The Coccidian Genus Caryospora

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 12 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

The coccidian genus Caryospora Leger, 1904 is the third largest genus in the Eimeriidae. Oocysts possess a single sporocyst, each sporocyst with 8 sporozoites. The majority of species occur either in raptors or snakes, and the morphologic differences suggest independent lineages. Most species are homoxenous, although some species in snakes are facultatively homoxenous and can utilize rodents as transport/intermediate hosts.

Class: Aves

Caryospora arcayae Volcan & Medrano, 1984

Synonym: Caryospora sp. of Upton & Sundermann, 1990
Hosts: Buteo magnirostris, B. platypterus (Falconiformes)
References: Upton & Sundermann 1990; Upton et al. 1990; Volcan & Medrano (1984)

Caryospora argentati Schwalbach, 1959

Host: Larus argentatus (Charadriiformes)
Reference: Schwalbach 1959
This coccidian could also be easily placed within the genus Tyzzeria sp.

Caryospora bubonis Cawthorn & Stockdale, 1981

Host: Bubo virginianus (Strigiformes)
References: Cawthorn & Stockdale 1981, 1982; Stockdale & Cawthorn 1981

Caryospora falconis Wetzel & Enigk, 1937

Hosts: Falco peregrinus, F. subbuteo, F. tinnunculus (Falconiformes)
References: Frey & Kutzer (1982); Kutzer et al. (1980); Wetzel & Enigk (1937; 1939); Yakimoff & Matschoulsky (1936)

Caryospora gloriae Pellerdy, 1967

Host: Dives atroviolaceus (Passeriformes)
Reference: Pellerdy 1967
This may be an erroneous description based on improper sporulation of an isosporan

Caryospora henryae (Yakimoff & Matikaschwili, 1932) Yakimoff & Matschulsky, 1936

Synonym: Isospora henryi Yakimoff & Matikaschwili, 1932
Host: Bubo bubo (Strigiformes)
References: Yakimoff & Matikachwili (1932); Yakimoff & Matschoulsky (1936, 1940)

Caryospora jiroveci Cerna, 1976

Host: Erithacus rubecula (Passeriformes)
Reference: Cerna 1976; Svobodova 1994

Caryospora kansasensis Upton, Campbell, Weigel, & McKown, 1990

Synonym: Caryospora sp. of Upton & Sundermann, 1990
Host: Buteo swainsoni (Falconiformes)
References: Upton & Sundermann (1990); Upton et al. (1990)

Caryospora kutzeri Boer, 1982

Synonym: Caryospora henryi of Yakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1936, pro parte
Synonym: Caryospora sp. of Cringoli, Quesada, & Papparella, 1991
Synonym: Caryospora sp. of Kutzer, Frey, & Kotremba, 1980
Synonym: Caryospora falconis of Schellner & Rodler, 1971
Hosts: Falco biarmicus, F. cherrug, F. jugger, F. mexicanus, F. peregrinus, F. rusticolus, F. subbuteo,
F. tinnunculus (Falconiformes)
References: Boer (1982); Cringoli et al. (1989, 1991); Schaffrath-Boer (1983); Kutzer et al. (1980);
Schellner & Rodler (1971); Yakimoff & Matschoulsky (1936)

Caryospora lindsayi Upton, Campbell, Weigel, & McKown, 1990

Host: Buteo jamaicensis (Falconiformes)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora neofalconis Boer, 1982

Host: Falco biarmicus, F. mexicanus, F. peregrinus, F. subbuteo, F. tinnunculus (Falconiformes)
Reference: Boer 1982

Caryospora sp. of Svobodova, 1994

Host: Acrocephalus palustris (Passeriformes)
References: Svobodova 1990, 1994

Caryospora sp. of Svobodova, 1994

Host: Hippolais sp. (Passeriformes)
References: Svobodova 1994

Caryospora sp. of Varghese & Yayabu, 1981

Host: Diphyllodes magnificus (Passeriformes)
References: Varghese & Yayabu 1981
This is probably an isosporan that sporulated abnormally

Caryospora sp. of Wetzel & Enigk, 1939

Synonym: Caryospora falconis of Wetzel & Enigk, 1939
Host: Athene noctua (Strigiformes)
References: Wetzel & Enigk 1939

Caryospora sp. of Yakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1936

Synonym: Caryospora henryae of Yakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1936, pro parte (ovoid form)
Host: Milvus migrans (Strigiformes)
Reference: Yakimoff & Matschoulsky 1936

