Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Insectivores
(hedgehogs, moles, shrews)

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 2 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

FAMILY: Erinaceidae (moonrats, gymnures, hedgehogs)

Eimeria auriti Mirza, 1970

Host: Hemiechinus auritus (Long-eared hedgehog)
References: Mirza 1970, 1975

Eimeria bentongi Colley & Mullin, 1971

Host: Hylomys suillus (Lesser moon rat or lesser gymnure)
Reference: Colley & Mullin 1971

Eimeria bijlikuli Svanbaev, 1962

Host: Hemiechinus auritus (Long-eared hedgehog)
Reference: Glebezdin 1985; Svanbaev 1962a, 1962b

Eimeria ostertagi Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1936

Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
Reference: Glebezdin 1985; Glebezdin & Kolodenko 1969; Svanbaev 1962a; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1936

Eimeria perardii Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1936

Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
References: Glebezdin 1985; Glebezdin & Kolodenko 1969; Golemansky 1979; Svanbaev 1962a; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1936, 1937

Gousseffia erinacei (Gousseff, 1937) Levine & Ivens, 1979

Synonym: Yakimovella erinacei Gousseff, 1937, nomen preocc.
Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
References: Gousseff 1937; Levine & ivens 1979; Lowenstein et al 1991
This is an invertebrate pseudoparasite.

Isospora erinacei Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1936

Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
References: Glebezdin 1985; Glebezdin & Kolodenko 1969; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1936

Isospora hylomysis Colley & Mullin, 1971

Host: Hylomys suillus (Lesser moon rat or lesser gymnure)
Reference: Colley & Mullin 1971

Isospora rastegaievae Yakimoff & Matikaschwili, 1933

Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
References: Barutzki et al. 1987; Epe et al. 1993; Lowenstein et al 1991; Matuschka 1984; Pellérdy 1974; Saupe 1988; Yakimoff & Matikashwili 1933

Isospora schmaltzi Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1936

Host: Erinaceus europaeus (Western European hedgehog)
References: Glebezdin 1985; Glebezdin & Kolodenko 1969; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1936

FAMILY: Soricidae (shrews)

"Coccidium" sp. of Cable & Conway, 1953

Host: Sorex palustris (Northern water shrew)
Reference: Cable & Conway 1953

Eimeria blarinae Todd, French, & Levine, 1986

Host: Blarina brevicauda (Short-tailed shrew)
Reference: Todd et al. 1986

Eimeria brevicauda Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Blarina brevicauda (Short-tailed shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Eimeria chagasi Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1935

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew)
Reference: Yakimoff & Gousseff 1935

Eimeria crocidurae Galli-Vallerio, 1933

Host: Crocidura russula (Greater white-toothed shrew), Sorex araeneus (Eurasian common shrew)
References: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978; Galli-Valerio 1933

Eimeria cryptotis McAllister & Upton, 1989

Host: Cryptotis parva (Least shrew)
Reference: McAllister & Upton 1989

Eimeria darjeelingensis Sinha & Sinha, 1980

Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Sinha & Sinha, 1979
Host: Suncus murinus (House shrew)
References: Sinha & Sinha 1979, 1980

Eimeria dissimilis Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1935

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew), S. minutus (Pygmy shrew)
References: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978; Golemansky 1979; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1935

Eimeria domashnevae Dzerskinsky, 1982
Host: Sorex asper (Tien Shan shrew)

Reference: Dzerskinsky 1982

Eimeria fedoseevi Dzerskinsky, 1982

Host: Sorex asper (Tien Shan shrew)
Reference: Dzerskinskii 1982

Eimeria firestonei Bray, 1958

Host: Crocidura poensis (=C. schweitzeri)
Reference: Bray 1958

Eimeria fumeus Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Sorex fumeus (Smokey shrew), S. pacificus (Pacific shrew), S. unguiculatus (Long-clawed shrew), S. vagrans (Vagrant shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Eimeria inyoni Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Sorex tenellus (Inyo shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Eimeria komareki Cerna & Daniel, 1956

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew), S. minutus (Pygmy shrew)
References: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978; Cerna 1961; Cerna & Daniel 1956;
Golemansky 1979; Golemansky & Yankova 1973

Eimeria leucodontis Musaev & Veisov, 1961

Host: Crocidura leucodon (Bicolor white-toothed shrew), C. suaveolens (Lesser white-toothed shrew)
References: Golemansky 1979; Musaev & Veisov 1961

Eimeria longirostris Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Synonym: Eimeria palustris of Hertel & Duszynski, 1987, nomen preocc. non Eimeria palustris Barnard, Ernst, & Stevens, 1971
Host: Sorex cinereus (Masked shrew), S. fontinalis (Maryland shrew), S. fumeus (Smokey shrew), S. haydeni (Hayden shrew), S. longirostris (Southeastern shrew), S. ornatus (Ornate shrew), S. pacificus (Pacific shrew), S. palustris (Northern water shrew), S. tenellus (Inyo shrew), S. trowbridgii (Trowbridge shrew), S. vagrans (Vagrant shrew)
References: Hertel & Duszynski 1987a, 1987b

