The Coccidian Genus Cyclospora

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 2 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

The genus Cyclospora Schneider, 1881 is characterized by oocysts with 2 sporocysts, each sporocyst with 2 sporozoites. Although a number of species from rodents and insectivores appear to be valid, perhaps all species from reptiles are misidentifications of Isospora or Sarcocystsis spp.

Cyclospora angimurinensis Ford, Duszynski, & McAllister, 1990

Host: Chaetodipus hispidus (Rodentia)
Reference: Ford et al. 1990

Cyclospora ashtabulensis Ford & Duszynski 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Insectivora)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902

Host: Parascalops breweri, Scapanus latimanus, Talpa europea, T. micrurua (Insectivora)
References: Agostinucci 1955, 1956; Canning et al. 1973; Duszynski & Wattam 1988a; Eimer 1870;
Golemansky 1979; Grassi 1882a; Henry 1932; Loser & Gonnert 1965; Schaudinn 1902; Tanabe 1938

Cyclospora cayetanensis Ortega, Gilman, & Sterling, 1994

Synonym: Cryptosporidium cayetanensis Tauxe, 1997
Synonym: Cyclospora cayetenensis Duluol, Heyer, Beaugerie, & Chatelet, 1996, lapsus
Synonym: Cyclospora sp. Ortega et al. 1992
Synonym: Isospora sp. Ashford, 1979
Host: Homo sapiens; perhaps chimpanzees and baboons as well (Primates)
Select references: Ashford 1979; Ashford et al. 1993; Ortega et al. 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998; Smith et al. 1996

Cyclospora cercopitheci Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley & Pieniazek, 1999

Host: Cercopithecus aethiops (African green or vervet monkey)
References: Eberhard et al. 1999

Cyclospora colobi Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley & Pieniazek, 1999

Host: Colobus guereza (Colobus monkey)
References: Eberhard et al. 1999

Cyclospora glomericola Schneider 1881

Host: Glomeris sp. (Myriapoda)
References: Janiszewska 1963; Schneider 1881

Cyclospora megacephali Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Insectivora)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Cyclospora niniae Lainson, 1965

Host: Ninia sebae sebae (Serpentes)
Reference: Lainson 1965

Cyclospora papionis Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley & Pieniazek, 1999

Host: Papio anubis (Olive baboon)
References: Eberhard et al. 1999

Cyclospora scinci Phisalix, 1924

Synonym: Coccidium scinci Phisalix 1923
Host: Scincus officinalis (Sauria)
References: Phisalix 1923a, 1924a

Cyclospora parascalopi Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Insectivora)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Cyclospora sp. Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Talpa europea (Insectivora)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b

Cyclospora sp. Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Insectivora)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Cyclospora sp. Yamamoto, 1933

Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Sauria)
References: Reichenbach-Klinke & Elkan 1977; Upton et al. 1991; Yamamoto 1933
Upton et al. (1991) noted this was a misidentification of an isosporan

Cyclospora talpae Pellerdy & Tanyi, 1968

Host: Talpa europea (Insectivora)
References: Duszynksi & Wattam 1988a; Duszynksi & Wattam 1988b; Mahnert 1972;
Mohamed & Molyneux 1990; Pellerdy & Tanyi 1968

Cyclospora viperae Phisalix, 1923

Synonym: Cyclospora babaulti Phisalix, 1923
Host: Vipera aspis, V. berus (Serpentes)
References: Lavier 1939; Phisalix 1923b, 1924c, 1924d, 1933
Oocysts appear to be a misidentifications of Sarcocystis spp.
The developmental stages probably represent a mixture of Sarcocystis spp. and other coccidia

Cyclospora zamenis Phisalix, 1924

Synonym: Cyclospora tropiconoti Phisalix, 1924
Host: Coluber scalaris, C. viriflavus, Coronella austriaca, Natrix natrix, N. stolata, N. viperinus (Serpentes)
References: Grassi 1882a, 1882b; Phisalix 1924b, 1924e, 1933


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