Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Perciformes
Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University
Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
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Updated: 07 November 2000
Comments: or
NOTE: Our ability to differentiate species remains morphologic and
depends heavily on the experience of the investigator. Since numerous
descriptions have been written by individuals new to the field, and
because differentiating coccidia is often difficult even for experienced
coccidial biologists, it seems likely that a number of the coccidia
listed actually represent composites of two or more morphologically
similar species. Coccidia described from multiple hosts in
different orders and/or families should especially be viewed
There are a number of perciform hosts reported to harbor oocysts of the
hepatic clupeid coccidian termed "Eimeria clupearum." These
Auxis rochei (Bullet tuna), Caranx rhonchus (False shad),
Diplodus prayensis (Two-banded seabream), Diplodus
vulgaris (Common two-banded seabream), Euthynnus alletteratus
(Little tunny), Pagrus pagrus (Common seabream), Pseudupeneus
prayensis (West African goatfish), Scomber japonicus (Chub
mackerel), Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel), Selene
vomer (Lookdown), and Spicara melanurus (Blacksport
picarel). These reports should be viewed skeptically until experimental
transmission studies are performed.
Our taxonomy of the coccidia is highly conservative, and we consider
generic designations based on sporocyst structure or site of infection to
be synonyms of the genus Eimeria. However, we have refrained
from renaming any species originally described in other genera. We
have simply reported them as Eimeria sp. with the original
name listed as a synonym.
FAMILY: Ammodytidae (Sand lances)
- Eimeria bigemina (Labbe, 1896) Yakimov, 1929
- Synonym: Goussia bigemina Labbe, 1896
- Host: Ammodytes tobianus (Small sandeel)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Dogiel 1948; Labbe 1896; Yakimoff 1929
FAMILY: Belontiidae (Gouramies)
- Eimeria macropoda Su and Chen, 1991
- Host: Macropodus chinensis (Roundtail paradisefish)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Su and Chen 1991
- Eimeria sp. of Szekely and Molnar, 1992
- Synonym: Goussia trichogasteri Szekely and Molnar, 1992
- Host: Trichogaster trichopterus (Three-spotted gourami)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Kim and Paperna 1993b; Paperna 1995; Szekely and Molnar 1992
FAMILY: Blenniidae (Combtooth blennies)
- Eimeria dingleyi Davies, 1978
- Host: Lipophrys pholis (syn. Blennius pholis) (Shanny)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Davies 1978
FAMILY: Carangidae (Jacks and Pompanos)
- Eimeria cruciata (Thelohan, 1892) Yakimov, 1929
- Synonym: Coccidium cruciatum Thelohan, 1892
- Synonym: Goussia cruciata (Thelohan, 1892) Labbe, 1896
- Hosts: Pseudocaranx dentex (White trevally). Trachurus mediterraneus
(Mediterranean horse mackerel), Trachurus
picturatus (Blue jack mackerel), Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Daoudi 1987; Doudi et al. 1989a; Dogiel 1948; Dykova and
Lom 1981; Ergul 1970;
Gaevskaya and Kovaleva 1980; Kalfa-Papaioannou and Athanassopoulou-Raptopoulou 1984;
Labbe 1896; Lom and Dykova 1995; Matsubayashi 1935, 1936; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989;
Reimer 1976; Thelohan
1892a, 1892b; Yakimov 1929
- Eimeria sp. of Daoudi, 1987
- Synonym: Goussia sp. 1 of Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Trachurus mediterraneus (Mediterranean horse mackerel)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Daoudi 1987
- Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Synonym: Goussia decapteri Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Host: Caranx rhonchus (syn. Decapterus rhonchus) (False shad)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993
- Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Synonym: Goussia trachinoti Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Host: Trachinotus ovatus (Derbio)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993
- Eimeria sp. of Fantham, 1919
- Host: Seriola lalandii (Yellowtail amberjack)
- Site of infection: Stomach and intestine
- Reference: Fantham 1919b
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Pseudocaranx detex (syn. Caranx georgianus) (White trevally)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
FAMILY: Centracanthidae (Maenids)
- Eimeria kotorensis Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1987
- Hosts: Spicara maena (Blotched picarel), Spicara smaris (Picarel)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1987, 1989a; Radujkovic and
Raibut 1989
- Eimeria smaris (Daoudi, 1987) Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1989
- Synonym: Eimeria maenae Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Spicara smaris (Picarel)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi et al. 1989a, 1989b; Radujkovic and Raibut 1989
- Daoudi (1987) originally published this coccidian under the name Eimeria maenae in
his doctoral dissertation. For reasons totally unknown to us, he changed the name to Eimeria
smaris in 1989 (Daoudi et al. 1989a, 1989b). Since most dissertations are normally private
documents and tend not to be widely available for dissemination, one may argue that the latter
name may be considered the valid one.
