Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Perissodactyla
(horses, rhinoceros, tapir)

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 2 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

Eimeria leukarti (Flesch, 1883) Reichenow, 1940

Synonym: Globidium leukarti Flesch, 1883
Synonym: Eimeria (Globidium) leukarti Reichenow, 1940
Synonym: Eimeria cameli of Seitz, 1961
Hosts: Equus asinus (African wild ass), E. caballus (Domestic horse), E. caballus/E. burchellii hybrid (Zebroid)
Select references: Benbrook & Sloss 1962; Chineme et al. 1979; Flesh 1883; Pellerdy 1974; Seitz 1956
This is the only eimerian known to be truly valid in Equus spp.

Eimeria solipedum Gousseff, 1935

Hosts: Equus asinus (African wild ass), E. caballus (Domestic horse)
References: Cotteleer & Fameree 1981; Gousseff 1935

Eimeria sp. of Cotteleer & Fameree, 1981

Host: Equus caballus (Domestic horse)
Reference: Cotteleer & Fameree 1981

Eimeria sp. of Mandal, Ghosh, & Maiti, 1995

Host: Equus caballus (Domestic horse)
Reference: Mandal et al. 1995

Eimeria uniungulati Gousseff, 1935

Hosts: Equus asinus (African wild ass), E. caballus (Domestic horse)
References: Gousseff 1935; Tomanovic 1977

Eimeria (?) utinensis Selan & Vittorio, 1923, nomen nudum

Hosts: Equus caballus (Domestic horse)
References: Selan & Vittorio 1923
Only pulmonary endogenous stages were reported. This is not an eimerian

Select references

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