Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
"Coccidian oocyst" of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Eimeria baltica Gottschalk, 1987
Eimeria bosquei Parker & Duszynski, 1986
Eimeria globulosa Gottschalk, 1987
Eimeria gruisYakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1935
Eimeria longa Gottschalk, 1987
Eimeria pusilla Gottschalk, 1987
Eimeria reichenowiYakimoff & Matschoulsky, 1935
Eimeria sp. of Koga, 1955
Isospora bellericaeBanik & Ray, 1962
Isospora sp. of Forrester, Carpenter, & Blankinship, 1978
Isospora sp. of Gottschalk, 1987
Eimeria bragini Dzerzhinskii &Kairooaev, 1989
Eimeria mongolica Matschoulsky, 1941
Eimeria paludosa (Leger & Hesse, 1922) Hoare, 1933
Eimeria porphyrulae Lainson, 1994
Eimeria saubenovae Dzerzhinskii & Kairooaev, 1989
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Forrester, D.J., White, F.H., and Simpson, C.F. 1976. Parasites and diseases of sandhill cranes in Florida. In, Proceedings of the 1st International Crane Workshop, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1975. International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin. pp. 268-283.
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Hoare, C.A. 1933. Studies on some new ophidian and avian coccidia from Uganda, with a revision of the classification of the Eimeriidae. Parasitology 61: 1081-1082.
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