FAMILY: Centrarchidae (Sunfish and Bass)
- Eimeria micropteri Molnar and Hanek, 1974
- Synonym: Eimeria sp. 2 (?) of Molnar, Hanek, and Fernando, 1974
- Hosts: Micropterus dolomieui (Smallmouth bass), Micropterus salmoides
(Largemouth bass)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Margolis and Arthur 1979; Molnar and Hanek 1974; Molnar et al. 1974
- Eimeria patersoni Lom, Desser, and Dykova, 1989
- Synonym: Eimeria esoci of Li and Desser, 1985
- Host: Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed)
- Site of infection: Kidney, liver, spleen
- Reference: Li and Desser 1985; Lom et al. 1989
FAMILY: Channidae (Snakeheads)
- Eimeria kwangtungensis Chen and Hsieh, 1960
- Hosts: Channa argus (syn. Ophiocephalus argus) (Snakehead), Channa maculata
(syn. Ophiocephalus maculatus) (Snakehead)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Chen and Hsieh 1960; Chen and Li 1973; Su 1987a
- Eimeria ophiocephalae Chen and Hsieh, 1960
- Hosts: Channa argus (syn. Ophiocephalus argus) (Snakehead), Channa maculata
(syn. Ophiocephalus maculatus) (Snakehead)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Chen and Hsieh 1960
- Eimeria sp. 1 of Singhal, Swaran, and Davies, 1987
- Synonym: Eimeria aurata of Singhal, Swaran, and Davies,
- Host: Channa punctatus (syn. Ophiocephalus punctatus) (Spotted snakehead)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Singhal et al. 1987
FAMILY: Cheilodactylidae (Morongs)
- Eimeria cheilodactyli Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Cheilodactylus fuscus (Red morwong)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria dykovae Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Cheilodactylus fuscus (Red morwong)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
FAMILY: Cichlidae (Cichlids)
- Calyptospora spinosa Azevedo, Matos, and Matos, 1993
- Host: Crenicichla lepidota (Pike cichlid)
- Site of infection: Liver, testes, ovary
- Reference: Azevedo et al. 1993
- Calyptospora tucunarensis Bekesi and Molnar, 1991
- Host: Cichla ocellaris (Peacock cichlid)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Bekesi and Molnar 1991
- Eimeria sp. of Landsberg and Paperna, 1985
- Synonym: Goussia cichlidarum Landsberg and Paperna, 1985
- Hosts: Oreochromis aureus (Blue tilapia), Oreochromis aureus (Blue tilapia) x
Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) hybrids, Sarotherodon galilaeus (Mango
tilapia), Tilapia zilli (Redbelly tilapia)
- Site of infection: Swimbladder
- References: Kim and Paperna 1992, 1993a; Landsberg and Paperna 1985; Paperna 1995;
Paperna and Landsberg 1985a, 1985b; Paperna et al. 1986
- Eimeria vansi Landsberg and Paperna, 1987
- Hosts: Oreochromis aureus (Blue tilapia) x Oreochromis niloticus (Nile
tilapia) hybrids, Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tipapia), Sarotherodon
galilaeus (Mango tilapia), Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Southern mouthbrooder),
Tilapia sparrmanii (Banded tilapia), Tilapia zilli (Redbelly
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Kim and Paperna 1992; Landsberg and Paperna 1987; Paperna 1990, 1991,
1995; Paperna and Landsberg 1987; Paperna and Vilenkin 1999
FAMILY: Clinidae (Clinids)
- Eimeria clini Fantham, 1932
- Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Fantham, 1919
- Host: Clinus superciliosus (a clinid)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Dogiel 1948; Fantham 1919a, 1932
FAMILY: Eleotrididae (Sleepers)
- Eimeria philypnodoni Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Philypnodon grandiceps (Bully)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988b
- Eimeria sp. of Chen, 1984
- non Eimeria liaoningensis Chen, 1984
- Hosts: Hypseleotris sp. (a gudgeon); Hypseleotris
swinhonis (a gudgeon)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Chen 1984
- Chen (1984) reported Eimeria liaoningensis from both
cypriniform (Carassius auratus and Pseudogobio
rivularis) and the above perciform hosts. It seems unlikely that the
same coccidian infects hosts in both orders.
