Coccidia (Eimeria and Isospora) of Chelonia

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski 1, Steve J. Upton 2, and Lee Couch 1

1 Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2 Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 14 July 2008
Comments: (Duszynski), (Couch), or (Upton)

Family: Cheloniidae

Eimeria caretta Upton, Odell, and Walsh, 1990

  • Host: Caretta caretta (Loggerhead sea turtle)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1990

    Family: Chelydridae

    Eimeria chelydrae Ernst, Stewart, Sampson, and Fincher, 1969

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. A of McAllister, 1989
  • Host: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turle)
  • References: Ernst et al. 1969; McAllister 1989; McAllister et al. 1990b, 1994

    Eimeria filamentifera Wacha and Christiansen, 1979

  • Host: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1990b, 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1979

    Eimeria harlani Upton, McAllister, and Trauth, 1992

  • Host: Macroclemys temminckii (Alligator snapping turtle)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1992

    Eimeria mitraria (Laveran and Mesnil, 1902) Doflein, 1909

  • Synonym: Coccidium mitrarium Laveran and Mesnil, 1902
  • Hosts: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle); Chinemys reevesii (Reeve's turtle); Chrysemys picta belli(Western painted turtle); Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's turtle); Graptemys geographica (Common map turtle); Graptemys pseudogeographica (False map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle); Kinosternon flavescens spooneri (Spooner's mud turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Tracemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Deeds and Jahn 1939; Doflein 1909; Laveran and Mesnil 1902; McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1991; Wacha and Christiansen 1974b, 1976, 1980

    Eimeria serpentina McAllister, Upton, and Trauth, 1990

  • Synonyms: Eimeria sp. B of McAllister, 1989; Eimeria sp. 1 of Wacha and Christiansen, 1980
  • Host: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle)
  • References: McAllister 1989; McAllister et al. 1990b, 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1980

    Isospora chelydrae McAllister, Upton, and Trauth, 1990

  • Synonym: Eimeria mitraria (Laveran and Mesnil, 1902) Doflein, 1909 of Wacha and Christiansen, 1980, pro parte
  • Host: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1990b, 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1980

    Family: Emydidae

    Eimeria carri Ernst and Forrester, 1973

  • Synonym: Eimeria ornata McAllister and Upton 1989
  • Hosts: Terrapene carolina carolina (Eastern box turtle), Terrapene ornata ornata (Ornate box turtle)
  • References: Ernst and Forrester 1973; McAllister and Upton 1989

    Eimeria chrysemydis Deeds and Jahn, 1939

  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Deeds and Jahn 1939; McAllister and Upton 1988; McAllister et al. 1991, 1994, 1995; Wacha and Christiansen 1974b, 1976

    Eimeria cooteri McAllister and Upton, 1989

  • Host: Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1989; McAllister et al. 1994

    Eimeria delagei (Labbe, 1893) Reichenow, 1921

  • Synonym: Coccidium delagei Labbe, 1893
  • Host: Emys orbicularis (=Cistudo europaea) (European pond turtle)
  • References: Labbe 1893; Ovezmukhammedov 1978; Reichenow 1921

    Eimeria graptemydos Wacha and Christiensen, 1979

  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Graptemys geographica (Map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turltle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1991, 1994, 1995; Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

    Eimeria juniataensis Pluto and Rothenbacher, 1976

  • Host: Graptemys geographica (Map turtle)
  • Reference: Pluto and Rothenbacher 1976

    Eimeria lecontei Upton, McAllister, and Garrett, 1995

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. of McAllister, Upton, and Trauth, 1994
  • Host: Clemmys insculpta (Wood turtle)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1995

    Eimeria lutotestudinis Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Hosts: Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle); Kinosternon flavescens spooneri (Spooner's mud turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1991, 1994; Wacha and Chistiansen 1976

    Eimeria marginata (Deeds and Jahn, 1939) Pellerdy, 1974

  • Synonym: Eimeria delagei marginata Deeds and Jahn, 1939
  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys geographica (Map turtle); Graptemys pseudogeographica (False map turtle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Deeds and Jahn 1939; McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994; Pellerdy 1974; Wacha and Christiansen 1974b, 1976

    Eimeria megalostiedai Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Host: Clemmys insculpta (Wood turtle)
  • Reference: Wacha and Christiansen 1976

    Eimeria mitraria (Laveran and Mesnil, 1902) Doflein, 1909

  • Synonym: Coccidium mitrarium Laveran and Mesnil, 1902
  • Hosts: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle); Chinemys reevesii (Reeve's turtle); Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's turtle); Graptemys geographica (Map turtle); Graptemys pseudogeographica (False map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle; Kinosternon flavescens spooneri (Spooner's mud turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Tracemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Deeds and Jahn 1939; Doflein 1909; Laveran and Mesnil 1902; McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1974b, 1976, 1980

