Eimeria milleri Bray, 1958
Type host: Crocidura poensis (Fraser, 1843) (Syn. C. schweitzeri, White-toothed shrew.
Other hosts: None reported to date.
Type locality:AFRICA: Liberia, Marshall Territory, presumably near Harbel.
Geographic distribution:AFRICA: Liberia.

Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: ovoid;
number of walls: 1;
wall thickness: <1.0;
wall characteristics: smooth, thin, but "tougher" than those of E. firestonei;
L x W: 14.9 x 13.6 (14-16 x 12-14);
L/W ratio: 1.1;
M: absent;
OR: absent;
PG: 1. sometimes.
Distinctive features of oocyst: thin, smooth wall, presumably asymmetrical (line drawing), small size.
Description of sporocysts and sporozoites:
Sporocyst shape: ovoid;
L x W: 8.0 x 6.2 (7.5-8.5 x 6-7);
L/W ratio: 1.3;
SB: present;
SSB: absent;
PSB: absent;
SR: present;
SR characteristics: scattered, small granules mostly obscuring SP (line drawing);
SP: vermicular, 3.5 x 2.5, but no obvious RB.
Distinctive features of sporocyst: smal size, pointed ovoid shape with vermicular SPs.
Prevalence: 2/6 (33%, in 2/3 adults and 0/3 infants).
Sporulation: Exogenous. Oocysts sporulated in 4 days in 2% chromic acid (?) solution.
Prepatent and patent periods: Unknown.
Site of infection: Unknown. Oocysts were recovered from feces in rectal contents.
Materials deposited: None.
Remarks: It is likely that either the SP measurements are in error or that the RB were being confused with the SP and were the actual structures measured by Bray (1958). This species somewhat resembles E. chagasi from Sorex araneus (Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1935) and E. crocidurae from C. russula (Galli-Valerio, 1933), which we consider a species inquirindae; it has not been reported since its original description.
Reference: Bray (1958).