Coccidia (Eimeria and Isospora) of Carnivores II
(Herpestidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae, Procyonidae, Ursidae, Viverridae)

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 10 August 2000
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FAMILY: Herpestidae (mongoose, meerkat, suricat, fossa)

  1. Eimeria jalpaiguriensis Bahdyopadhyay, 1982
    1. Host: Herpestes edwardsi (Indian grey mongoose)
    2. Reference: Bahdyopadhyay 1982

  2. Eimeria newalai Dubey and Pande, 1963
    1. Host: Herpestes edwardsi (syn. Herpestes mungo) (Indian grey mongoose)
    2. References: Dubey and Pande 1963; Patnaik and Ray, 1965

  3. Eimeria pandei (Patnaik and Ray, 1965) Patnaik and Ray, 1966
    1. Host: Herpestes edwardsi (Indian grey mongoose)
    2. References: Patnaik and Ray 1965, 1966

  4. Isospora dasguptai Levine, Ivens, and Healy, 1975
    1. Synonym: Isospora garnhami Bray, 1954 of Dubey and Pande, 1963, pro parte (small form)
    2. Synonym: Isospora rivolta (Grassi, 1879) of Knowles and Das Gupta, 1931
    3. non Eimeria garnharmi Bray, 1954
    4. Hosts: Herpestes edwardsi (syn. Herpestes mungo) (Indian grey mongoose) ; Herpestes javanicus (syn. Herpestes auropunctatus) (Indian mongoose)
    5. References: Dubey and Pande 1963; Knowles and Das Gupta 1931; Levine et al. 1975

  5. Isospora garnhami Bray, 1954
    1. Hosts: Helogale parvula (syn. Helogale undulata rufula) (Dwarf mongoose); Crossarchus obscurus (Cusimanse)
    2. References: Bray 1954; Levine et al. 1975; Pellerdy 1959

  6. Isospora herpestei Levine, Ivens, and Healy, 1975
    1. Host: Herpestes javanicus (syn. Herpestes auropunctatus) (Indian mongoose)
    2. References: Levine et al. 1975

  7. Isospora hoarei Bray, 1954
    1. Host: Helogale parvula (syn. Helogale undulata rufula) (Dwarf mongoose)
    2. References: Bray 1954; Levine et al. 1975

  8. Isospora ichneumonis Levine, Ivens, and Healy, 1975
    1. Synonym: Isospora rivolta (Grassi, 1879) of Balozet, 1933
    2. Host: Herpestes ichneumon (Egyptian mongoose)
    3. References: Balozet 1933; Levine et al. 1975

  9. Isospora mungoi Levine, Ivens, and Healy, 1975
    1. Synonym: Isospora garnhami Bray, 1954 of Dubey and Pande, 1963, pro parte (large form)
    2. non Eimeria garnharmi Bray, 1954
    3. Host: Herpestes edwardsi (syn. Herpestes mungo) (Indian grey mongoose)
    4. References: Balozet 1933; Bray 1954; Dubey and Pande 1963; Levine et al. 1975

  10. Isospora pellerdyi Dubey and Pande 1964
    1. Synonym: Isospora dubeyi Patnaik and Ray, 1965
    2. Synonym: Isospora knowlesi Dubey and Pande, 1963, nomen preocc.
    3. non Isospora knowlesi Ray and Das Gupta, 1937
    4. Host: Herpestes edwardsi (syn. Herpestes mungo) (Indian grey mongoose)
    5. References: Dubey and Pande 1963, 1964; Levine et al. 1975; Patnaik and Ray 1965

  11. Isospora sp. of Bray, 1959
    1. Synonym: Isospora garnhami Bray, 1954 of Bray, 1959
    2. Host: Crossarchus obscurus (Cusimanse)
    3. References: Bray 1959; Levine et al. 1975
    4. Remarks: This may or may not represent Isospora garnhami

  12. Isospora sp. of Markus, 1972
    1. Host: Cynictis penicillata (Yellow mongoose)
    2. Reference: Markus 1972

FAMILY: Hyaenidae (hyenas)

  1. Isospora levinei Dubey, 1963
    1. Host: Hyaena hyaena (syn. Hyaena striata) (Striped hyaena)
    2. Reference: Dubey 1963

FAMILY: Mustelidae (mustelids)

