Coccidia (Eimeria and Isospora) of Elasmobranchs

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski 1, Steve J. Upton 2, and Lee Couch 1

1 Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2 Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 17 July 2000
Comments: (Duszynski), (Couch), or

Order: Rajiformes (rays, skates)

  1. Eimeria chollaensis Upton, Garder, and Duszynski, 1988
    1. Host: Urolophus halleri (Urolophidae - Haller's round ray)
    2. Reference: Upton et al. 1988

    Eimeria euzeti Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Rouix, 1987

    1. Synonym: Nucleoeimeria euzeti (Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1987) Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1989
    2. Host: Myliobatis aquila (Myliobatidae - Common eagle ray)
    3. References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1987, 1989

  2. Eimeria halleri Upton, Bristol, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1986
    1. Host: Urolophus halleri (Urolophidae - Haller's round ray)
    2. Reference: Upton et al. 1986

  3. Eimeria kayarensis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
    1. Host: Raja miraletus (Rajidae - Brown ray)
    2. Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994

  4. Eimeria ottojiroveci Dykova and Lom, 1983
    1. Synonym: Eimeria jiroveci Lom and Dykova, 1981 nomen preocc
    2. Host: Raja clavata (Rajidae - Thornback ray), Raja miraletus (Rajidae - Brown ray)
    3. References: Daoudi 1987; Dykova and Lom 1983; Dykova et al. 1989; Lom and Dykova 1981; Radujkovic and Raibut 1989

  5. Eimeria raiarum van den Berghe, 1937
    1. Synonym: Eimeria rajarum Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994 lapsus
    2. Hosts: Dipturus batis (syn. Raja batis) (Rajidae - Skate)
    3. References: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994; van den Berghe 1937

  6. Eimeria southwelli Halawani, 1930
    1. Synonym: Eimeria quentini Boulard, 1977
    2. Hosts: Aetobatus narinari (Myliobatidae - Spotted eagle ray), Rhinoptera bonasus (Myliobatidae - Cownose ray)
    3. References: Boulard 1977; Cheung 1985; Halawani 1930; Stamper et al. 1996, 1998

  7. Eimeria sp. 4 of Daoudi, 1987
    1. Host: Myliobatis aquila (Myliobatidae - Common eagle ray)
    2. Reference: Daoudi 1987

  8. Eimeria sp. Upton, Bristol, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1988
    1. Host: Narcine entemador (Narcinidae - Giant electric ray)
    2. Reference: Upton et al. 1988


Boulard, Y. 1977. Description d'Eimeria quentini n. sp., parasite intranucleaire du peritoine de la raie : Aetobatis narinari (Chondrichthyens, Myliobatidae) en Malaisie. Protistologica 13:529-533.

Cheung, P. 1985. Eimeria southwelli Halawani, 1930 (Apicomplexa: Coccidia) from a new host, the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus Mitchell. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences 6: 68-75.

Daoudi, F. 1987. Coccidien et coccidioses des poissons mediterraneens: Systematique, ultrastructure et Biologie. PhD dissertation, University of Sciences and Techniques at Languedoc, Montpellier, France. 302 pp.

Daoudi, F., Radujkovic, B., Marques, A., and Bouix, G. 1987. Nouvelle especes de coccidies (Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) des genres Eimeria Schneider, 1875, et Epieimeria Dykova et Lom, 1981, parasites de poissons marins de la baie de Kotor (Yougoslavie). Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Series 4, Section A, 9: 321-332.

Daoudi, F., Radujkovic, B.M., Marques, A., and Bouix, G. 1989. Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro: Coccidies. Acta Adriatica 30: 13-30.

Diouf, J.N., and Toguebaye, B.S. 1994. Study of some marine fish coccidia of the genus Eimeria Schneider, 1815 (Apicomplexa, Coccidia) from Senegal coasts. Acta Protozoologica 33: 239-250.

Dykova et Lom, 1981, parasites de poissons marins de la baie de Kotor (Yougoslavie). Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Series 4, Section A, 9: 321-332.

