Eimeria franklinii Hall & Knipling,
Type host: Spermophilus franklinii.
Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: subspheroid to
ellipsoid; wall thickness: not
given; layers: 2; outer layer proportion of total thickness: not given; outer layer
colour: transparent; outer layer texture: smooth; inner wall characteristics:
transparent; micropyle: absent; OR: present; OR characteristics: decreases in size
as oöcyst ages; OR L x W: not given; PG: present; number of PGs: 2; PG shape: not
given; PG L x W: not given; size: 20.6 x 15.2 (19-24 x 13-18); L/W ratio: 1.4.
Distinctive features of oocyst: oocyst residuum decreases in size as oöcyst
Description of sporocysts and sporozoites:
Sporocyst shape: ellipsoid; size: 11.5 x
6.0; SB: present; SB L x W: not given; SB characteristics: with a protruding nipple
on one end; SSB: absent; PSB: absent; SR: present; SR characteristics: not given; SR
size: not given; SP: not described. Distinctive features of sporocyst: none.
Type locality: North America: USA, Iowa, Animals
near Ames, Iowa.
Remarks: Eimeria franklinii has been
observed only once
(Hall & Knipling, 1935).
Reference: Hall & Knipling (1935).