Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
NOTE: It is unlikely that any of the following Eimeria or Isospora spp. are valid. Virtually all of the eimerians listed, and several isosporans, appear to represent coccidia of other birds or animals inadvertently ingested with the prey. The reports of the isosporans with thin oocyst walls represent the genus Sarcocystis.
Eimeria accipitris Schwalbach, 1959
Eimeria asturi Galli-Valerio, 1935
Eimeria sp. of Huber, 1964
Eimeria sp. of Huber, 1964
Eimeria sp. of Markus & Munday 1979
Eimeria sp. of Markus & Munday 1979
Eimeria sp. of Markus & Munday 1979
Eimeria sp. of Markus & Munday 1979
Eimeria sp. of Rachmatullina & Svanbaev, 1971
Isospora buteonis Henry, 1932 of Mathey, 1966
Isospora buteonis Henry, 1932
Isospora buteonis Henry, 1932 of Holling & Fowle, 1955
Isospora buteonis Henry, 1932 of Mathey, 1966
Isospora cheeli Bhatia, Pande, & Garg, 1970
Isospora gypsi Patnaik & Mohanty, 1969
Isospora scholtysecki Rachmatullina & Svanbaev, 1971
Isospora sp. of Faust & Pappas, 1977
"Intestinal coccidia"
Unknown coccidian of Gottschalk, 1972
Bhatia, B.B., Pande, B.P., and Garg, R.K. 1970. Coccidian infection of the Pariah kite. Indian Journal of Microbiology 10: 49-52.
Coon, N.C., Locke, L.N., Cromartie, E., and Reichel, W.L. 1970. Causes of bald eagle mortality, 1960-1965. Journal of Wilflife Diseases 6: 72-76.
Faust, B.S., and P.W. Pappas. 1977. A survey of coccidia and helminth paraistes of birds at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 8: 18-23.
Gottschalk, C. 1972. Beitrag zur Faunistik der Vogelkokzidien Thuringens und Sachsens. Beitraege zur Vogelkunde, Leipzig, 18: 61-69.
Henry, D. 1932. Isospora buteonis sp. nov. from the hawk and owl, and notes on Isospora lacazii (Labbe) in birds. University of California Publications in Zoology 37: 291-299.
Holling, J., and Fowle, C.D. 1955. Isospora buteonis Henry in the goshawk (Accipiter gentalis). Journal of Parasitology 41: 638-639.
Huber, E. 1964. Die Endoparasiten von Vogelen des Munchner Tierparks Hellabrunn unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen in der Wurmausscheidung. PhD dissertation, Universitat Munchen, Munich. 45 pp.
Markus, M.B., and Mundy, P.J. 1979. Intestinal Sarcocystis infection in vultures and its significance. Parasitology 79: 39.
Mathey, W.J. 1966. Isospora buteonis Henry 1932 in an American kestrel (Falco sparverius) and a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Bulletin of the Wildlife Disease Association 2: 20-22.
Patnaik, M.M. and Mohanty, D.N. 1969. Isospora gypsi n. sp. a new coccidian from the Indian vulture (Gyps bengalensis). Current Science 38: 316.
Rakhamullina, N.K. and Svanaev, S.K. 1971. Some data on the coccidia in wild birds in Kazhakistan. Akademaii Nauk Kazhakskoii SSR, Trudy Instituta Zoologii 31: 171-177.
Reichel, W.L., Lamont, T.G., Cromartie, E., and Locke, L.N. 1969. Residues in two bald eagles suspected of pesticide poisoning. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 4: 24-30.
Schwalbach, G. 1959. Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen an Coccidien der Gattungen Eimeria, Isospora und Caryospora bei Vogeln mit einer Beschreibung von Sechzehn neuen Arten. Archiv fur Protistenkunde 104: 431-491.
Upton, S.J., Campbell, T.W., Weigel, M., and McKown, R.D. 1990. The Eimeriidae (Apicomplexa) of raptors: review of the literature and description of new species of the genera Caryospora and Eimeria. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 1256-1265.