  1. Eimeria baskanica Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev, 1972 vide Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev, 1977
    1. Host: Mustela erminae (Ermine)
    2. References: Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1977

  2. Eimeria furonis Hoare, 1927
    1. Hosts: Mustela putorius (Polecat) (syn. Mustela putorius furo - ferret); Mustela nigripes (Black-footed ferret); Mustela vison (Mink)
    2. References: Blankenship-Paris et al. 1993; Hoare 1927, 1935b; Jolley et al. 1994; Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973, 1977; Williams et al. 1988, 1992, 1996

  3. Eimeria hiepei Grafner, Graubmann, and Dobbriner, 1967
    1. Host: Mustela vison (Mink)
    2. References: Davis et al. 1953; Grafner et al. 1967

  4. Eimeria ictidea Hoare, 1927
    1. Hosts: Mustela eversmanni(?) (Steppe polecat); M. nigripes (Black-footed ferret); Mustela putorius (Polecat) (syn. Mustela putorius furo - ferret)
    2. References: Hoare 1927, 1935a, 1935b; Jolley et al. 1994; Litvenkova 1969; Svanbaev 1956; Tinar 1985; Williams et al. 1988, 1992

  5. Eimeria irara Carini and da Fonseca, 1938
    1. Host: Eira barbara (Tayra)
    2. Reference: Carini and da Fonseca 1938

  6. Eimeria melis Kotlan and Pospesch, 1933
    1. Host: Meles meles (Old world badger)
    2. References: Anwar et al. 2000; Klopfer and Neuman 1970; Kotlan and Pospesch 1933
    3. Remarks: It is likely that the report of E. melis in mink by Klopfer and Neuman (1970) is a misidentification.

  7. Eimeria mephitidis Andrews, 1928
    1. Host: Mephitis mephitis (Striped skunk)
    2. References: Andrews 1928; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1936

  8. Eimeria mustelae Iwanoff-Gobzem, 1934
    1. Hosts: Mustela nivalis (Snow weasel); Mustela vison (Mink)
    2. References: Glebezdin 1978; Iwanoff-Gobzem 1933, 1934; Levine 1948; Musaev and Veisov 1983; Tinar 1985

  9. Eimeria sablii Nukerbaeva, 1981
    1. Host: Martes zibellina (Sable)
    2. Reference: Nukerbaeva 1981

  10. Eimeria sibirica Yakimoff and Terwinsky, 1930
    1. Host: Martes zibellina (Sable)
    2. References: Nukerbaeva 1981; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1934; Yakimoff and Terwinsky 1930, 1931

  11. Eimeria sp. of Blankenship-Paris, Chang, and Bagnell, 1993
    1. Host: Mustela putorius furo (ferret)
    2. Reference: Blankenship-Paris et al. 1993

  12. Eimeria sp. of Musaev and Veisov, 1983
    1. Host: Mustela nivalis (Snow weasel)
    2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1983

  13. Eimeria sp. of Williams, Thorne, Kwiatkowski, and Oakleaf, 1992
    1. Host: Mustela nigripes (Black-footed ferret)
    2. References: Jolley et al. 1994; Williams et al. 1992

  14. Eimeria sp. of Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1934
    1. Host: Martes martes (Marten)
    2. Reference: Yakimoff and Gousseff 1934

  15. Eimeria vison Kingscote, 1935
    1. Synonym: Eimeria mustelae Kingscote, 1934, nomen preocc.
    2. Hosts: Mustela putorius (Polecat) (syn. M. putorius furo - ferret); Mustela vison (Mink)
    3. References: Foreyt and Todd 1976; Foreyt et al. 1977; Kingscote 1934, 1935; Klopfer and Neuman 1970; McTaggart 1960; Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973, 1974, 1977; Tinar 1985; Umurzakov and Nukerbaeva 1985; Wolter 1961; Zimmermann 1959

  16. Eimeria voronezhensis Levine and Ivens, 1981
    1. Synonym: Eimeria mephitidis Andrews, 1928 of Yakimoff and Matikaschwili, 1932
    2. Host: Mephitis mephitis (Striped skunk)
    3. References: Andrews 1928; Levine and ivens 1981; Yakimoff and Matikaschwili 1932

  17. Isospora africana Prasad, 1961
    1. Host: Ictonyx libyca (African wildcat)
    2. References: Prasad 1961; Trager 1961

