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Updated: 16 August 2000
FAMILY: Didelphidae
- Eimeria caluromydis Lainson and Shaw, 1989
- Host: Caluromys philander (Bare-tailed woolly opossum)
- Reference: Lainson and Shaw 1989
- Eimeria cochabambensis Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Hosts: Marmosops dorothea (Dorothy's slender mouse opossum), Monodelphis
domestica (Gray short-tailed opossum), Thalamys elegans (syn. Thylamys venustus)
(Elegant fat-tailed mouse opossum)
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Eimeria indianensis Joseph, 1974
- Host: Didelphis virginiana (Virginia opossum)
- Reference: Joseph 1974
- Eimeria didelphydis Carini, 1936
- Host: Didelphis aurita (Gamba)
- Reference: Carini 1936
- Eimeria gambai Carini, 1938
- Host: Didelphis aurita (Gamba)
- Reference: Carini 1938
- Eimeria haberfeldi Carini, 1937
- Host: Caluromys philander (Bare-tailed woolly opossum)
- Reference: Carini 1937
- Eimeria maarmosopos Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Hosts: Marmosops dorothea (Dorothy's slender mouse opossum)
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Eimeria micouri Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Hosts: Micoureus constantaiae (White-bellied woolly mouse opossum)
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Eimeria philanderi Lainson and Shaw, 1989
- Host: Philander opossum (Gray four-eyed opossum)
- Reference: Lainson and Shaw 1989
- Eimeria sp. of Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Host: Thalamys elegans (syn. Thylamys venustus) (Elegant fat-tailed mouse
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Eimeria (?) sp. of Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Host: Marmosops dorothea (Dorothy's slender mouse opossum)
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Remarks: The authors noted unsporulated oocysts from the above host
- Eimeria (?) sp. of Heckscher, Wickesberg, Duszynski, and Gardner, 1999
- Host: Thalamys elegans (syn. Thylamys venustus) (Elegant fat-tailed mouse opossum)
- Reference: Heckscher et al. 1999
- Remarks: The authors noted unsporulated oocysts from the above host
- Isospora boughtoni Volk, 1938
- Host: Didelphis virginiana (Virginia opossum)
- References: Ernst et al. 1969; Volk 1938
- Remarks: This a Sarcocystis sp. and not a valid isosporan.
- Isospora lutreolinae Carini, 1939
- Host: Lutreolina crassicaudata (Thick-tailed opossum)
- Reference: Carini 1939
- Remarks: This is a Sarcocystis sp. an not an isosporan
- Isospora sp. of Ernst, Cooper, and Chobotar, 1969
- Host: Didelphis virginiana (Virginia opossum)
- Reference: Ernst et al. 1969
- Remarks: This is almost certainly an isosporan of a passeriform bird
- Isospora sp. of Joseph, 1974
- Host: Didelphis virginiana (Virginia opossum)
- Reference: Joseph 1974
- Remarks: Joseph (1974) thought this may have been a pseudoparasite
- Isospora sp. of Lainson and Shaw, 1989
- Host: Philander opossum (Gray four-eyed opossum)
- Reference: Lainson and Shaw 1989
- Remarks: This is probably a Sarcocystis sp.
FAMILY: Macropodidae
- Coccidian sp of Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Host: Petrogale penicillata (Brush-tailed rock
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988c
- Coccidian sp. Budiarso, Johnson, Gallina, and Gaafaar, 1971
- Host: Macropus sp.
- Reference: Budiarso et al. 1971
- Remarks: Budiarso et al. (1971) listed the hosts as "Grey kangaroos (Macropus
canguru)" No such marsupial exists with the trivial name "canguru." Based on the
common name provided, this is likely either Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo) or Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo).
