The Coccidia of Gaviiformes (loons)
Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee
of Biology, University
of New
2Division of
Biology, Kansas State University
Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
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Updated: 24 January 1999
Eimeria gaviae Montgomery, Novilla, & Shillinger, 1978
Host: Gavia immer (Common
References: Montgomery et al.
Montomery, R.D., Novilla, M.N., and Shillinger, R.B. 1978. Renal
coccidiosis caused by Eimeria
gaviae n. sp. in a common loon (Gavia immer). Avian Diseases 22: 809-814.