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia callinani Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Hypseleotris compressa (Empire gudgeon)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988b
FAMILY: Gerridae (Mojarras)
- Eimeria nesowai Lom and Dykova, 1995
- Host: Gerres ovatus (Silver biddy)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Lom and Dykova 1995
FAMILY: Gobiidae (Gobies)
- Eimeria credintsi Moshu, 1992
- Host: Proterorhinus marmoratus (Tube-nosed goby)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Molnar 1996b; Moshu 1992
- Eimeria glossogobii Mukherjee and Haldar, 1980
- Host: Glossogobius giuris (Tank gobi)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Mukherjee and Haldar 1980
- Eimeria gobii Fantham, 1932
- Host: Caffrogobius nudiceps (syn. Gobius nudiceps) (Barehead goby)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Fantham 1932
- Eimeria marmorata Molner, 1996
- Host: Proterorhinus marmoratus (Tube-nosed goby)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Molnar 1996b
- Eimeria sp. 2 of Dogiel, 1948
- non (?) Eimeria variabilis (Thelohan, 1893) Reichenow, 1921
- Host: Caffrogobius pagaenellus (syns. Gobius bicolor, Gobius paganellus) (Rock
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Dogiel 1948
- Remarks: Dogiel (1948) reported Eimeria variabilis to infect this host. However, we
consider this a morphologically similar species and believe Eimeria variabilis to be
confined to the Scorpaeniformes.
- Eimeria sp. of Molner and Ogawa, 2000
- Synonym: Goussia wakabayashii Molnar and Ogawa, 2000
- Host: Tridentiger brevispinis (syn. Tridentiger kuroiwae
brevispinis) (Numa-chichibu)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Ogawa 2000
FAMILY: Haemulidae (Grunts)
- Eimeria perciformis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
- Host: Pomadasys incisus (Bastard grunt - Haemulidae), Epinephelus goreensis
(Dungat grouper)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994
- Remarks: Two morphologically similar coccidians may be involved
- Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Synonym: Goussia sp. of Faye, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia dakarensis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Hosts: Brachydeuterus auritus (Bigeye grunt - Haemulidae), Galeoides
decadactylus (Lesser African threadfish - Polynemidae), Ponadasys peroteti (Parrot
grant - Haemulidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993; Faye 1988
- Remarks: Faye (1988) originally reported the coccidian from the Parrot grunt. The
additional two hosts were later added by Diouf and Toguebaye (1993). The coccidian in the
threadfish may or may not represent the same species.
FAMILY: Kyphosidae (Sea chubs)
- Eimeria sp. of Kent, Fournie, Snodgrass, and Elston, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia girellae Kent, Fournie, Snodgrass, and Elston, 1988
- Host: Girella nigricans (Opaleye)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Kent et al. 1988
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia microcanthi Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Microcanthus strigatus (Stripey)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
FAMILY: Labridae (Wrasses)
- Eimeria banyulensis Lom and Dykova, 1982
- Hosts: Coris julis (Mediterranean rainbow wrasse),
Ctenolabrus rupestris (Goldshinny wrasse), Symphodus
cinereus (Grey wrasse), Symphodus
mediterraneus (syn. Crenilabrus mediterraneus) (Axillary wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Lom and Dykova
1982; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989
- Eimeria catalana Lom and Dykova, 1981
- Hosts: Bodianus speciosus (Blackbar hogfish - Labridae), Scarus hoefleri
(Guinean parrotfish - Scaridae), Symphodus cinereus (Grey wrasse - Labridae),
Symphodus mediterraneus (syn.