- Coccidian sp. of Finnie, 1974
- Hosts: Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey
kangaroo), Macropus rufogrieseus (Red-necked
- Reference: Finnie 1974
- Coccidian 1 of Johnson, 1910
- Host: Thylogale thetis (syn. Macropus thetis) (Red-necked pademelon)
- Reference: Johnson 1910a
- Coccidian 2 of Johnson, 1910
- Host: Macropus parryi (Whiptail wallaby)
- Reference: Johnson 1910a
- Coccidian 3 of Johnson, 1910
- Host: Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey
- Reference: Johnson 1910b
- Coccidia spp. of Winter, 1959
- Hosts: "kangaroos" and "wallabies"
- Reference: Winter 1959
- Eimeria bicolor Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria boonderooensis Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale assimilis (Allied rock wallaby),
Petrogale inornata (Unadorned rock wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988c
- Eimeria dendrolagi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Dendrolagus lumholtzi (Tree-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria desmaresti Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Host: Macropus rufogrieseus (Red-necked
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
- Eimeria flindersi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Host: Macropus antilopinus (Antilopine wallaroo),
Macropus eugenii (Tammar wallaby), Macropus rufogriseus (Red-necked
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
- Eimeria godmani Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale assimilis (Allied rock wallaby),
Petrogale godmani (Godman's rock wallaby), Petrogale lateralis pearsoni (Person
Island black-footed rock wallaby)
- References: Barker et al. 1988c; O'Callaghan et al. 1998
- Eimeria gungahlinensis Mykytowyez, 1964
- Hosts: Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (syn. Macropus canguru) (Eastern grey
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Mykytowyez 1964
- Eimeria hestermani Mykytowyez, 1964
- non Eimeria hestermani Mykytowyez, 1964 of Pellerdy, 1974
- Hosts: Macropus dorsalis (Black-striped wallaby),
Macropus eugenii (Tammar wallaby), Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (syn. Macropus canguru)
(Eastern grey kangaroo), Macropus rufogriseus (Red-necked wallaby)
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Mykytowyez 1964
- Eimeria inornata Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale inornata (Unadorned rock, wallaby), Petrogale lateralis
pearsoni (Person Island black-footed rock wallaby), Petrogale penicillata (Brush-tailed
rock wallaby)
- References: Barker et al. 1988c; O'Callaghan et al. 1998
- Eimeria kogoni Mykytowyez, 1964, species inquirendae
- Host: Macropus giganteus (syn. Macropus canguru) (Eastern
grey kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1972, 1989; Mykytowyez 1964
- Eimeria lagorchestis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Lagorchestes conspicillatus (Spectacled hare-wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria lumholtzi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Dendrolagus lumholtzi (Tree-kangaroos)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria macropodis Wenyon and Scott, 1925
- Synonym: Eimeria cunnamullensis Mykytowyez,
- Synonym: Eimeria fausti Yakimoff and Matschoulsky,
- Synonym: Eimeria purchasei Mykytowyez,
- Synonym: Ileocystis macropodis (?) of Wenyon and
Scott, 1925
- Synonym: Lymphocystis macropodis (?) of Wenyon
and Scott, 1925
- Hosts: Macropus dorsalis (Black-striped wallaby),
Macropus eugenii (Tammar wallaby), Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo), Macropus irma
(Western brush wallaby), Macropus parma (Parma wallaby), Macropus parryi
(Whip-tailed wallaby), Macropus rufogriseus (syn. Macropus bennetti) (Red-necked
wallaby), Macropus rufus (Red kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1972, 1989; Mykytowyez 1964;
Prasad 1960; Rastegaieff 1930; Triffit 1916; Wenyon and Scott 1925; Yakimoff and
Matschoulsky, 1936
- Eimeria marsupialium Yakimoff and Matschoulsky, 1936
- Hosts: Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Yakimoff and Matschoulsky
- Eimeria mykytowyczi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Hosts: Macropus agilis (Agile wallagy), Macropus antilopinus (Antilopine
wallaroo), Macropus parryi (Whip-tailed wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
- Eimeria obendorfi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Thylogale billardierii (Tasmanian pademelon)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria occidentalis Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale inornata (Unadorned rock
wallaby), Petrogale penicillata (Brush-tailed rock wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988c
- Eimeria parryi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Host: Macropus parryi (Whip-tailed wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
- Eimeria petrogale Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale brachyotis (Short-eared rock
wallaby), Petrogale lateralis (Black-footed rock wallaby), Petrogale penicillata
(Brush-tailed rock wallaby), Petrogale rothschildi (Rothchild's rock
- References: Barker et al. 1988c; Close et al. 1988; O'Callaghan et al. 1998
- Eimeria prionotemni Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Hosts: Macropus agilis (Agile
wallagy), Macropus dorsalis (Black-striped wallaby), Macropus eugenii (Tammar
wallaby), Macropus parryi (Whip-tailed wallaby), Macropus rufogriseus
(Red-necked wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
- Eimeria quokka Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Setonix brachyurus (Quokka)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria ringaroomaensis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Thylogale billardierii (Tasmanian
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria rufusi Prasad, 1960, species inquirendae
- Host: Macropus rufus (Red kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Prasad 1960
- Eimeria setonocis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Setonix brachyurus (Quokka)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria sharmani Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Hosts: Petrogale assimilis (Allied rock wallaby),
Petrogale godmani (Godman's rock wallaby), Petrogale inornata
(Unadorned rock wallaby), Petrogale lateralis (Black-footed rock
wallaby), Petrogale penicillata (Brush-tailed rock
wallaby), Petrogale rothschildi (Rothchild's rock wallaby)
- References: Barker et al. 1988c; Close et al. 1988; O'Callaghan et al. 1998
- Eimeria sp. of Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Lagorchestes conspicillatus (Spectacled hare-
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria (?) sp. (Blanchard, 1885) Levine, 1979
- Synonym: Balbiania mucosa Blanchard, 1885
- Synonym: Balbiania mucosa
Blanchard, 1885 of Coutelen, 1933 (?)
