Eimeria ferruginea Colley, 1970.,
Type host: Tupaia glis ferruginea (Diard,
1820), Common tree-shrew.
Other hosts: Tupia tana Raffles,
Type locality: ASIA: Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor,
Bukit Lanjan Forest
Geographic distribution: ASIA: Malaysia: Malaya and

Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: ellipsoid;
number of walls: 2; wall
outer 1.5-2, inner 1; wall characteristics: outer is knobby, yellowish-brown, thick,
rough, striated; inner (upon removal of outer layer) is serrate, yellow; L x W: 34.3
x 27.7 (28-43 x 22-41); L/W ratio: 1.2 (1.1-1.5); M: absent; OR: present; OR
characteristics: a homogenous globule; OR L x W: 3-6; PG: present; number of PG: 1;
Distinctive features of oocyst: thick, knobby, 2-layered outer wall; it differs from
E. modesta in size and shape and by having a single, globular OR, instead of a
granular one.
Description of sporocysts and sporozoites:
Sporocyst shape: ellipsoid; L x W:
12.2 x
8.8 (10-15.5 x 7-12); L x W ratio: 1.45; SB: present; SB characteristics: small,
pointed; SSB: absent; PSB: absent; SR: present; SR characteristics: many large,
coarse granules as an irregular, central mass in sporocyst; SP: comma-shaped,
arranged head-to-tail in sporocyst. Distinctive features of sporocyst: coarse SR and
SP without without RB.
Prevalence: 1/2 (50%) in type host.
Sporulation: Exogenous. Oocysts sporulated within 1
wk in 2.5% aqueous potassium
dichromate solution at 30ºC.
Prepatent and patent periods: Unknown.
Site of infection: Unknown. Oocysts recovered from feces and intestinal
Material deposited: The symbiotype host (Frey et
al., 1992) skin and skull are
preserved: # TG-12 Medical Ecology Museum, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaya, Malaysia.
Remarks: Colley (1970) reported that E.
ferruginea differed from Eimeria modesta
Peenan et al., 1967 (below) by having a PG, which E. modesta apparently
Mullin and Colley (1972) added a new geographic record when they found this species
in T. tana from the Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo.
References: Colley (1970); Mullin and Colley
(1972); Mullin et al. (1972).