    Eimeria pseudemydis Lainson, 1968

  • Hosts: Pseudemys ornata (Ornate cooter)
  • References: Lainson 1968

    Eimeria pseudogeographica Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Graptemys pseudogeographica (False map turtle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1991, 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1976

    Eimeria scriptae Sampson and Ernst, 1969

  • Host: Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988; McAllister et al. 1994; Sampson and Ernst 1969

    Eimeria sp. of Bone, 1975 vide Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Host: Graptemys barbouri (Barbour's map turtle)
  • Reference: Wacha and Christiansen 1976

    Eimeria sp. of Bone, 1975

  • Synonym: Eimeria pseudomydis of Bone, 1975 and various authors
  • Hosts: Clemmys insculpta (Wood turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Bone 1975; McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994, 1995
  • Remarks: This is a species distinct from that reported by Lainson (1968). See McAllister et al. (1994)

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Heosemys spinosa (Spiny turtle)
  • Reference: Modry 1988

    Eimeria sp. of Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Host: Graptemys geographica (Map turtle)
  • Reference: Wacha and Christiansen 1976

    Eimeria somervellensis McAllister and Upton, 1992

  • Host: Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1992; McAllister et al. 1994

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Wacha and Christiansen, 1980

  • Host: Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's turtle)
  • Reference: Wacha and Christiansen 1980

    Eimeria stylosa McAllister and Upton, 1989

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. of McAllister and Upton, 1988
  • Hosts: Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994, 1995

    Eimeria texana McAllister and Upton, 1989

  • Host: Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1989; McAllister et al. 1994

    Eimeria trachemydis McAllister and Upton, 1988

  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1991, 1994, 1995

    Family: Kinosternidae

    All coccidia known from this family are shared with some members in the closely related family Emydidae

    Eimeria graptemydos Wacha and Christiensen, 1979

  • Hosts: Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Graptemys caglei (Map turtle); Graptemys geographica (Map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle); Trachemys gaigeae (Big Bend slider); T. scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994, 1995; Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

    Eimeria lutotestudinis Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Hosts: (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle); Kinosternon flavescens spooneri (Spooner's mud turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994; Wacha and Chistiansen 1976

    Eimeria mitraria (Laveran and Mesnil, 1902) Doflein, 1909

  • Synonym: Coccidium mitrarium Laveran and Mesnil, 1902
  • Hosts: Chelydra serpentina serpentina (Common snapping turtle); Chinemys reevesii (Reeve's turtle); Chrysemys picta belli (Western painted turtle); Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's turtle); Graptemys geographica (Map turtle); Graptemys pseudogeographica (Map turtle); Graptemys versa (Map turtle); Kinosternon flavescens flavescens (Yellow mud turtle); Kinosternon flavescens spooneri (Spooner's mud turtle); Pseudemys texana (Texas river cooter); Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared slider)
  • References: Deeds and Jahn 1939; Doflein 1909; Laveran and Mesnil 1902; McAllister and Upton 1988, 1989; McAllister et al. 1994; Wacha and Christiansen 1974b, 1976, 1980

    Family: Pelomedusidae

    Eimeria lagunculata Lainson, Costa, and Shaw, 1990

  • Host: Podocnemis expansa (Arrau turtle)
  • Reference: Lainson et al. 1990

    Eimeria mammiformis Lainson, Costa, and Shaw, 1990

  • Host: Podocnemis expansa (Arrau turtle), Podocnemis sp.
  • References: Lainson et al. 1990; Modry 1988

    Eimeria peltocephali Lainson and Naiff, 1998

  • Host: Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Big-headed sideneck turtle)
  • Reference: Lainson and Naiff 1998

    Eimeria podocnemis Lainson, Costa, and Shaw, 1990

  • Host: Podocnemis expansa (Arrau turtle)
  • Reference: Lainson et al. 1990

    Family: Testudinidae

    Eimeria brodeni Cerruti, 1930

  • Host: Testudo graeca (Spur-thighed tortoise)
  • Reference: Cerruti 1930

    Eimeria geochelona Couch, Stone, Duszynski, Snell, and Snell, 1996

  • Host: Geochelone nigra (Giant land tortoise)
  • Reference: Couch et al. 1996

    Eimeria jaboti Carini, 1942

  • Host: Geochelone denticulata (syn. Testudo tabulata) (Jaboti)
  • Reference: Carini 1942

