Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Clupeiformes

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 14 July 2000
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  1. Eimeria brevoortiana Hardcastle, 1942
    1. Host: Brevoortia tyranuus (Atlantic menhaden)
    2. Site of infection: Intestines, testes
    3. Reference: Grasse 1953; Hardcastle 1941, 1942, 1944; Margolis and Arthur 1979

  2. Eimeria clupearum (Thelohan, 1894) Reichenow, 1921
    1. Synonym: Coccidium sp. of Thelohan, 1892
    2. Synonym: Coccidium clupearum Thelohan, 1894
    3. Synonym: Eimeria wenyoni Dobell, 1919
    4. Synonym: Goussia clupearum (Thelohan, 1894) Labbe, 1896
    5. Hosts: Alosa pontica (Pontic shad), Alosa fallax (Twaite shad), Alosa kessleri (Caspian anadromous shad), Alosa pseudoharengus (Alewife), Clupea harengus (Pacific herring), Engraulis encrasicholus (European anchovy), Etrumeus teres (syn. Etrumeus micropus) (Round herring), Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard), Sardinella aurita (Round sardinella), Sardinops melanostictus (syn. Clupea melanosticta; syn. Sardina melanosticta) (Japanese pilchard), Sprattus sprattus (European spratt). It is likely that virtually any clupeid can become infected. Morphologically similar species that may or may not be Eimeria clupearum have been found in the livers of the following gadiform hosts: Pollachius pollachius (Pollack), Merluccius merluccius (European hake), Micromesistius poutassou (Blue whiting), Trisopterus esmarkii (Norway pout), and Trisopterus minutus (Poorcod). Morphologically similar species that may or may not be Eimeria clupearum have been found in the livers of the following perciform hosts: Auxis rochei (Bullet tuna), Caranx rhonchus (False shad), Diplodus prayensis (Two-banded seabream), Diplodus vulgaris (Common two-banded seabream), Euthynnus alletteratus (Little tunny), Pagrus pagrus (syn. Sparus pagrus) (Common seabream), Pseudupeneus prayensis (West African goatfish), Scomber japonicus (Chub mackerel), Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel), Selene vomer (Lookdown), and Spicara melanurus (Blacksport picarel).
    6. Site of infection: Liver
    7. References: Arthur and Arai 1989; Blanc et al. 1986; Brug 1922, 1945; Costa and MacKenzie, 1994; Diouf and Toguebaye 1993; Daoudi 1987; Dauodi et al. 1989; Dobell 1919; Dobell and O'Connor 1921; Dobell and Stevenson 1917; Doflein, 1909; Dogiel 1948; Dollfus 1956; Dykova and Lom 1981; Gaevskaya et al. 1975; Kabata 1963; Kalfa-Papaioannou and Athanassopoulou-Raptopoulou 1984; Koc 1964; Labbe 1896; Loser & Gonnert 1965; MacKenzie 1981; MacLean 1980; Maclean and Davies 1990; Margolis and Arthur 1979; Markevich 1951; Matsubayashi 1935, 1936; McGladdery and Burt 1985; Morrison and Hawkins 1984; Morrison and Marryatt 1990; Morrison et al. 1986; Moser and Hsieh 1992; Overstreet et al. 1984; Pogorel'tseva 1964; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989; Reichenow 1921; Reimer 1976; Schulman and Shtein 1962; Sindermann 1961, 1970; Thelohan 1892b, 1894; Thomson and Robertson 1926a, 1926b, 1926c, 1926d, 1927; Wenyon 1915
    8. Remarks: The reports of Eimeria clupearum in non-clupeid hosts may, in time, prove to represent distinct species. Morrison et al. (1986) reported sporocysts of oocysts from the livers of mackerel and silver hake to be slightly smaller than those of E. clupearum.