Caryospora sp. of Yakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1936

Synonym: Caryospora henryae of Yakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1936, pro parte (round form)
Host: Milvus migrans (Strigiformes)
Reference: Yakimoff & Matschoulsky 1936

Caryospora strigis Gottschalk, 1972

Host: Tyto alba (Strigiformes)
References: Gottschalk 1972

Caryospora tremula (Allen, 1933) Hoare, 1934

Synonym: Eumonospora tremula Allen, 1933
Host: Cathartes aura (Falconiformes)
References: Allen 1933, 1934; Hoare 1934

Caryospora undata Schwalbach, 1959

Synonym: Caryospora undulata Poelma & Strik, 1966, lapsus
Host: Larus argentatus, Lunda cirrhata, Uria aalge aalge (Charadriformes)
References: Poelma & Strik 1966; Schwalbach 1959; Upton & Sundermann 1990; Upton et al. 1992
This coccidian could also be easily placed within the genus Tyzzeria sp.

Caryospora uptoni Lindsay & Blagburn, 1986

Host: Buteo jamaicensis (Falconiformes)
References: Lindsay & Blagburn 1986, 1989; Upton et al. 1990


Allen, E.A. 1933. Eumonospora tremula gen. et sp. nov., a coccidium from the intestine of the turkey buzzard, Cathartes aura septentrionalis Weid. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 52: 192-194.

Allen, E.A. 1934. Eumonospora tremula (Allen, 1933) emended to Caryospora tremula (Allen, 1933) Hoare, 1934. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 53: 293.

Boer, B. 1982. Untersuchungen uber das Vorkommen von Kokzidien bei Greifvogeln und uber die Entwicklung von zwei Caryospora-Arten der Falken (Caryospora neofalconis n. sp. und Caryospora kutzeri n. sp.). Dissertation, Institute fur Parasitologie der Tierarzlichen Hochschule Hannover, 83 pp.

Burtscher, H. 1966. Nieren-Kokzidiose bei Eulen. Wiener Tierarztlichen Monatschrift 53: 654-666.

Cawthorn, R.J. and Stockdale, P.H.G. 1981. Description of Eimeria bubonis sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) and Caryospora bubonis sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) in the great horned owl, Bubo virginianus (Gmelin), of Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59: 170-173.

Cawthorn, R.J. and Stockdale, P.H.G. 1982a. The developmental cycle of Caryospora bubonis Cawthorn and Stockdale 1981 (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) in the great horned owl, Bubo virginianus (Gmelin). Canadian Journal of Zoology 60: 152-157.

Cerna, Z. 1976. Two new coccidians from passeriform birds. Folia Parasitologica (Praha) 23: 277-279.

Cringoli, G., Quesada, A., and Papparella, V. 1991. Caryospora sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Falconiformes: Falconidae. Rivista di Parassitologia 8: 39-46.

Cringoli, G., Papparella, V., Quesada, A., and Scebba, S. 1989. Preliminary findings about the diffusion of Isospora and Caryospora species in wild birds. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Coccidiosis Conference, Tours (France), 17-20 October, 1989.

Frey, H., and Kutzer, E. 1982. Zur Diagnostik heimischer Greifvogelund Eulenparasiten. Praktische Tierarztliche 10: 894-902.

Gottschalk, C. 1972. Beitrag zur Faunistik der Vogelkokzidien Thuringens und Sachsens. Beitraege zur Vogelkunde, Leipzig, 18: 61-69.

Helmboldt, C.F. 1967. An unidentified protozoan parasite in the kidney of the great-horned owl (Bubo virginianus). Bulletin of the Wildlife Diseases Association 3: 23-25.

Hoare, C.A. 1934. On the systematic status of Eumonospora tremula Allen, 1933 (Coccidiida Eimeriidae). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 53: 6-7.

Kutzer, E. von, Frey, H., and Kotremba, J. 1980. Zur Parasitenfauna osterreichischer Greifvogel (Falconiformes). Angewandte Parasitologie 21: 183-205.

Lindsay, D.S. and Blagburn, B.L. 1986. Caryospora uptoni n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis borealis). Journal of Parasitology 72: 762-765.

Lindsay, D.S. and Blagburn, B.L. 1989. Caryospora uptoni and Frenkelia sp.-like coccidial infections in red-tailed hawks, Buteo borealis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 25: 407-409.

Pellerdy, L. 1967. Three new coccidia parasitic in Cuban birds (Protozoa: Sporozoa). Acta Zoologica Acadamiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 13: 227-230.