Eimeria milleri Bray, 1958

Host: Crocidura poensis (=C. schweitzeri)
Reference: Bray 1958

Eimeria murinus Bandyopadhyay & Das Gupta, 1985

Host: Suncus murinus (House shrew)
Reference: Bandyopadhyay & Das Gupta 1985

Eimeria neomyi Golemansky, 1978

Synonym: Eimeria komareki of Cerna & Daniel, 1956, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria komareki Cerna, 1961, pro parte
Synonym: Eimeria komareki of Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite, 1978
Host: Neomys anomalus (Southern water shrew), N. fodiens (Northern water shrew)
References: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978; Cerna 1961; Cerna & Daniel 1956; Golemansky 1978, 1979

Eimeria ropotamae Golemansky, 1978

Host: Crocidura leucodon (Bicolor white-toothed shrew)
References: Golemansky 1978, 1979

Eimeria soricinae Galli-Valerio, 1927

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew)
Reference: Galli-Valerio 1927

Eimeria soricis Henry, 1932

Host: Sorex minutus (Pygmy shrew), S. ornatus (=S. californicus) (Ornate shrew)
References: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978; Henry 1932; Yakimoff & Gousseff 1935

Eimeria sp. of Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite, 1978

Host: Sorex minutus (Pygmy shrew)
Reference: Arnastauskiene & Maldziunaite 1978

Eimeria sp. of Golemansky & Yankova, 1973

Host: Crocidura suaveolens (Lesser white-toothed shrew)
Reference: Golemansky & Yankova 1973

Eimeria sp. of Yakimoff & Gousseff, 1935

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew)
Reference: Yakimoff & Gousseff 1935

Eimeria suncus Ahluwalia, Singh, Arora, Mandal, & Sarkar, 1979

Host: Suncus murinus (House shrew)
References: Ahluwalia et al. 1979; Bandyopadhyay & Das Gupta 1984

Eimeria vagrantis Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Sorex fumeus (Smokey shrew), S. trowbridgii (Trowbridge shrew), S. vagrans (Vagrant shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Eimeria whitakeri Upton & McAllister, 1991

Host: Cryptotis parva (Least shrew)
Reference: Upton & McAllister 1991

Isospora araneae Golemansky, 1978

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew)
Reference: Golemansky 1978, 1979

Isospora brevicauda Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Blarina brevicauda (Short-tailed shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Isospora neomyi Golemansky, 1978

Host: Neomys anomalus (Southern water shrew), N. fodiens (Northern water shrew)
Reference: Golemansky 1978, 1979

Isospora palustris Hertel & Duszynski, 1987

Host: Sorex pacificus (Pacific shrew), S. paulustri (Northern water shrew), S. trowbridgii (Trowbridge shrew), S. unguiculatus (Long-clawed shrew), S. vagrans (Vagrant shrew)
Reference: Hertel & Duszynski 1987

Isospora soricis Golemansky & Yankova, 1973

Host: Sorex araneus (Eurasian common shrew)
Reference: Golemansky & Yankova 1973

FAMILY: Talpidae (moles, shrew moles)

Cyclospora ashtabulensis Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989; Pellérdy 1974

Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902

non Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902 of Tanabe, 1938
Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
References: Agostinucci 1955, 1956; Canning et al. 1973; Duszynski & Wattam 1988a; Eimer 1870; Golemansky 1979; Grassi 1882; Henry 1932; Loser & Gonnert 1965; Pellérdy 1974; Schaudinn 1902; Tanabe 1938

Cyclospora megacephali Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Cyclospora parascalopi Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989; Pellérdy 1974

Cyclospora sp. of Henry, 1932

non Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902
Host: Scapanus latimanus (Broad-footed mole)
Reference: Henry, 1932

Cyclospora sp. of Pellérdy, 1974

non Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902
Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Pellérdy 1974

Cyclospora sp. of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b

Cyclospora sp. of Tanabe, 1939

non Cyclospora caryolytica Schaudinn, 1902
Host: Mogera robusta (=M. wogura coreana) (Large asiatic mole)
Reference: Tanabe 1938

Cyclospora talpae Pellérdy & Tanyi, 1968

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
References: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b; Pellérdy 1970; Pellérdy & Tanyi 1968

Eimeria aethiospora Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Eimeria amorphospora Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus talpoides (Greater Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Eimeria aquatici Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Eimeria avonensis Duszynski & Wattan, 1988

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b

Eimeria berea Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b

Eimeria condylurae Duszynski, 1989

Host: Condylura cristata (Star-nosed mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1989

Eimeria flexilis Golemansky, 1978

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Golemansky 1978, 1979

Eimeria globula Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988

Eimeria gonocilia Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus talpoides (Greater Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Eimeria goussevi Yakimoff, 1935

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Golemansky 1979; Yakimoff 1935

Eimeria heterocapita Duszynski, 1985

Host: Neurotrichus gibbsii (American shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1985

