Coccidia (Eimeriidae) of Primates and Scandentia
(monkeys, apes, humans, tree shrews)
Updated: 4 February 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)
Eimeria ferruginea Colley, 1970
Eimeria modesta Van Peenan, Ryan and McIntyre, 1967
Eimeria tupaiae Mullin, Colley and Stevens, 1972
Eimeria galago Poelma, 1966
Eimeria lemuris Poelma, 1966
Eimeria otolicni Poelma, 1966
Isospora arctopitheci Rodhain, 1933
Eimeria coucangi Patnaik and Acharjyo, 1970
Eimeria nycticebi Patnaik and Acharjyo, 1970
Eimeria pachylepyron Colley and Mullin, 1972
Eimeria tarsii Duszynski, Wilson, Upton and Levine, 1999
Isospora callimico Hsu and Melby, 1974
Isospora endocallimici Duszynski and File, 1974
Isospora arctopitheci Rodhain, 1933
Isospora cebi Marinkelle, 1969
Isospora saimirae Lainson and Shaw, 1989
Cyclospora cercopitheci Ebe
rhard, da Silva, Lilley, and Pieniazek, 1999
Isospora sp. Bhatia et al., 1972)
Cyclospora cayetanensis Ortega, Gilman and Sterling, 1994
Cyclospora sp. of Smith, Paton, Girdwood, and Mtambo, 1996
Isospora belli Wenyon, 1923
Isospora natalensis Elsdon-Dew, 1953
Eimeria oxyspora Dobell, 1919
Eimeria snijdersi Dobel, 1920
Eimeria wenyoni Dobell, 1919
Isospora chilensis Jarpa and Zuolaga, 1963
Isospora hominis (Railliet and Lucet, 1891) Wenyon, 1923
Isospora papionis McConnell, de Vos, Basson, and deVos, 1971
Isospora scorzai Arcay-de-Peraza, 1967
Isospora sp. Rijpstra, 1967
Eimeria butkai Causey, 1926
Eimeria voinjamensis Bray, 1964
Eimeria sp. Mullin, Colley and Welch, 1975
Isospora sp. Stuart, Greenspan, Glander and Clarke, 1990
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