- Host: Petrogale penicillata (Brush-tailed rock
- References: Blanchard 1885; Coutelen 1933; Levine
- Remarks: O'Donoghue et al. (1987) suggested this to be Sarcocystis mucosa
(Blanchard, 1885) Labbe, 1889
- Eimeria (?) sp. of Gilruth and Bull, 1912
- Host: Macropus sp. (a wallaby)
- Reference: Gilruth and Bull 1912
- Remarks: Merogonous stages, termed Ileocystis macropodis and
Lymphocystis macropodis, are all that was reported.
- Eimeria sp. of Speare, Beveridge, Johnson, and Corner, 1983
- Host: Macropus agilis (Agile or Sandy wallaby)
- Reference: Speare et al. 1983
- Eimeria sp. of Zwart and Strik 1964
- Synonym: Eimeria hestermani Mykytowyez, 1964 of
Pellerdy, 1974
- Host: Macropus rufogriseus (syn. Macropus bennetti) (Red-necked wallaby)
- References: Pellerdy 1974; Zwart and Strik 1964
- Remarks: O'Donoghue et al. (1987) suggested the intestinal cysts to be
Sarcocystis mucosa (Blanchard, 1885) Labbe, 1889
- Eimeria thylogale Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Thylogale billardierii (Tasmanian
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria toganmainensis Mykytowyez, 1964
- Hosts: Macropus eugenii (Tammar wallaby), Macropus
fuliginosus (Western grey kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo),
Macropus rufogriseus (Red-necked
wallaby), Macropus rufus (Red kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Mykytowyez 1964
- Eimeria volckertzooni Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Setonix brachyurus (Quokka)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria wallabiae Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Wallabia bicolor (Swamp wallaby)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988b
- Eimeria wilcanniensis Mykytowyez, 1964
- Hosts: Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo), Macropus robustus
(Wallaroo), Macropus rufus (Red kangaroo)
- References: Barker et al. 1989; Mykytowyez 1964
- Eimeria xanthopus Barker, O'Callaghan, Beveridge, and Close, 1988
- Host: Petrogale xanthopus (Yellow-footed rock
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988c
- Eimeria yathongensis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1989
- Hosts: Macropus fuliginosus (Western grey
kangaroo), Macropus giganteus (Eastern grey kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1989
FAMILY: Peramelidae
- Eimeria sp. of Obendorf and Munday, 1990
- Host: Perameles gunnii (Easern barred
- Reference: Obendorf and Munday 1990
FAMILY: Phalangeridae
- Eimeria sp. of Presidente, 1982
- Host: Trichosurus vulpecula (Brushtail
- References: O'Callaghan and Moore 1986; Presidente 1982
FAMILY: Potoroidae
- Eimeria aepyprymni Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Aepyprymnus rufescens (Rufous bettong)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria gaimardi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Bettongia gaimardi (Tasmanian bettong)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria hypsiprymodontis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Hypsiprymodon moschatus (Musky rat-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria kairiensis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Hypsiprymodon moschatus (Musky rat-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria mundayi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Potorous tridactylus (Potoroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria potoroi Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Potorous tridactylus (Potoroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria speari Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Hypsiprymodon moschatus (Musky rat-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria spratti Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Hypsiprymodon moschatus (Musky rat-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
- Eimeria tinarooensis Barker, O'Callaghan, and Beveridge, 1988
- Host: Hypsiprymodon moschatus (Musky rat-kangaroo)
- Reference: Barker et al. 1988a