Poelma, F.G. and Strik, W.J. 1966. Caryospora undata, Schwalbach 1959, a coccidium from the intestine of a guillemot, Uria aalge aalge, Pontoppidan, 1763). Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 91: 917-919.

Schaffrath-Boer, A. 1983. Untersuchungen uber den endogenen Entwicklungszyklus von Caryospora kutzeri (Boer, 1982). Dissertation, Institute fur Parasitologie der Tierarztlichen Hochschule Hannover. 47 pp.

Schellner, H.-P., and Rodler, S. 1971. Ein Trematoden-und Kokzidienbefall bei einem Luggerfalken (Falco juggar). Jahrbucher Deutscher Falkenorden 1970/1971: 90-93.

Schwalbach, G. 1959. Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an Coccidien der Gattungen Eimeria, Isospora und Caryospora bei Vogeln mit einer Beschribung von sechzehn neuen Arten. Archiv fur Protistenkunde 104: 431-491.

Stockdale, P.H.G., and Cawthorn, R.J. 1981. The coccidian Caryospora bubonis in the great horned owl (Bubo virginianus). Journal of Protozoology 28: 255-257.

Svobodova, M. 1990. A preliminry study of monoxenous coccidia in passerine birds. Proceedings of the 20th annual conference, Protozoology section, Czechoslovakian Zoological Society. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemoslovacae 56: 77.

Svobodova, M. 1994. Isospora, Caryospora and Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in passeriform birds from Czech Republic. Acta Protozoologica 33: 101-108.

Upton,S.J., Current, W.L., and Barnard, S.M. 1986. A review of the genus Caryospora Leger, 1904 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). Systematic Parasitolology 8: 3-21.

Upton, S.J., Campbell, T.W., Weigel, M., and McKown, R.D. 1990. The Eimeriidae (Apicomplexa) of raptors: Review of the literature and description of new species of the genera Caryospora and Eimeria. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 1256-1265.

Upton, S.J., Odell, D.K., and Walsh, M.T. 1992. Description of the oocysts of Caryospora undata (Apicomplexa) from tufted puffins, Lunda cirrhata (Charadriiformes). Texas Journal of Science 44: 79-82.

Upton, S.J. and Sundermann, C.A. 1990. Caryospora: Biology. Chapter 10. In, Coccidiosis of Man and Domestic Animals, Long, P.L., editor. CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 187-204.

Varghese, T. and Yayabu, R. 1981. A survey of coccidian and helminth parasites of birds in Papua New Guinea with special reference to the Birds of Paradise. In, Wildlife Diseases of the Pacific Basin and other Countries, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, August 25-28, 1981, Sydney, Australia, Fowler, M.E., editor. Wildlife Disease Association, Sydney. pp. 102-107.

Volcan, G.S., and Medrano, C.E. 1984. Esporozoario de aves Falconiformes en el estado Bolivar, Venezuela Caryospora arcayae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). In Cuadernos de Geografia Medica de Guayana. Edited by G.S. Volcan, C.V.G. Electrificacion del Caroni C.A./EDELCA, Venezuela, 1: 1-14.

Wetzel, R. and Enigk, K. 1937. Caryospora falconis n. sp. (Eimeriidea) aus dem Wanderfalken. Sitzungsberichte Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, Jan. 19, pp. 6-9.

Wetzel, R. and Enigk, K. 1939. Beobachtungen uber parasitare Erkrankungen der Falken und Vorschlage zu ihrer Bekampfung. Gonderdrud aus der Zeitschrift Deutscher Falkenorden 1: 24-33.

Yakimoff, W.L. and Matikaschwili, I.L. 1932. La coccidie du hibou. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 25: 1045-1046.

Yakimoff, W.L. and Matschoulsky, S.N. 1936. On the coccidia of birds of prey. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 56: 372-375.

Yakimoff, W.L. and Matschoulsky, S.N. 1940. Coccidia in animals of the Zoological Gardens in Tashkent. Ecologischeskii Institut Parazitologischessi Sbornik, Akademii Nauk SSR, Leningrad 13: 236-248.

Class: Mammalia

Only a single species of mammalian caryosporan has been reported, and this species appears to be a pseudoparasite due to abnormal sporulation of isosporan oocysts. However, multiple reports have suggested that some members of the genus Caryospora may develop in ectopic sites in mammals, especially in the dermis (Douglas et al. 1991; Dubey & Speer 1991; Dubey et al. 1990; Sundermann et al. 1988, 1990, 1991). In the majority of naturally occurring cases, however, the exact organism cannot be identified (see Arcay 1982; Cable & Conaway 1953; Hrudka et al. 1983; Marcone 1908; Sangster et al. 1985; Shelton et al. 1968).