Crenilabrus mediterraneus) (Axillary wrasse - Labridae)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Diouf and Toguebaye 1994; Lom and
Dykova 1981a; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989
- Remarks: The original hosts were Symphodus cinereus and
S. mediterraneus.
Diouf and Toguebaye (1994) added the other two hosts which may or may not represent the same
- Eimeria petrovici Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1987
- Host: Symphodus ocellatus (a wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1987, 1989a; Radujkovic and Raibut 1989
- Eimeria sp. of Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1989
- Synonym: Epieimeria poytoraci Radujkovic and Raibut, 1989 lapsus
- Synonym: Epieimeria puytoraci Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1989
- Host: Symphodus tinca (East Atlantic peacock wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a, 1989b
- Eimeria roussillona Lom and Dykova, 1981
- Host: Labrus merula (syn. Labrus turdus) (Brown wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Lom and Dykova 1981a
- Eimeria sp. 1 of Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Symphodus rostratus (a wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi 1987
- Eimeria sp. 5 of Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Symphodus melops (Corkwing wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi 1987
- Eimeria sp. 1 of Thelohan, 1893
- non (?) Eimeria variabilis (Thelohan, 1893) Reichenow, 1921
- Host: Symphodus melops (syn. Crenilabrus melops) (Corkwing wrasse)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Thelohan 1893, 1894
- Remarks: Thelohan (1893) reported Eimeria variabilis to infect this host. However,
we consider this a morphologically similar species and believe Eimeria variabilis to be
confined to the Scorpaeniformes.
- Eimeria sp. of Zaika, 1966
- Host: Symphodus rostratus (syn. Symphodus scina) (a wrasse)
- Site of infection: Urinary bladder
- Reference: Zaika 1966
- Eimeria symphodi Daoudi, Radujkovic, Marques, and Bouix, 1989
- Host: Symphodus rostratus (a wrasse)
- Site of infection: Posterior intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Doudi et al. 1989a, 1989b
- Eimeria thelohani (Labbe, 1896) Yakimov, 1929
- Synonym: Coccidium sp. of Thelohan, 1894
- Synonym: Goussia thelohani Labbe, 1896
- Hosts: Labrus sp. (Labridae); Symphodus tinca (East Atlantic peacock wrasse
- Labridae); perhaps Acathopagrus australis (Surf bream - Sparidae) and Rhabdosargus
sarba (Goldlined seabream - Sparidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1988; Dogiel 1948; Dykova and
Lom 1981a, 1981b; Labbe 1896;
Lom and Dykova 1995; Thelohan 1894; Yakimov 1929
FAMILY: Lutjanidae (Snappers)
- Eimeria sp. of Faye, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia senegalensis Faye, 1988
- Hosts: Apsilus fuscus (African forktail snapper - Lutjanidae); Pagellus bellotii
(Red pandora - Sparidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993; Faye 1988
- Remarks: Faye (1988) originally reported this coccidian from the Red pandora. Diouf and
Toguebaye (1993) added the snapper as a second host. The two coccidia may or may not
represent the same species.
FAMILY: Moronidae (Temperate basses)
- Eimeria bouixi Daoudi and Marques 1987
- Synonym: Nucleoeimeria bouixi (Daoudi and Marques 1987) Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Dicentrarchus labrax (European seabass)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi and Marques 1987
- Eimeria dicentrarchi Daoudi and Marques 1987
- Host: Dicentrarchus labrax (European seabass)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi, 1987; Daoudi and Marques 1987
- Eimeria glenorensis Molnar and Fernando, 1974
- Host: Morone americana (White perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Fernando 1974
- Eimeria moronei Molnar and Fernando, 1974
- Host: Morone americana (White perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Margolis and Arthur 1979; Molnar and Fernando 1974
FAMILY: Mullidae (Goatfish)
- Eimeria sp. of Lom and Dykova, 1982
- Synonym: Goussia luciae Lom and Dykova, 1982
- Host: Mullus barbatus (Red mullet)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Lom and Dykova 1982a; Radujkovic and
Raibaut 1989
FAMILY: Nototheriidae (Cod icefish)
- Eimeria (?) sp. of Noble, 1984
- Host: Lepidonotothen larseni (syn. Notothenia larseni) (a cod icefish)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Noble 1984
- Remarks: Reported only as "coccidia" from the intestine.