  18. Isospora altaica Svanbaev and Rachmatullina, 1971
    1. Host: Mustela altaica (Mountain weasel)
    2. Reference: Svanbaev and Rachmatullina, 1971

  19. Isospora eversmanni Svanbaev, 1956
    1. Host: Mustela eversmanni (Eversmann's polecat); Mustela vison (Mink)
    2. References: Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973, 1977; Svanbaev 1956

  20. Isospora goussevi Musaev and Veisov, 1983
    1. Host: Mustela nivalis (Snow weasel)
    2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1983

  21. Isospora hoogstraali Prasad, 1961
    1. Host: Ictonyx libyca (African wildcat)
    2. References: Prasad 1961; Trager 1961

  22. Isospora laidlawi Hoare, 1927
    1. Hosts: Mustela putorius (Polecat) (syn. Mustela putorius furo - ferret); Mustela vison (Mink)
    2. References: Foreyt et al. 1977; Hoare 1927; Klopfer and Neuman 1970; Levine 1948; McTaggart 1960; Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973, 1974, 1977; Tinar 1985

  23. Isospora lutrae Torres, Modry, Fernandez, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000
    1. Synonym: Isospora sp. of Hoover, Bahr, Nieves, Doyle, Zimmer, and Lauzon, 1985 (?)
    2. Host: Lutra lutra (European otter)
    3. References: Hoover et al. 1985; Torres et al. 2000

  24. Isospora martessii Nukerbaeva, 1981
    1. Host: Martes zibellina (Sable)
    2. Reference: Nukerbaeva 1981

  25. Isospora melis (Kotlan and Pospesch, 1933) Pellerdy, 1955
    1. Synonym: Lucetina sp. of Kotlan and Pospesch, 1933
    2. Host: Meles meles (Old world badger)
    3. References: Anwar et al. 2000; Glebezdin 1978; Kotlan and Pospesch 1933; Pellerdy 1955

  26. Isospora mustelae Galli-Valerio, 1932, nomen nudum
    1. Host: Martes martes (Marten)
    2. Reference: Galli-Valerio 1932

  27. Isospora nivalis Musaev and Veisov, 1983
    1. Host: Mustela nivalis (Snow weasel)
    2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1983

  28. Isospora pavlowskyi Svanbaev, 1956
    1. Host: Mustela eversmanni (Eversmann's polecat)
    2. Reference: Svanbaev 1956

  29. Isospora putorii (Railliet and Lucet, 1891) Becker, 1934
    1. Synonym: Coccidium bigeminum var putorii Railliet and Lucet, 1891
    2. Synonym: Coccidium bigeminum var putorii(?) of Galli-Valerio, 1935
    3. Synonym: Lucetina putorii (Railliet and Lucet, 1891) Henry and Leblois, 1926
    4. Hosts: Mustela erminea (Ermine)(?); Mustela putorius (Polecat) (syn. Mustela putorius furo - ferret)
    5. References: Becker 1934; Galli-Valerio 1935; Henry and Leblois 1926; Levine 1948; Railliet and Lucet 1891; Tadros and Laarman 1978
    6. Remarks: This is now termed Sarcocystis putorii (Railliet and Lucet, 1891) Tadros and Laarman, 1978. It is not a valid Isospora sp.

  30. Isospora sengeri Levine and Ivens, 1964
    1. Host: Spilogale putorius (Spotted skunk)
    2. Reference: Levine and Ivens 1964

  31. Isospora sp. of Bell, 1994
    1. Host: Mustela putorius furo (ferret)
    2. Reference: Bell 1994

  32. Isospora sp. of Bell, 1994
    1. Host: Mustela putorius furo (ferret)
    2. Reference: Bell 1994

  33. Isospora spilogales Levine and Ivens, 1964
    1. Host: Spilogale putorius (Spotted skunk)
    2. Reference: Levine and Ivens 1964

  34. Isospora zorillae (Prasad, 1961) Pellerdy, 1974
    1. Synonym: Isospora begemina var zorillae Prasad, 1961
    2. Host: Ictonyx libyca (African wildcat)
    3. References: Pellerdy 1974; Prasad 1961; Trager 1961
    4. Remarks: This is most likely a Sarcocystis sp.