Caryospora microti Saxe, Levine, & Ivens, 1960

Host: Microtus pennsylvanicus (Rodentia)
References: Saxe 1952; Saxe et al. 1960
This coccidian is the result of abnormal sporulation of an isosporan pseudoparasite


Arcay, L. 1982. Genital coccidiosis in the golden hampster (Cricetus cricetus), in Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. Parasites- their World and ours, Muller, M., Gutteridge, W., and Kohler, P., Eds., Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Parasitology (Toronto), August 7-14, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Toronto, pp. 404.

Cable, R.M. and Conaway, C.H. 1953. Coccidiosis of mammary tissue in the water shrew, Sorex palustris navigator. Journal of Parasitology 39: (suppl.) 30.

Douglas, R.J., Sundermann, C.A., Lindsay, D.S., and Mulvaney, D.R. 1991b. Development of Caryospora bigenetica (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in porcine tissues. Journal of Protozoology 38: (Abstract 10): 2A.

Dubey, J.P. and Speer, C.A. 1991. Sarcocystis canis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae), the etiologic agent of generalized coccidiosis in dogs. Journal of Parasitology 77: 522-527.

Dubey, J.P., Black, S.S., Sangster, L.T., Lindsay, D.S., Sundermann, C.A., and Topper, M.J. 1990. Caryospora-associated dermatitis in dogs. Journal of Parasitology 76: 522-556.

Hrudka, F., Cawthorn, R.J., and Haigh, J.C. 1983. The occurence of coccidia (Eimeriidae) in epididymal semen of a wapiti (Cervus canadensis nelsoni). Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 1693-1699.

Marcone, G. 1908. Sporozoen-Dermatosen des hundes. Zeitschrift fur Infektionskrankheiten, Parasitharekrankheiten und Hygiene der Haustiere 4: 5-32.

Sangster, L.T., Styler, E.L., and Hall, G.A. 1985. Coccidia associated with cutaneous nodules in a dog. Veterinary Pathology 22: 186-188.

Saxe, L.H. 1952. Observations on coccidia from Microtus pennsylvanicus. Journal of Protozoology 3 (Abstract):13.

Saxe, L.H., Levine, N.D., and Ivens, V. 1960. New species of coccidia from the meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus. Journal of Protozoology 7: 61-63.

Shelton, G.C., Kintner, L.D., and MacKintosh, D.O. 1968. A coccidia-like organism associated with subcutaneous granulomata in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 152: 263-267.

Sundermann, C.A., Blagburn, B.L., Swango, L.J., and Boosinger, T. 1988. Dermal coccidiosis in dogs. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Sciences 59 (Abstract): 3.

Sundermann, C.A., Blagburn, B.L., Swango, L.J., and Boosinger, T.R. 1990. Development of Caryospora bigenetica (Apicomplexa) in canines. Journal of Protozoology 37(Supplement 27): 5A.

Sundermann, C.A., Lindsay, D.S., and Blagburn, B.L. 1991. Use of sulfadiazine to prevent dermal coccidiosis. Proceedings of the 44th annual meeting, Society of Protozoologists, Montana State University, Bozeman. 28 June - 2 July, 1991. Abstract 55, p. 41.

Class: Reptilia, Order: Chelonia

Caryospora cheloniae Leibovitz, Rebell, & Boucher. 1978

Host: Chelonia mydas (green sea turtle)
References: Gordon et al. 1993; Laukner 1985; Leibovitz et al. 1978; Rebell et al. 1974; Sundermann 1988


Gordon, A.N., Kelly, W.R., and Lester, R.J. 1993. Epizootic mortality of free-living green turtles, Chelonia mydas, due to coccidiosis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 29: 490-494.

Lauckner, G. 1985. Chapter 2. Diseases of Reptilia. In: Diseases of Marine Animals, Kinne, O., Editor. Volume 4, Part 2. Introduction, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Hamburg. pp. 552-626.

Leibovitz, L., Rebell, G., and Boucher, G.C. 1978. Caryospora cheloniae sp. n.: a coccidial pathogen of mariculture-reared green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas mydas). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 14: 269-275.