Halawani, A. 1930. On a new species of Eimeria (E. southwelli) from Aetobatis narinari. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 24: 1-3.

Lom, J. and Dykova, I. 1981. New species of the genus Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Coccidia) from marine fish. Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde 66: 207-220.

Radujkovic, B.M. and Raibaut, A. 1989. Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro: Liste des especes de poissons avec leurs parasites. Acta Adriatica 30: 307-319.

Stamper, M.A., Lewbart, G., Barrington, P., Harms, C., Geoly, F., Perkins, F., Dykstra, M., and Stoskopf, M. 1996. Coccidial infections in cownose rays. Abstract from the 27th annual conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, Tennassee Aquarium, 11-15 May 1996. pp. 29.

Stamper, M.A., Lewbart, G., Barrington, P., Harms, C., Geoly, F., and Stoskopf, M. 1998. Eimeria southwelli infection associated with high mortality of cownose rays. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10: 264-270.

Upton, S.J., Bristol, J.R., Gardner, S.L., and Duszynski, D.W. 1986. Eimeria halleri sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the round stingray, Urolophus halleri (Rajiformes: Dasyatidae). Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 53: 110-112.

Upton, S.J., Gardner, S.L., and Duszynski, D.W. 1988. The round stingray, Urolophus halleri (Rajiformes: Dasyatidae), as a host for Eimeria chollaensis sp. nov. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 66: 2049-2052.

van de Berghe, L. 1937. On a new coccidium, Eimeria raiarum sp. n., with special reference to the biology of the oocysts. Parasitology 29: 7-11.

Order: Squaliformes (sharks)

  1. Eimeria gigantea (Labbe, 1896) Reichenow, 1921 nomen nudum
    1. Synonym: Coccidium giganteum Labbe, 1896
    2. Synonym: Pfeifferia sp. of Labbe, 1896
    3. Synonym: Pfeifferia gigantea Labbe, 1896
    4. Synonym: Pfeifferella gigantea (Labbe, 1896) Labbe, 1899
    5. Host: Lamna nasus (syn. Lamna cornubica) (Lamnidae - Porbeagle)
    6. References: Labbe 1896, 1899; Reichenow 1921
    7. Remarks: Only unsporulated oocysts were described and these are large enough to suggest that this may not be a coccidian

  2. Eimeria lucida (Labbe, 1893) Reichenow, 1921
    1. Synonym: Coccidium lucidum Labbe, 1893
    2. Synonym: Coccidium scyllii Drago, 1902, nomen nudum
    3. Synonym: Eimeria scyllii (Drago, 1902) Levine and Becker, 1933 nomen nudum
    4. Synonym: Goussia lucida (Labbe, 1893) Labbe, 1896
    5. Synonym: Nucleogoussia lucida (Labbe, 1893) Dauodi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1986
    6. Hosts: Mustelus canis (Triakidae - Dusky smooth-hound), Scyliorhinus caniculus (Scyliorhinidae - Smallspotted catshark), Scyliorhinus stellaris (syns. Scyllium catulus, Scyllium stellare) (Scyliorhinidae - Nursehound), Squalus acanthias (syns. Acanthias vulgaris, Mustelus vulgaris) (Squalidae - Piked dogfish), Squalus blainvillei (Squalidae - Longnose spurdog)
    7. References: Daoudi 1987; Dauodi et al. 1986, 1990; Drago 1902; Labbe 1893, 1896, 1899; Levine and Becker 1933; Marques et al. 1991; Reichenow 1921
    8. Remarks: It is possible that more than one species may be involved.