FAMILY: Odontobutidae (Odontids)
- Eimeria odontobutis Su and Chen, 1987
- Host: Odontobutis obscura (an odontid)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Su and Chen 1987
FAMILY: Percichthyidae (Temperate basses)
- Eimeria ashburneri Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Macquaria ambigua (Golden perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988b
- Eimeria sp. of Ashburner, 1975
- Host: Macquaria australasica (Macquarie perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Ashburner 1975
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Langdon, 1986
- Synonym: Goussia langdoni Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Macquaria ambigua (Golden perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Langdon 1986; Molnar and Rohde 1988b
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia lomi Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Maccullochella peeli (Murray cod)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988b
- Eimeria sp. of Munday and Copland, 1981
- Host: Macquaria australasica (Macquarie perch)
- Site of infection: No information provided
- Reference: Munday and Copland 1981
FAMILY: Percidae (Perch)
- Eimeria acerinae Pellerdy and Molnar, 1971
- Host: Gymnocephalus cernus (syn. Acerina cernua) (Ruffe)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Jastrzebski 1984; Lukes 1990; Nukerbaeva et al. 1990; Pellerdy and Molnar
- Eimeria etheostomae Molnar and Hanek 1974
- Synonym: Eimeria sp. 3 (?) of Molnar, Hanek, and Fernando,
- Hosts: Etheostoma exile (Iowa darter), Etheostoma nigrum (Johnny darter)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Hanek 1974; Molnar et al. 1974
- Eimeria laureleus Molnar and Fernando, 1974
- Synonym: Goussia laureleus (Molnar and Fernando, 1974) Li and Desser, 1985
- Host: Perca flavescens (Yellow perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Desser and Li 1984; Li and Desser 1985; Molnar and Fernando 1974
- Eimeria percae (Dujarric de la Riviere, 1914) Reichenow, 1921
- Synonym: Coccidium percae Dujarric de la Riviere, 1914
- Synonym: Eimeria rivierei Yakimov, 1929
- Host: Perca fluviatilus (European perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Dujarric de la Riviere 1914; Getsevichyute 1958; Izumova 1977; Jastrzebski
1984; Markevich 1951; Reichenow 1921; Schulman and Shtein 1962; Schulman and Zaika 1964;
Stankovitch 1921; Yakimov 1929; Zaika 1965
- Eimeria sp. 1 of Lukes, 1990
- Host: Perca fluviatilus (European perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Lukes 1990
- Eimeria sp. 4 of Lukes, 1990
- Host: Perca fluviatilus (European perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Lukes 1990
- Eimeria of Molnar, 1996
- Synonym: Goussia desseri Molnar, 1996
- Hosts: Sander luciperca (syn. Stizostedion luciperca) (Zander),
volgensis (Volga perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar, 1996a
- Eimeria tedlai Molnar and Fernando, 1974
- Host: Perca flavescens (Yellow perch)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Jastrzebski 1984; Margolis and Arthur 1979; Molnar and Fernando 1974
FAMILY: Polynemidae (Threadfins)
- Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Synonym: Goussia sp. of Faye, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia dakarensis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1993
- Hosts: Brachydeuterus auritus (Bigeye grunt - Haemulidae), Galeoides
decadactylus (Lesser African threadfish - Polynemidae), Ponadasys peroteti (Parrot
grant - Haemulidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993; Faye 1988
- Remarks: Faye (1988) originally reported the coccidian from the Parrot grunt. The
additional two hosts were later added by Diouf and Toguebaye (1993). The coccidian in the
threadfish may or may not represent the same species.
