Eimeria citelli Kartchner & Becker, 1930.

Type host: Spermophilus tridecemlinateus

Other hosts: Spermophilus beldingi; S. citellus; S. erythrogenys; S. fulvus; S. pygmaeus; S. relictus; S. undulatus.

Type locality: North America: USA

Other localities: Asia: Buriatia; Kazakhstan; Russia, Daghestan; Turkmenistan; Europe: Austria; Ukrainia; Czech Republic; North America: USA, California, Iowa.

Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: ellipsoid, ovoid or subspheroid; wall thickness: 0.5-0.7; layers: 3; outer layer proportion of total thickness: very thin; outer layer colour: not given; outer layer texture: smooth; middle wall: thick; inner wall: very thin; micropyle: absent; OR: present; OR characteristics: present during sporulation, but then disappears; OR L x W: not given; PG: absent; size: 18.8 x 15.8 (15-23 x 14-19); L/W ratio: 1.2 (1.0-1.2). Distinctive features of oocyst: OR present 3-4 days after sporulation; thereafter becoming inconspicuous; in freshly-passed oöcysts, the area between protoplasmic mass and wall is distinctly pink.

Description of sporocysts and sporozoites: Sporocyst shape: elongate-ovoid in drawing; size: 5-9 x 4-7; SB: present; SB L x W: not given; SB characteristics: small, nipple-like; SSB: absent; PSB: absent; SR: present; SR characteristics: not given; SR size: not given; SP: 5-8 x 2-3 with a RB at the larger end. Distinctive features of sporocyst: none.

Remarks: Kartchner & Becker (1930) described E. citelli in S. tridecemlineatus. The photomicrograph labelled as E. citelli in Abenov & Svanbaev (1979) most likely is E. callospermophili.

References: Abenov (1980); Abenov & Svanbaev (1979, 1982); Dzerzhinsky & Kairullaev (1989); Frank (1978); Glebezdin (1978); Kartchner & Becker (1930); Kietzmann & Kietzmann (1987); Machulsky (1949); Pellérdy & Babos (1953); Ryšavy (1957); Sassuchin & Rauschenbach (1932); Svanbaev (1960, 1962); Veluvolu & Levine (1984); Yakimoff & Sokoloff (1935); Zolotareff (1935; 1938).