  3. Eimeria ethmalosae Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
    1. Host: Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bonga shad)
    2. Site of infection: Testes
    3. Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994b

  4. Eimeria etrumei Dogiel, 1940
    1. Host: Etrumeus teres (syn. Etrumeus micropus) (Round herring)
    2. Site of infection: Testes
    3. References: Dogiel 1940, 1948; Schulman and Shtein 1962

  5. Eimeria nishin Fujita, 1934
    1. Host: Clupea harengus (Pacific herring or Canadian sardine)
    2. Site of infection: Testes
    3. References: Arthur and Arai 1980; Dogiel 1940, 1948; Fujita 1934

  6. Eimeria sardinae (Thelohan, 1890) Reichenow, 1921
    1. Synonym: Coccidium sardinae Thelohan, 1890
    2. Synonym: Eimeria oxyphila Dobell, 1919
    3. Synonym: Eimeria oxyspora Dobell, 1919
    4. Synonym: Eimeria patagonensis Timi and Sardella, 1998
    5. Synonym: Eimeria snijdersi Dobell, 1920
    6. Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Morrison and Marryatt, 1990
    7. Hosts: Alosa fallax (Twaite shad), Clupea harengus (Pacific herring), Engraulis encrasicholus (European anchovy), Sardina pilchardus (European pilchard), Sardinella aurita (Spanish sardine), Sardinella maderensis (Madeiran sardine), Sprattus sprattus (European sprat). It is likely that any clupeid can become infected.
    8. Site of infection: Testes
    9. References: Broughton Alcock and Thomson 1922; Brug 1922, 1945; Diouf et al. 1994a, 1994b; Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1986, 1989; Dobell 1919, 1921; Dobell and O'Connor 1921; Dobell and Stevenson 1917; Dogiel 1940, 1948; Dogiel et al. 1958, 1965; Dollfus 1956; Getsevichyute 1958; Grasse 1953; Kabata 1963; Koc 1964; Letaconnoux 1960; Lom 1970; Reichenow 1921; Margolis and Arthur 1979; Markevich 1951; Matsubayashi 1935, 1936; McGladdery 1987; McGladdery and Burt 1985; Morrison 1991; Morrison and Marryatt 1990; Morrison and Hawkins 1984; Morrison et al. 1986; Moser and Hsieh 1992; Pinto 1957; Pinto and Barraca 1961; Pinto et al. 1961; Pogorel'tseva 1964; Polyansky 1955; Polyansky and Schulman 1956; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989; Reichenow 1921; Schulman 1956, 1959; Schulman and Schulman-Albova 1953; Sindermann 1961, 1970; Thelohan 1890a, 1890b; Thomson and Robertson 1922, 1926a, 1926b, 1926c, 1926d, 1927; Timi and Sardella 1998

  7. Eimeria sp. 1 of Hardcastle, 1942
    1. Host: Dorosoma cepedianum (Gizzard shad)
    2. Site of infection: Testes
    3. Reference: Hardcastle 1942

  8. Eimeria sp. 2 of Hardcastle, 1942
    1. Host: Opisthonema oglinum (Threadfin herring)
    2. Site of infection: Testes
    3. Reference: Hardcastle 1942

  9. Eimeria sp. of Obiekezie, 1986
    1. Synonym: Goussia ethmalotis Obiekezie, 1986
    2. Host: Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bonga shad)
    3. Site of infection: Liver
    4. Reference: Obiekezie 1986

  10. Eimeria sp. of Reimer, 1976
    1. Host: Engraulis encrasicolus (syn. Anchoa quineensis) (European anchovy)
    2. Site of infection: Intestine (?)
    3. Reference: Reimer 1976

  11. Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
    1. Host: Coilia dussumieri (Goldspotted grenadier anchovy)
    2. Site of infection: Intestine
    3. Reference: Setna and Bana 1935

  12. Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
    1. Host: Thryssa mystax (syn. Engraulis mystax) (Moustached thryssa)
    2. Site of infection: Intestine
    3. Reference: Setna and Bana 1935


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