Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
Eimeria aratinga Upton & Wright, 1994
Eimeria dunsingi Farr, 1960
Eimeria haematodi Varghese, 1977
Eimeria psittacina Gottschalk, 1972
Isospora melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora, & Agrawal, 1973
Isospora psittaculae Chakravarty & Kar, 1946
"Coccidia" of Tsai, Hiari, & Itakura, 1992
"Coccidia" of Tsai, Hiari, & Itakura, 1992
Appleby, E.C. 1958. Some observations on the diseases of finches and parrot-like birds kept in aviaries. In, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Congress of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Salisbury Hotel, London, 28-30 March, 1958. Newton Brown and Col., Ltd., London. pp. 25-32.
Bhatia, B.B., Chauhan, P.P.S., Arora, G.S., and Agrawal, R.D. 1973. Species composition of coccidia of some mammals and birds at the Zoological Gardens, Dehli and Lucknow. Indian Journal of Animal Science 43: 944-947.
Brada, W. 1966. Estudos sobre a eimeriose das aves. Isolamento dum coccidio em periquitos (Melopsittacus ondulatus). Pesquisa Agropecbuaria Brasileira 1: 287-288.
Chakravarty, M. and Kar, A.B. 1946. XXVII.-A study on the coccidia of Indian birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society (Edinburgh) B 62: 225-233.
Farr, M.M. 1960. Eimeria dunsingi n. sp. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the intestine of the parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw). Sobretiro del Libro Homenaje al Dr. Eduardo Caballero y Caballero, Mexico. pp. 31-35.
Gottschalk, C. 1972. Beitrag aur Faunistik der Vogelkokziden Thuringens und Sachsens. Beitrage zur Vogelkunde, Leipzig 18: 61-69.
Gray, H. 1936. The diseases of cage and aviary birds, with some reference to those of furred and feathered game. Veterinary Record 16: 343.
Keymer, I.F. 1958. Some ailments of cage and aviary birds. First Annual Congress of the British Small-Animal veterinray Association, 28-30 March 1958, Shaftesbury hotel, London. Pp. 19-24.
Morelli, P. 1956. Coccidiosis in budgies. Canary-Budgie World, Cage Bird Digest 13: 9.
Panigrahy, B., Craig, T.M., and Glass, S.E. 1981a. Intestinal parasitisn in budgerigars. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicial Association 178: 573-574.
Panigrahy, B., Mathewson, J.J., Hall, C.F., and Grumbles, L.C. 1981b. Unusual disease conditions in pet and aviary birds. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicial Association 178: 394-395.
Todd, K.S., Gallina, A.M., and Schmidt, J.M. 1977. Eimeria dunsingi Farr, 1960: A coccidium of the parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 44:188-190.
Upton, S.J., and Wright, T.F. 1994. A new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa) from the orange-fronted conure, Aratinga canicularis (Psittaciformes), in Costa Rica. Acta Protozoologica 33: 117-119.
Varghese, T. 1977. Eimeria haematodi sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus, in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Parasitology 63: 210-211.