PEET Products: Presentations and Posters

Below is a list of presentations resulting from NSF PEET grant, DEB-9521687.

1996 (7)

29th Annual Meeting, Southwestern Association of Parasitologists (SWAP), 4/96, Lake Texoma OK. Joint Meeting: American Society of Parasitologists (ASP), Society of Protozoologists (SOP) & International Workshop on Opportunistic Protists, 6/96, Tucson AZ.
3rd Annual Biology Research Day, 3/96, Albuquerque NM.
Colorado Bat Society Meeting, 1/96, Durango CO.

1997 (6)

30th Annual Meeting, SWAP, 4/97, Lake Texoma OK. 72nd Annual Meeting, ASP, 7/97, Nashville TN. 33rd Annual Meeting, Australian Society for Parasitology (AuSP), 8/97, Canberra, Australia.
    Duszynski, D.W., P.G. Wilber & S.J. Upton. The coccidia of the world, a progress report.
Xth International Congress of Protozoology, 8/97, Sydney, Australia.
    Duszynski, D.W., P.G. Wilber & S.J. Upton. The coccidia of the world, a progress report.
VIIth International Coccidiosis Conference, 9/97, Oxford, England.
    Duszynski, D.W., P.G. Wilber, S.J. Upton & J.A. Hnida. The coccidia of the world: a progress report.

    Hnida, J.A., & D.W. Duszynski. Using ITS1 sequencing and cross-transmission studies to examine the relationships of cryptic species of Eimeria.

1998 (6)

31st Annual Meeting, SWAP, 4/98, Lake Texoma OK.
    Heckscher, S.K., B.A. Wickesberg, D.W. Duszynski & S.L. Gardner. Three new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from Bolivian marsupials.

    Hnida, J.A. & D.W. Duszynski. Cross-transmission studies with Eimeria species of some murid rodents.
2nd NSF-PEET Workshop, 3/98, Woods Hole MA.
    Duszynski, D.W., S.J. Upton & L. Couch. The coccidia of the world: A unified database.
Joint Meeting: ASP & AuSP, 7/98, Kona HI.

    Duszynski, D.W., S.J Upton & L. Couch. The coccidia of the world: A unified database.
IXth International Congress of Parasitology, 7/98, Chiba Japan.

    Duszynski, D.W., S.J. Upton & L. Couch. The coccidia of the world: A unified database.
5th Annual Biology Research Day, 3/98, Albuquerque NM.

    Heckscher, S.K. & D.W. Duszynski. Coccidia from Bolivian marsupials. (Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation).

1999 (5)

32nd Annual Meeting, SWAP, 4/99, Lake Texoma, OK.
    Zhao, X. & D.W. Duszynski. Plastid DNA in rodent coccidia: Function (?) and phylogenetic inference.
    Asmundsson, I.M., J.A. Campbell & D.W. Duszynski. A new Eimeria species from the Mexican caecilian, Dermophis mexicanus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) from Guatemala.

30th Annual Meeting, Rocky Mountain Conference on Parasitology, 5/99, Pocatello, ID.
    Asmundsson, I.M., J.A. Campbell & D.W. Duszynski. A new Eimeria species from the Guatelmalan palm-pitviper, Bothriechis bicolor.

Annual Meeting, Scandanavian Society of Parasitology, 5/99, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Duszynski, D.W. & S.J. Upton. The coccidia of insectivores, tree shrews and primates.

74th Annual Meeting, ASP, 7/99, Monterey, CA.
    Zhao, X. & D.W. Duszynski. Plastid DNA in rodent coccidia: Function and phylogenetic inference.

Updated: 5 May 1999

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