Eimeria darjeelingensis Sinha and Sinha, 1980

Synonyms: Eimeria sp. Sinha and Sinha, 1979.

Type host: Suncus murinus (Linnaeus, 1766), House shrew.

Type locality: ASIA: India, West Bengal, Darjeeling. alt. 2000 m.

Geographic distribution: ASIA: India.

Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: subspheroid; number of walls: 2; wall thickness: 0.3 (?); wall characteristics: smooth, of uniform thickness; L x W: 16.7 x 14.9 (15-19 x 13-18); L/W ratio: 1.1; M: absent; OR: absent; PG: absent; Distinctive features of oocyst: very thin, smooth wall.

Description of sporocysts and sporozoites: Sporocyst shape: ovoid; L x W: 8.0 x 5.6 (7-9 x 5-6.5); L/W ratio: 1.4; SB: present; SSB: absent; PSB: absent; SR: present; SR characteristics: scattered, small granules; SP: sausage-shaped (line drawing), 4.5 x 1.6 (4-5.5 x 1-2), but no obvious RB (line drawing); Distinctive features of sporocyst: small size of SPs which do not fill sporocyst.

Prevalence: 1/4 (25%).

Sporulation: Exogenous. Oocysts sporulated in 38-52 hours in 2.5% potassium dichromate solution at 13-16º C.

Prepatent and patent periods: Unknown.

Site of infection: Sinha and Sinha (1980) described several endogenous stages from epithelial and subepithelial cells of the mucosa in "pieces of intestine" from the only host animal that also was passing unsporulated oocysts (see original paper).

Materials deposited: None.

Remarks: Sinha and Sinha (1980) may actually have confused the Sps with the RBs, which may be the actual structures measured. It is possible that the asexual stages they describe represent those of a different coccidian species, since development of Eimeria species often is relatively synchronous and oocysts already were being discharged in the feces. Unfortunately, these tissue sections were not deposited into any known museum. This species has not been reported since its original description.

References: Sinha and Sinha (1980).