FAMILY: Vombatidae
- Eimeria arundeli Barker, Munday, and Presidente, 1979
- Host: Vombatus ursinus (Common wombat)
- References: Barker et al. 1979; Hum et al. 1991
- Eimeria tasmaniae Supperer, 1957
- Synonym: Eimeria (Globidium) tasmaniae Supperer,
- Synonym: Eimeria wombati (Gilruth and Bull, 1912)
Barker, Munday, and Presidente, 1979
- Synonym: Ileocystis wombati Gilruth and Bull,
- Host: Lasiorhinus latifrons (Hairy-nosed
- References: Barker et al. 1979; Gilruth and Bull 1912;
Supperer 1957
- Eimeria ursini Supperer, 1957
- Host: Lasiorhinus latifrons (Hairy-nosed
- References: Barker et al. 1979; Supperer 1957
Barker, I.K., Harrigan, K.E., and Dempster, J.K. 1972. Coccidiosis in wild grey kangaroos.
International Journal for Parasitology 2: 87-192.
Barker, I.K., Munday, B.L., and Presidente, P.J.A. 1979. Coccidia of wombats: correction of
host-parasite relationships. Eimeria wombati (Gilruth and Bull, 1912) comb. nov. and Eimera
ursini Supperer, 1957 from the hairy-nosed wombat and Eimeria arundeli sp. n. from the common
wombat. Journal of Parasitology 65: 451-456.
Barker, I.K., O'Callaghan, M.G., and Beveridge, I. 1988a. Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa:
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Barker, I.K., O'Callaghan, M.G., and Beveridge, I. 1988b. Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa:
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Barker, I.K., O'Callaghan, M.G., and Beveridge, I. 1989. Host-parasite associations of Eimeria
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Barker, I.K., O'Callaghan, M.G., Beveridge, I., and Close, R.L. 1988c. Host-parasite associations
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Blanchard, B. 1885. Note sur les sarcosporidies et sur un essai de classification de ces
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Budiarso, I.T., Johnson, P., Gallina, A.M., and Gaafar, S.M. 1971. Fatal spontaneous coccidiosis
in grey kangaroos (Macropus canguru). Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 2: 16-19.
Carini, A. 1936. Eimeria didelphydis n. sp. dell'intestino del Didelphys aurita. Archivo Italiano di
Scienze Mediche Tropical e di Parassitologia 17: 332-335.
Carini, A. 1937. Sur une nouvelle Eimeria, parasite de l'intestin du Caluromys philander. Annales
de Parasitologie humaine et Comparee 15: 153-155.
Carini, A. 1938. Mais uma Eimeria, parasita do intestino do Didelphys aurita. Archivos de
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Carini, A. 1939. Sobre uma nova Isospora do intestino da Lutreolina crassicaudata. Archivos de
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Close, R.L., Ingleby, S., van Oorschot, A.H., Gooley, A.A., Briscoe, D.A., and Sharman, G.B.
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Ernst, J.V., Cooper, C., and Chobotar, B. 1969. Isospora boughtoni Volk, 1938 and Isospora sp.
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Gilruth, J.A., and Bull, L.B. 1912. Enteritis, associated with infection of the intestinal wall by
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Heckscher, S.K., Wickesberg, B.A., Duzynski, D.W., and Gardner, S.L. 1999. Three new species
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Joseph, T. 1974. Eimeria indianensis sp. n. and an Isospora sp. from the opossum Didelphis
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Lainson, R., and Shaw, J.J. 1989. Two new species of Eimeria and three new species of Isospora
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Supperer, R. 1957. Zwei coccidien, Eimeria (Globidium) tasmaniae n. sp. und Eimeria (Eimeria)
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Wenyon, C.M., and Scott, H.H. 1925. Untitled. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical
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Winter, H. 1959. Coccidiosis in kangaroos. Australian Veterinary Journal 35: 301-303.
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