  3. Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
    1. Synonym: Goussia emissolei Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
    2. Host: Leptocharias smithii (Carcharinidae - Barbled houndshark)
    3. Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993

  4. Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
    1. Synonym: Goussia soumbediounensis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
    2. Host: Leptocharias smithii (Carcharinidae - Barbled houndshark)
    3. Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993

  5. Eimeria squali Fitzgerald, 1975
    1. Host: Squalus acanthias (Squalidae - Piked dogfish)
    2. Reference: Fitzgerald 1975

  6. Eimeria zygaenae Chakravarty and Mandal 1961
    1. Host: Eusphyra blochii (syn. Sphyrna blochii) (Sphyrnidae - Winghead shark)
    2. References: Chakravarty and Mandal 1961; Mandal and Chakravarty 1965


Chakravarty, M. and Mandal, A.K. 1961. A new coccidium, Eimeria zygaenae n. sp. from hammer headed shark, Zygaena blochii. Proceedings of the 48th Indian Science Congress (Roorke), part III, abstract 93. p. 413.

Daoudi, F. 1987. Coccidies et coccidioses des poissons mediterraneens: Systematique, ultrastructure et Biologie. PhD Dissertation, University of Sciences and Technique at Languedoc, Montpellier, France. 300 pp.

Doudi, F., Blanc, E., Marques, A., and Bouix, G. 1986. L'action histopathologie de quelques coccidies de poissons Mediterraneans (Golfe du Lion). In, Pathology in Marine Aquaculture, Vivares, P., Bonami, J.-R., and Jaspers, E., editors. European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication No. 9, Bredene, Belgium. pp. 111-115.

Daoudi, F., Marques, A., and Bouix, G. 1990. Formation de la vacuole parastiophore chez les coccidies intranucleaires de poissons. Journal of Protozoology 37(Supplement 153): 32A.

Diouf, J.N. and Toguebaye, B.S. 1993. Studies of coccidian parasites of fish from the coast of Senegal (West Africa): new species of the genus Goussia (Apicomplexa, Eucoccidiida, Calyptosporidae). Zoologica Scripta 22: 117-126.

Drago, U. 1902. Coccidium scyllii n. sp. Laboratorio di Anatomia Normale, Ricerche Universita Roma 9: 89-94.

Dykova, I. and Lom, J. 1983. Fish coccidia: an annotated list of described species. Folia Parasitologica (Praha) 30: 193-208.

Fitzgerald, P.R. 1975. New coccidia from the spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) and great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32: 649-651.

Labbe, A. 1893. Sur coccidies nouvelles, parasites des poissons. Bulletin de la Societe Francaise 18: 202-204.

Labbe, A. 1894. Sur la coexistence, chez le meme hote, d'une coccidie monosporee et d'une coccidie polysporee. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 119: 537-539.

Labbe, A. 1896. Recherches zoologiques, cytologiques et biologiques sur les coccidies. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, Series 3, 4: 517-654.

Labbe, A. 1899. Sporozoa. In, Das Tierreich. Eine Zusanmenstellung und Kennzeichnung der Rezenten Tierformen, Vol. 5. Schulze, F.E. and Butschlii, O., editors. Verlag von R. Friedlander und Sohn, Berlin, pp. 58-73.

Levine, N.D. and Becker, E.R. 1933. A catalogue and host-index of the species of the coccidian genus Eimeria. Iowa State College Journal of Science 8: 93-106.

Lom, J. and Dykova, I. 1982. Some marine fish coccidia of the genera Eimeria Schneider, Epieimeria Dykova & Lom and Goussia Labbe. Journal of Fish Diseases 5: 309-321.

Mandal, A.K. and Chakravarty, M.M. 1965. A new coccidium, Eimeria zygaenae from hammer-headed shark, Zygaena blochii. Science and Culture 31: 381-382.

Marques, A., Capape, C., and Bouix, G. 1991. Donnees sur la parasitose coccidienne a Nucleogoussia lucida (Labbe, 1983) de la petite roussette Scyliorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pices, Scyliorhynidae) du golfe du Lion (France Meridionale). Ichtyophysiologica Acta 14: 111-121.

Pellerdy, L. 1974. Coccidia and Coccidiosis. 2nd edition. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, and Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 959 pp.

Reichenow, E. 1921. Die Coccidien. In, Handbuch der Pathogenen Protozoen, von Prowazek, S., editor. Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig. pp. 1150-1277.