FAMILY: Scaridae (Parrotfish)
- Eimeria catalana Lom and Dykova, 1981
- Hosts: Bodianus speciosus (Blackbar hogfish - Labridae), Scarus hoefleri
(Guinean parrotfish - Scaridae), Symphodus cinereus (Grey wrasse - Labridae),
Symphodus mediterraneus (syn.
Crenilabrus mediterraneus) (Axillary wrasse - Labridae)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Diouf and Toguebaye 1994; Lom and
Dykova 1981a; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989
- Remarks: The original hosts were Symphodus cinereus and
S. mediterraneus. Diouf and Toguebaye (1994) added the other two
hosts and the coccidia found may or may not represent the same
FAMILY: Sciaenidae (Drums or croakers)
- Eimeria sp. of Landsberg, 1993
- Synonym: Epieimeria ocellata Landsberg, 1993
- Host: Sciaenops ocellatus (Red drum)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Landsberg 1993
- Eimeria sp. of Landsberg, 1993
- Synonym: Goussia floridana Landsberg, 1993
- Host: Sciaenops ocellatus (Red drum)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Landsberg 1993
- Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
- Host: Otolithes ruber (syn. Otolithus ruber) (Tiger-toothed
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Setna and Bana 1935
FAMILY: Scombridae (Mackerel and Tuna)
- Eimeria auxidus Dogiel, 1948
- Synonym: Goussia auxidus (Dogiel, 1948) Dykova and Lom, 1983
- Host: Auxis rochei (syn. Auxidis maru) (Bullet tuna)
- References: Dogiel 1948; Dykova and Lom 1981; Jones 1990; Nukerbaeva et al. 1990
- Site of infection: Kidney
- Remarks: Cololabis saira (Pacific saury - Beloniformes) was originally listed as
another host for this coccidian. It is likely that this represents a morphologically similar species.
- Eimeria pneumatophori Dogiel, 1948
- Host: Scomber japonicus (syn. Pneumatophorus japonicus) (Yellowtail amberjack)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Dogiel 1948; Schulman and Shtein 1962
- Eimeria sp. of Morrison, McClelland, Cornick, and Marcogliese, 1986
- Synonym: "Coccidian" of Morrison, McClelland, Cornick, and Marcogliese, 1986
- Host: Scomber scombrus (Mackerel)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Morrison et al. 1986
- Remarks: This coccidian is morphologically similar to Eimeria clupearum and may or
may not represent that species.
FAMILY: Serranidae (Sea bass)
- Eimeria dakarensis Faye, 1988
- Hosts: Cephalopholis taeniops (African hind), Epinephelus fasciatus (syn.
Epinephelus alexandrinus) (Blacktip grouper)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994; Faye 1988
- Eimeria ivanae Lom and Dykova, 1981
- Host: Serranus cabrilla (Comber), Serranus scriba (Painted comber)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Diouf and Toguebaye
1994; Lom and Dykova 1981a;
Radujkovic and Raibut 1989
- Eimeria perciformis Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
- Host: Pomadasys incisus (Bastard grunt - Haemulidae), Epinephelus goreensis
(Dungat grouper)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994
- Remarks: Two morphologically similar coccidians may be involved
- Eimeria ryptici Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
- Host: Rypticus subbifrenatus (Spotted soapfish)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994
- Eimeria sp. 3 of Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Serranus cabrilla (Comber)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Daoudi 1987
- Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
- Host: Epinephelus diacanthus (Spinycheek grouper)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Setna and Bana 1935
- Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
- Host: Epinephelus tauvina (Greasy grouper)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Setna and Bana 1935
FAMILY: Sillaginidae (Smelt-whitings)
- Eimeria ciliatae Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Sillago ciliata (Sand sillago)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria sillaginis Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Sillago ciliata (Sand sillago)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Lom and Dykova 1995; Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria sp. of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia arrawarra Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Sillago ciliata (Sand sillago)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
- Host: Sillago sihama (Silver sillago)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Setna and Bana 1935
FAMILY: Sparidae (Porgies)
- Eimeria maggieae Lom and Dykova, 1981
- Host: Pagellus acarne (Axillary seabream), Pagellus
erythrinus (Common pandora)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Daoudi 1987; Daoudi et al. 1989a; Lom and Dykova
1981a; Radujkovic and Raibaut 1989
- Eimeria sp. of Daoudi, 1987
- Synonym: Goussia sp. 2 of Daoudi, 1987
- Host: Lithognathus mormyrus
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Daoudi 1987
- Eimeria sp. of Diouf and Toguebaye, 1994
- non (?) Eimeria ashburneri Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Pagellus bellottii (Red pandora), Pagrus caeruleostictus (syn. Sparus
caeruleostictus) (Bluespotted seabream)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1994
- Remarks: Molnar and Rohde (1988) originally described Eimeria
ashburneri from the
Golden perch, Macquaria ambigua, off New South Wales. Diouf and Toguebaye (1994)
found a similar species in the sparids and added two new host records. It seems likely that two
different coccidian species may be involved.