    Eimeria paynei Ernst, Fincher, and Stewart, 1971

  • Host: Gopherus polyphemus (Gopher tortoise)
  • Reference: Ernst et al. 1971

    Eimeria sp. of Lainson, Costa, and Shaw, 1990

  • Synonym: Eimeria carinii Lainson, Costa, and Shaw, 1990, nomen preocc., non Eimeria carinii of Pinto, 1928
  • Host: Geochelone denticulata (Jaboti)
  • Reference: Lainson et al. 1990

  • Isospora testudae Davronov, 1985
  • Host: Testudo horsfieldi (Horsfield's tortoise)
  • Reference: Davronov 1985

    Family: Trionychidae

    Eimeria amydae Roudabush, 1937

  • Hosts: Apalone spinifera hartwegi (Western spiny softshell); Apalone spinifera pallidus (Pallid spiny softshell turtle)
  • References: Roudabush 1937; McAllister et al. 1990a; Wacha and Christiansen 1976

    Eimeria apaloneMcAllister, Upton, and McCaskill, 1990

  • Host: Apalone spinifera pallidus (Pallid spiny softshell turtle)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1990a

    Eimeria dericksoni Roudabush, 1937

  • Host: Apalone spinifera hartwegi (Western spiny softshell)
  • References: Roudabush 1937; McAllister et al. 1990a; Wacha and Christiansen 1976, 1977

    Eimeria innominata Kar, 1944

  • Host: Lissemys punctata (Indian flapshell turtle)
  • Reference: Kar 1944

    Eimeria irregularis Kar, 1944

  • Host: Lissemys punctata (Indian flapshell turtle)
  • Reference: Kar 1944

    Eimeria koormae Das Gupta, 1938

  • Synonym: Eimeria boormae Deeds and Jahn, 1939, lapsus
  • Host: Lissemys punctata (Indian flapshell turtle)
  • References: Das Gupta 1938; Deeds and Jahn 1939

    Eimeria legeri (Simond, 1901) Reichenow, 1921

  • Synonym: Coccidium legeri Simond, 1901
  • Homonym: Eimeria legeri Stankovitch, 1920, now Eimeria stankovitchi (Stankovitch, 1920) Pinto, 1928
  • Host: Lissemys punctata granosa (Flapshell turtle)
  • Reference: Reichenow 1921; Simond 1901

    Eimeria mascoutini Wacha and Christiansen, 1976

  • Host: Apalone spinifera hartwegi (Western spiny softshell)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1990a; Wacha and Christiansen 1976, 1977

    Eimeria pallidus McAllister, Upton, and McCaskill, 1990

  • Host: Apalone spinifera pallidus (Pallid spiny softshell turtle)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1990a

    Eimeria spinifera McAllister, Upton, and McCaskill, 1990

  • Host: Apalone spinifera pallidus (Pallid spiny softshell turtle)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1990a

    Eimeria triangularis Chakravarty and Kar, 1943

  • Host: Aspideretes gangeticus (Indian softshell turtle)
  • Reference: Chakravarty and Kar 1943

    Eimeria trionyxae Chakravarty and Kar, 1943

  • Host: Aspideretes gangeticus (Indian softshell turtle)
  • Reference: Chakravarty and Kar 1943

    Eimeria vesticostieda Wacha and Christiansen, 1977

  • Host: Apalone spinifera hartwegi (Western spiny softshell)
  • Reference: Wacha and Christiansen 1977


    Bone, L.W. 1975. Eimeria pseudemydis Lainson, 1968, from the red-eared turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans, in Arkansas. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 11: 290-291.

    Carini, A. 1942. Sobre uma Eimeria da "Testudo tabulata". Arquivos de Biologia, Sao Paulo 26: 163-164.

    Cerruti, C. 1930. Su di un coccidio parassita di Testudo graeca, Linn. Archivio Italiano di Scienzee Mediche Coloniale e di Parassitologia 11: 328-331.

    Chakravarty, M. and Kar, A.B. 1943. Observations on two coccidia, Eimeria trionyxae n. sp. and Eimeria triangularis n. sp., from the intestine of the turlte Trionyx gangeticus Cuv. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Science 9: 49-54.

    Couch, L., Stone, P.A., Duszynski, D.W., Snell, H.L., and Snell, H.M. 1996. A survey of the coccidian parasites of reptiles from islands of the Galapagos archipelago: 1990-1994. Journal of Parasitology 82: 432-437.

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    Ernst, C.H. and Ernst, E.M. 1979. Synopsis of protozoans parasitic in native turtles of the United States. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 15: 1-15.

    Ernst, J.V. and Forrester, D.J. 1973. Eimeria carri sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the box turtle, Terrapene carolina. Journal of Parasitology 59: 635-636.

