Eimeria fedoseevi Dzerskinsky, 1982
Original host: Sorex asper
Thomas, 1914, Tien Shan shrew.
Remarks: This description was
published as a one paragraph note in a book about Kashkstan
Lawra and the problems of its protection. Oocysts were ovoid with
a smooth wall consisting of 2 layers, ~2.0, with the inner layer
thicker than the outer; L x W: 28.0 x 19.0 (24-30 x 17-21); L/W
ratio: 1.4; M: present, ~5.7 wide; OR: present; sporocysts were
ovoid; L x W: 15.5 x 10.0; SP: bean-shaped, 10 x 3. Sporulation
"continues for 2-3 days." His description lacked both a line
drawing and/or photomicrograph of a sporulated oocyst. This
form, therefore, must be regarded as a species