Eimeria honshuensis Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus (=Dymecodon) pilirostris (Lesser Japanese shrew-mole),
Urotrichus talpoides (Greater Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Eimeria motleiensis Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Eimeria neurotrichi Duszynski, 1985

Host: Neurotrichus gibbsii (American shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1985

Eimeria parastiedica Duszynski, 1985

Host: Neurotrichus gibbsii (American shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1985

Eimeria scalopi Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Eimeria scapani Henry, 1932

Host: Scapanus latimanus (Broad-footed mole)
Reference: Henry 1932

Eimeria sp. of Henry, 1932

Host: Scapanus latimanus (Broad-footed mole)
Reference: Henry 1932

Eimeria sp. 1 of Tanabe, 1938

non Eimeria scapani Henry, 1932 of Tanabe, 1938
Host: Mogera robusta (=M. wogura coreana) (Large asiatic mole)
Reference: Tanabe 1938

Eimeria sp. of Yakimoff, 1935

Synonym: Eimeria leporis Neischulzi, 1923, a pseudoparasite.
Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Yakimoff 1935

Eimeria talpoidei Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus talpoides (Greater Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Eimeria tanabei Levine & Ivens, 1979

Synonym: Eimeria sp. 2 of Tanabe, 1938
Host: Mogera robusta (=M. wogura coreana) (Large asiatic mole)
References: Levine & Ivens 1979; Tanabe 1938

Eimeria titthus Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Isospora aquatici Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Isospora ashtabulensis Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1989

Isospora condylurae Duszynski, 1989

Host: Condylura cristata (Star-nosed mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1989

Isospora cristatae Duszynski, 1989

Host: Condylura cristata (Star-nosed mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1989

Isospora dymecodi Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus (=Dymecodon) pilirostris (Lesser Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Isospora lamoillensis Duszynski, 1989

Host: Condylura cristata (Star-nosed mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1989

Isospora motleiensis Ford & Duszynski, 1988

Host: Scalopus aquaticus (Eastern mole)
Reference: Ford & Duszynski 1988

Isospora neurotrichi Duszynski, 1985

Host: Neurotrichus gibbsii (American shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1985

Isospora parascalopi Ford & Duszynski, 1989

Host: Parascalops breweri (Hairy-tailed mole)
Reference: Duszynski 1985

Isospora riccii Agostinucci, 1955

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
References: Agostinucci 1955, 1956

Isospora sofiae Levine & Ivens, 1979

Synonym: Isospora talpae Golemansky, 1978, nomen preocc.
Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
References: Duszynski & Wattam 1988b; Golemansky 1978, 1979; Levine & Ivens 1979

Isospora sporopointaea Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988

Isospora talpae Agostinucci, 1955

Host: Talpa europaea (European mole)
Reference: Agostinucci 1955, 1956

Isospora urotrichi Duszynski & Moore, 1986

Host: Urotrichus talpoides (Greater Japanese shrew-mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Moore 1986

Unsporulated oocyst 1 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Euroscaptor mizura (Japanese mountain mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 2 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Euroscaptor mizura (Japanese mountain mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 3 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Euroscaptor mizura (Japanese mountain mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 4 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Euroscaptor mizura (Japanese mountain mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 5 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Euroscaptor mizura (Japanese mountain mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 6 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Mogera kobeae (Large Japanese mole), M. tokudae (Large Sado Island mole), M. wogura (Lesser Japanese mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 7 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Mogera kobeae (Large Japanese mole), M. tokudae (Large Sado Island mole), M. wogura (Lesser Japanese mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 8 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Mogera kobeae (Large Japanese mole), M. tokudae (Large Sado Island mole), M. wogura (Lesser Japanese mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 9 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Mogera kobeae (Large Japanese mole), M. tokudae (Large Sado Island mole), M. wogura (Lesser Japanese mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

Unsporulated oocyst 10 of Duszynski & Wattam, 1988

Host: Mogera kobeae (Large Japanese mole), M. tokudae (Large Sado Island mole), M. wogura (Lesser Japanese mole)
Reference: Duszynski & Wattam 1988a

FAMILY: Tenrecidae (tenrecs, Madagascar hedgehogs)

Eimeria madagascariensis Uilenberg, 1967

Host: Setifer setosus (Madagascaran hedgehog)
Reference: Uilenberg 1967

Eimeria semispinosi Uilenberg, 1970

Host: Hemicentetes semispinosus (Streaked tenrec)
Reference: Uilenberg 1970

Eimeria setosi Uilenberg, 1967

Host: Setifer setosus (Madagascaran hedgehog)
Reference: Uilenberg 1967

Eimeria sp. of Uilenberg, 1967

Synonym: Eimeria madagascariensis Uilenberg, 1967, pro parte
Host: Hemicentetes semispinosus (Streaked tenrec)
Reference: Levine & Ivens 1979; Uilenberg 1967

Eimeria uilenbergi Pellérdy, 1969

Synonym: Eimeria madagascariensis Uilenberg, 1967, pro parte
Host: Tenrec ecaudatus (Tenrec)
Reference: Pellérdy 1974; Uilenberg 1967


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