    Ernst, J.V., Fincher, G.T., and Stewart, T.B. 1971. Eimeria paynei sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the Gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 38: 223-224.

    Ernst, J.V., Stewart, T.B., Sampson, J.R., and Fincher, G.T. 1969. Eimeria chelydrae n. sp. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Bulletin of the Wildlife Disease Association 5: 410-411.

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    Lainson, R., and Naiff, R.D. 1998. Eimeria peltocephali n. sp., (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the freshwater turle Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Chelonia: Pelomusidae) and Eimeria molossi n. sp., from the bat, Molossus ater (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Memoirias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 93: 81-90.

    Lainson, R., Costa, A.M., and Shaw, J.J. 1990. Eimeria species (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger) and Geochelonia denticulata (Linn.) from Amazonian Brazil (Reptilia: Chelonia). Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 85: 383-390.

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    McAllister, C.T. 1989. Systematics of coccidian parasites (Apicomplexa) from Amphibians and Reptiles in Northcentral Texas. PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, 152 pp.

    McAllister, C.T. and Upton, S.J. 1988. Eimeria trachemydis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) and other eimerians from the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans (Reptilia: Testudines), in northcentral Texas. Journal of Parasitology 74: 1014-1017.

    McAllister, C.T. and Upton, S.J. 1989a. Eimeria ornata n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the ornate box turtle, Terrapene ornata ornata (Reptilia: testudines), in Texas. Journal of Protozoology 36: 131-133.

    McAllister, C.T. and Upton, S.J. 1989b. The coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of Testudines, with descriptions of three new species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 67: 2459-2467.

    McAllister, C.T. and Upton, S.J. 1992. A new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Pseudemys texana (Testudines: Emydidae), from North-Central Texas. Texas Journal of Science 44: 37-41.

    McAllister, C.T., Stuart, J.N., and Upton, S.J. 1995. Coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the big bend slider, Trachemys gaigeae (Testudines: Emydidae), in New Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 81: 804-805.

    McAllister, C.T., Upton, S.J., and Killebrew, F.C. 1991. Coccidian parasites (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of Graptemys cageli and G. versa (Testudines: emydidae) from Texas. Journal of Parasitology 77: 500-502.

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    McAllister, C.T., Upton, S.J., and Trauth, S.E. 1990b. Coccidian parasites (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) of Chelydra serpentina (Testudines: Chelydridae) from Arkansas and Texas, U.S.A., with descriptions of Isospora chelydrae sp. n. and Eimeria serpentina sp. n. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 865-868.

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    Pluto, T.G. and Rothenbacher, H. 1976. Eimeria juniataensis sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the map turtle, Graptemys geographica, in Pennsylvania. Journal of Parasitology 62: 207-208.

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    Sampson, J.R. and Ernst, J.V. 1969. Eimeria scriptae n. sp. (Sporozoa: Eimeriidae) from the red-eared turtle Pseudemys scripta elegans. Journal of Protozoology 16: 444-445.

    Simond, P.-L. 1901. Note sur une coccidie nouvelle, Coccidium legeri, parasite de Cryptopus granulosus (Emyda granulosa). Comptes Rendus des Sciences de la Societe de Biologie 53: 485-486.

    Upton, S.J., McAllister, C.T., and Garrett, C.M. 1995. New species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa) from captive wood turtles, Clemmys insculpta (Testudines: Emydidae), from the Dallas Zoo. Acta Protozoologica 34: 57-60.

    Upton, S.J., Odell, D.K., and Walsh, M.T. 1990. Eimeria caretta sp. nov. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the Loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta (Testudines). Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 1268-1269.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1974a. Eimeria megalostiedai sp. n. (Protozoa: Sporozoa) from the wood turtle, Clemmys insculpta, in Iowa. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 41: 35-37.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1974b. Some coccidian parasites from Iowa turtles. In, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists, Kansas City. August 4-9, 1974, Moner, J.G., editor. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. (abstract 116), pg. 45.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1976. Coccidian parasites from Iowa turtles: Systematics and prevalence. Journal of Protozoology 23: 57-63.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1977. Additional notes on the coccidian parasite sof the soft-shell turtle, Trionyx spiniferus Le Suer, in Iowa, with a description of Eimeria vesicostieda sp. n. Journal of Protozoology 24: 357-359.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1979. Eimeria filamentifera sp. n. from the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina (Linne), in Iowa. Journal of Protozoology 26: 353-354.

    Wacha, R.S. and Christiansen, J.L. 1980. Coccidian parasites from Iowa turtles. Journal of Protozoology 27 (Abstract 68): 28A-29A.