FAMILY: Procyonidae (coati, kinkagou, raccoon)

  1. Eimeria nasuae Carini and Grechi, 1938
    1. Host: Nausa narica (White-nosed coati)
    2. Reference: Carini and Grechi 1938

  2. Eimeria nuttalli Yakimoff and Matikaschwili, 1932
    1. Host: Procyon lotor (Raccoon)
    2. References: Adams et al. 1981; Inabnit et al. 1972; MacKinnon and Dibb 1938; Morgan and Waller 1940; Robell et al. 1989; Snyder 1984; Yakimoff and Matikaschwili 1932b, 1933

    Eimeria poti Lainson, 1968
    1. Host: Potos flavus (Kinkajou)
    2. Reference: Lainson 1968

    Eimeria procyonis Inabnit, Chobotar, and Ernst, 1972
    1. Host: Procyon lotor (Raccoon)
    2. References: Adams et al. 1981; Dubey 1982; Duszynski et al. 1981; Inabnit et al. 1972; Robell et al. 1989; Snyder 1984

  3. Isospora chobotari Levine and Ivens, 1981
    1. Synonym:Isospora sp. of Inabnit, Chobotar, and Ernst, 1972
    2. Host: Procyon lotor (Raccoon)
    3. References: Inabnit et al. 1972; Levine and Ivens 1981

FAMILY: Ursidae (bears)

  1. Eimeria ailuri Agrawal, Ahluwalia, Bhatia, and Chauhan, 1981
    1. Host: Ailurus fulgens (Red panda)
    2. Reference: Agrawal et al. 1981

  2. Eimeria albertensis Hair and Mahrt, 1970
    1. Host: Ursus americanus (American black bear)
    2. Reference: Hair and Mahrt 1970
    3. Remarks: This is likely a rabbit pseudoparasite

  3. Eimeria borealis Hair and Mahrt, 1970
    1. Host: Ursus americanus (American black bear)
    2. Reference: Hair and Mahrt 1970
    3. Remarks: This is likely a rabbit pseudoparasite

  4. Eimeria ursi Yakimoff and Matschoulsky, 1935
    1. Host: Ursus arctos (syn. Ursus aretis) (Brown bear)
    2. Reference: Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1935
    3. Remarks: This is likely an avian or rodent pseudoparasite

  5. Isospora fonsecaiYakimoff and Matschoulsky, 1940
    1. Host: Ursus arctos (syn. Ursus pamirensis) (Brown bear)
    2. Reference: Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1940
    3. Remarks: This is likely an avian pseudoparasite

  6. Isospora sp. of Yakimoff and Matshoulsky 1935
    1. Host: Ursus arctos (=Ursus aretis) (Brown bear)
    2. Reference: Yakimoff and Matschoulsky 1935
    3. Remarks: This is likely an avian pseudoparasite

  7. Isospora ursi Agrawal, Ahluwalia, Bhatia, and Chauhan, 1981
    1. Host: Melurus ursinus (Sloth bear)
    2. Reference: Agrawal et al. 1981

  8. Undetermined enteric coccidia of Gau, Kutz, and Elkin, 1999
    1. Host: Ursus arctos (Grizzly bear)
    2. Reference: Gau et al. 1999

FAMILY: Viverridae
(binturong, civits, fossa, genets, linsangs)

  1. "Coccidium" of Bray, 1964
    1. Host: Civettictis civetta (African civit cat)
    2. Reference: Bray 1964

  2. Eimeria genettae Agostinucci and Bronzini, 1955
    1. Host: Genetta genetta (syn. Genetta dongolona) (African genet)
    2. Reference: Agostinucci and Bronzini 1955

  3. Isospora viverrae Adler, 1924
    1. Host: Civettictis civetta (African civit cat)
    2. Reference: Adler 1924


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Agostinucci, J., and Bronzini, E. 1955. Eimeria genettae n. sp. parasita della Genetta dongolana. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Microbiology (1953) 5: 284-285.

Agrawal, R.D., Ahluwalia, S.S., Bhatia, B.B., and Chauhan, P.P.S. 1981. Note on mammalian coccidia at Lucknow Zoo. Indian Journal of Animal Science 51: 125-128.

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Levine, N.D., and Ivens, V. 1964. Isospora spilogales n. sp. and I. sengeri n. sp. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius ambarvalis. Journal of Protozoology 11: 505-509.

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