Rebell, G., Rywlin, A., and Ulrich, G. 1974. Coccidiosis in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in mariculture. In, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the World Mariculture Association, Charleston, South Carolina, January 21-25, 1974. Avault, L.W., Jr., ed. Division of Continuing Education, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 197-204.

Sindermann, C.J. 1988. Coccidian disease of green turtles. In, Disease Diagnosis and Control in North American Marine Aquaculture, Sindermann, C.J. and Lightner, D.V., editors. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 384-385.

Class: Reptilia, Order: Sauria

Caryospora ernsti Upton, Current, and Barnard, 1984

Host: Anolis carolinensis (Sauria)
References: McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1984, 1986

Caryospora gekkonis Chakravarty & Kar, 1947

Host: Gekko gekko (Sauria)
References: Chakravarty & Kar 1947

Caryospora varani Kaur & Oberoi, 1987

Host: Varanus monitor (Sauria)
Reference: Kaur & Oberoi 1987
This appears to be a misidentification and should be considered a .


Chakravarty, M. and Kar, A.B. 1947. Observations on two reptilian coccidia. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Science 12: 3-5.

Kaur, D. and Oberoi, R.K. 1987. Studies on protozoan gut fauna of varanus monitor (carnivorous lizard). The Indian Zoologist 11: 35-39.

McAllister, C.T., Upton, S.J., and Trauth, S.E. 1994. New host and distribution records for coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from North American lizards (Reptilia: Sauria). Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington 61: 221-224.

Upton, S.J., Current, W.L., and Barnard, S.M., 1984b. A new species of Caryospora (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) from the green lizard, Anolis carolinensis. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 103: 245-248.

Upton, S.J., Current, W.L., and Barnard, S.M. 1986. A review of the genus Caryospora Leger, 1904 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). Systematic Parasitology 8: 321.

Class: Reptilia, Order: Serpentes

Caryospora ahaetullae Modry & Koudela, 1994

Host: Ahaetulla nasuta (Colubridae)
Reference: Modry & Koudela 1994

Caryospora barnardae Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

Host: Liopholidophis stumpffi (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora bengalensis Mandal, 1976

Host: Enhydris enhydris (Colubridae)
Reference: Mandal 1976

Caryospora bigenetica Wacha & Christiensen, 1982

Hosts: Agkistrodon contortrix, Crotalus adamanteus, C. atrox, C. horridus, Sistrurus catenatus (Viperidae)
References: Douglas et al. 1988, 1991a, 1991b; Dubey & Speer 1991; Dubey et al. 1990, 1991;
Fayer & Dubey 1987; Lindsay & Dubey 1989; Lindsay et al. 1988; Stibbs & Ongerth 1986; Sundermann 1990, 1991;
Sundermann & Lindsay 1989a, 1989b, 1989c; Sundermann et al. 1988a, 1988b, 1988c, 1989, 1990, 1991;
Tibbs et al. 1988; Upton & Barnard 1988; Upton & Sundermann 1990; Vitovec et al. 1997;
Wacha & Christiensen 1981, 1982a, 1982b

Caryospora brasiliensis Carini, 1932

Host: Philodryas aestivus, P. olfersi, P. nattareri, Leimadophis poecilogyrus (Colubridae)
References: Carini 1932; Lainson & Shaw 1973

Caryospora brygooi Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

Host: Madagascarophis colubrinus (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora carajasensis Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Oxyrhopus petola digitalis (Colubridae)
Reference: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora cobrae Nandi, 1985

Host: Naja naja (Elapidae)
Reference: Nandi 1985

Caryospora colubris Matuschka, 1984

Host: Coluber viridiflavus (Colubridae)
References: Matuschka 1984b; Paperna 1991; Paperna & Finkelman 1991

Caryospora constanciae Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Micrurus spixii spixii (Elapidae)
Reference: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora corallae Matuschka 1984

Host: Corallus caninus (Boidae)
Reference: Matuschka 1984a

Caryospora demansiae Cannon 1967

Host: Demansia psammophis (Elapidae)
References: Cannon 1967; Rzepczyk 1976

Caryospora dendrelaphis Cannon & Rzepczyk, 1974

Host: Dendrelaphis punctulatus (Colubridae)
References: Cannon & Rzepczyk 1974; Rzepczyk 1976

Caryospora duszynskii Upton, Current, & Barnard, 1984

Host: Elaphe guttata, E. obsoleta (Colubridae)
References: Lindsay et al. 1988; McAllister 1989; Upton & McAllister 1990; Upton et al. 1984a