- Eimeria sp. of Faye, 1988
- Synonym: Goussia senegalensis Faye, 1988
- Hosts: Apsilus fuscus (African forktail snapper - Lutjanidae); Pagellus bellotii
(Red pandora - Sparidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- Reference: Diouf and Toguebaye 1993; Faye 1988
- Remarks: Faye (1988) reported this coccidian from the Red pandora. Diouf and Toguebaye
(1993) added the snapper as a second host. The two coccidia may or may not represent the same
- Eimeria sp.( ?) of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Unsporulated coccidian of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Acanthopagrus australis (Surf bream)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria sp. (?) of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Synonym: Unsporulated coccidian of Molnar and Rohde, 1988
- Host: Rhabdosargus sarba (Goldlined seabream)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Molnar and Rohde 1988a
- Eimeria sparis Sitja-Bobadilla, Palenzuela, and Alvarez-Pellitero, 1996
- Synonym: Eimeria spari Diouf and Toguebaye, 1996
- Host: Pagrus caeruleostictus (syn. Sparus caeruleostictus) (Bluespotted seabream);
Sparus auratus (Gilthead seabream)
- Site of infection: Intestine
- References: Alvarez-Pellitero et al. 1997; Diouf and Toguebaye 1996; Sitja-Bobadilla et al.
- Remarks: The two descriptions are essentially identical and appear to represent the same
coccidian. The paper by Sitja-Bobadilla et al. (1996) appears to have been published slightly
- Eimeria thelohani (Labbe, 1896) Yakimov, 1929
- Synonym: Coccidium sp. of Thelohan, 1894
- Synonym: Goussia thelohani Labbe, 1896
- Hosts: Labrus sp. (Labridae); Symphodus tinca (East Atlantic peacock wrasse
- Labridae); perhaps Acathopagrus australis (Surf bream - Sparidae) and Rhabdosargus
sarba (Goldlined seabream - Sparidae)
- Site of infection: Liver
- References: Daoudi et al. 1988; Dogiel 1948; Dykova and Lom 1981a, 1981b; Labbe 1896;
Lom and Dykova 1995; Thelohan 1894; Yakimov 1929
FAMILY: Stichaeidae (Pricklebacks)
- Eimeria dogieli (Dogiel, 1948) Pellerdy, 1963
- Synonym: Eimeria sphaerica Dogiel, 1948, nomen preocc.
- non Eimeria spherica (Schneider, 1887) Levine and Becker, 1933
- Host: Opisthocentrus ocellatus (Ocellated blenny)
- Site of infection: Kidney
- References: Dogiel 1948; Pellelrdy 1963; Schulman and Shtein 1962
FAMILY: Tetrapontidae (Grunters or tigerperches, thornfishes)
- Eimeria sp. (?) of Lester and Sewell, 1989
- Synonym: Coccidia of Lester and Sewell, 1989
- Host: Terapon jarbua (Jarbua terapon)
- Site of infection: Gall bladder
- Reference: Lester and Sewell 1989
FAMILY: Trichiuridae (Cutlassfishes)
- Eimeria sp. of Setna and Bana, 1935
- Host: Lepturacanthus savala (syn. Trichiurus savala) (Savalani
- Site of infection: Intestine
- Reference: Setna and Bana 1935
Alvarez-Pellitero, M.P., Palenzuela, O., and Sitja-Bobadilla. 1997. Ultrastructure and
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