
Ball, S.J. and Pittilo, R.M. 1983a. Fine structure of microgametogenesis of Barroussia schneideri (Coccidia: Eimeriina) in the centipede Lithobius forficatus. Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde 69: 305-311.
Ball, S.J. and Pittilo, R.M. 1983b. Fine structure of the merozoites of Barroussia schneideri parasitic in Lithobius forticatus. International Journal for Parasitology 13: 145-149.
Butschli, O. 1882. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordungen des Thier-Reiches, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Erster band. Protozoa. C.F. Winter'sche Verlagsnandlung, Leipzig and Heidelberg. pp. 321-616.
Butschli, O. 1881. Kleine beitrage zur kenntnis der gregarinen. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Abteilung A 35: 384-409.
Canning, E.U. 1962. Sexual differentiation of merozoites of Barrouxia schneideri (Butschli). Nature (London) 195: 720-721.
Canning, E.U. 1963. The use of histochemistry in the study of sexuality in the coccidia with particular reference ot the Adeleidae. In, Progress in Protozoology, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Protozoology, August 22-31, Prague, Ludvik, J., Lom, J., and Vavra, J., editors. Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, and Academic Press, New York and London. pp. 439-442.
Carini, A. Sobre uma Barrouxia parasito do tubo intestinal de hemipteros do genero Belostoma. Arquivos de Biologia, Sao Paulo 26: 212-215.
Grasse, P.-P. 1953. Traite de Zoologie Anatomie, Systematique, Biologie. I. Protozoaires: Rhizopodes, Actinopodes, Sporozoaires, Cnidosporidies. Masson et Cie, Paris. 1160 pp.
Leger, L. 1897a. Coccidies nouvelles du tube digestif des myriapodes. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences (Paris) 124: 901-903.
Leger, L. 1897b. Echinospora labbei, nouvelle coccidie polysporee du tube difestif des myriapodes. Comptes Rendus des Sciences de la Societe de Biologie 49: 1082-1084.
Leger, L. 1898a. Sur les microgametes des coccidies. Comptes Rendus des Sciences de la Societe de Biologie 50: 639-644.
Leger, L. 1898b. Essai sur la classification des coccidies et description de quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues. Annales du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille, Serie II, Bulletin Notes Zoologiques, Geologiques, Paleontologiques Varietes 1: 71-123.
Levine, N.D. 1980. Some corrections of coccidian (Apicomplexa: Protozoa) nomenclature. Journal of Parasitology 66: 830-834.
Levine, N.D. 1983. The genera Barrouxia, Defretinella, and Goussia of the coccidian family Barrouxiidae (Protozoa, Apicomplexa). Journal of Protozoology 30: 542-547.
Lipa, J.J. 1966. Miscellaneous observations on protozoan infections of Nepa cinerea Linnaeus including descriptions of two previously unknown species of Microsporidia, Nosema bialoviesianae sp. n. and Thelohania nepae sp. n. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 8: 158-166.
Mesnil, F. 1903. Les travaux recents sur less coccidies. Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur (Paris) 1: 473-480.
Reyer, W. 1937a. Biometrische untersuchengen an cysten von Barrouxia schneideri aus dem darm von Lithobius forficatus. Archiv fur Protistenkunde 88: 431-439.
Reyer, W. 1937b. Infektionsversuche mit Barrouxia schneideri an Lithobius forficatus, insbesondere zur frage der sexualitat der coccidiensporozoiten. Zeitschrift fur Parasitienkunde 9: 478-522.
Schellack, C. 1912. Untersuchungen uber die coccidien aus Lithobius und Scolopendra (Barrouxia, Adelea, Eimeria). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 22: 163-179.
Schellack, C. and E. Reichenow. 1910. Neue beitrage zur kenntnis der Lithobius-coccidien. Zoologischer Anzeiger 36: 380-383.
Schellack, C. and E. Reichenow. 1913. Coccidien-untersuchungen. I. Barrouxia schneideri. Arbeiten aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte, Berlin 44: 30-77.
Schneider, A. 1886. Coccidies nouvelles ou peu connues. Tablettes Zoologie, Poitiers 1: 4-9.
Schneider, A. 1887. Coccidies nouvelles ou peu connues. Tablettes Zoologie, Poitiers 2: 5-18.
Triffit, M.J. 1932. On a new parasitic protozoon associated with a sickness in a bilharzian intermediate host. Journal of Helminthology 10: 45-52.
Vivier, E., Devauchelle, G., Petitprez, A., Porchet-Hennere, E., Prensier, G., Schrevel, J., and Vinckier, D. 1970. Observations de cytologie comparee chez les sporozoaires I.-Les structures superficielles chez les formes vegetatives. Protistologica 6: 127-150.
Wedekind, G. 1927. Zytologische untersuchungen an Barrouxia schneideri (gametenbildung, befruchtung und sporogonie), zugleich ein beitrag zum reduktionsproblem. (Coccidienuntersuchungen I). Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie 5: 505-595.