Caryospora epicratesi Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Epicrates cenchria cenchria (Boidae)
References: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora gracilis Upton, McAllister, Trauth, & Bibb, 1992

Host: Tantilla gracilis (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1992b

Caryospora hermae Bray, 1960

Host: Psammophis sibilans (Colubridae)
Reference: Bray 1960

Caryospora heterodermus Upton, Freed, & Freed, 1992

Host: Philothamnus heterodermus (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1992a

Caryospora japonicum Matubayasi, 1936

Host: Natrix tigrina (Colubridae)
References: Matubayasi 1936, 1937

Caryospora jararacae Carini, 1939

Host: Bothrops jararaca (Viperidae)
References: Carini 1939; Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora kalimantanensis Modry and Koudela, 1997

Host: Boiga dendrophila (Colubridae)
Reference: Modry & Koudela 1997

Caryospora lampropeltis Anderson, Duszynski, & Marquardt, 1968

Host: Lampropeltis calligaster (Colubridae)
Reference: Anderson et al. 1968

Caryospora legeri Hoare, 1933

Host: Psammophis sibilans (Colubridae)
Reference: Hoare 1933

Caryospora maculatus Upton, Freed, & Freed, 1992

Host: Causus maculatus (Viperidae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1992a

Caryospora madagascariensis Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

Host: Madagascarophis colubrinus, Mimophis mahfalensis (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora masticophis Upton, McAllister, & Trauth, 1994

Host: Coluber contstrictor priapus Southern black racer); Masticophis f. flagellum (Eastern coachwhip) (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1994

Caryospora micruri Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Micrurus spixii spixii (Elapidae)
Reference: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora minuta Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

Host: Lioheterodon madagascariensis (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora najadae Matuschka 1986

Host: Coluber najadum (Colubridae)
Reference: Matuschka 1986a

Caryospora najae Matuschka 1982

Host: Naja nigricollis (Elapidae)
Reference: Matuschka 1982

Caryospora paraensis Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Oxyrhopus petola digitalis (Colubridae)
Reference: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora peruensis Upton, Freed, & Freed, 1989

Host: Oxybelis argenteus (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1989

Caryospora psammophi Bray, 1969

Host: Psammophis sibilans (Colubridae)
Reference: Bray 1960

Caryospora pseustesi Lainson, Paiva do Nascimento, & Shaw, 1991

Host: Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus (Colubridae)
Reference: Lainson et al. 1991

Caryospora relictae Telford, 1997

Host: Tantilla relicta (Colubridae)
Reference: Telford 1997

Caryospora serpentis Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

Host: Lioheterodon madagascariensis, Mimophis mahfalensis (Colubridae)
Reference: Upton et al. 1990

Caryospora simplex Leger, 1904

Synonym: Karyospora simplex Leger, 1904, lapsus
Host: Vipera ammodytes, V. aspis, V. berus, V. kaznakovi, V. palestinae, V. russelli, V. xanthina (Viperidae)
References: Augustine & Danforth 1985; Barnard 1986; Lavier 1939; Leger 1904, 1911; Matuschka 1986b; Modry et al. 1997; Upton 1983; Upton & Barnard 1986; Upton et al. 1983a, 1983b, 1983c, 1984c, 1984d, 1984e, 1984f, 1985; Vitovec et al. 1997; Wilber et al. 1995

Caryospora sp. of Hoge, 1991

Host: Bothrops jararacussu (Viperidae)
Reference: Hoge 1991

Caryospora sp. of Hoge, 1991

Host: Tomodon dorsatus (Colubridae)
Reference: Hoge 1991

Caryospora sp. of Upton & Sundermann, 1990

Host: Bothrops lateralis (Viperidae)
Reference: Upton & Sundermann 1990

Caryospora spp. of Hoge, 1991

Host: Crotalus durissus (Viperidae)
Reference: Hoge 1991

Caryospora tantillae Telford, 1997

Host: Tantilla relicta (Colubridae)
Reference: Telford 1997

Caryospora telescopis Matuschka 1986

Host: Telescopus fallax (Colubridae)
References: Matuschka 1986b

Caryospora veselyi Modry & Koudela, 1998

Host: Ahaetulla nasuta (Colubridae)
Reference: Modry & Koudela 1998

Caryospora weyerae Bray, 1960

Host: Psammophis sibilans (Colubridae)
References: Bray 1960

Caryospora zuckermanae Bray, 1960

Host: Coluber ravergieri (Colubridae)
Reference: Bray 1960


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