Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
4 types of "undetermined" coccidia Thompson & Wright, 1978
None described
Isospora sp. of Faust & Pappas, 1977
Isospora struthionis Yakimoff, 1940
Faust, B.S., and P.W. Pappas. 1977. A survey of coccidia and helminth paraistes of birds at the Columbus (Ohio) Zoo. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 8: 18-23.
Thompson, E.J., and Wright, I.G.A. 1978. Coccidiosis in kiwis. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 26: 167.
Yakimoff, W.L. 1940. Isospora struthionis n. sp., coccidie de l'autruche africaine. Annales de Societe Belge de Medecine Tropical, Brussels 20: 137-138.