The Coccidia of Psittaciformes
(amazons, cockatiels, cockatoos, conure, lories, lorikeets, macaw, parakeets, parrots)

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski1, Steve J. Upton2, and Lee Couch1

1Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 2 May 1999
Comments: (Duszynski)
or (Upton)

Eimeria aratinga Upton & Wright, 1994

Host: Aratinga canicularis (Orange-fronted conure - Psittacidae)
References: Varghese 1977

Eimeria dunsingi Farr, 1960

Host: Melopsittacus undulatus (Budgerigar - Psittacidae)
References: Appleby 1958; Brada 1966; Farr 1960; Gray 1936; Keymer 1958; Morelli 1956;
Panigraphy et al. 1981a, 1981b; Todd et al. 1977; Tsai et al. 1992

Eimeria haematodi Varghese, 1977

Host: Trichoglossus haematodus (Rainbow lory - Loriidae)
References: Varghese 1977

Eimeria psittacina Gottschalk, 1972

Host: Melopsittacus undulatus (Budgerigar - Psittacidae)
References: Gottschalk 1972

Isospora melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora, & Agrawal, 1973

Synonym: Isospora melpsittacusi Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora, & Agrawal, 1973
Host: Melopsittacus undulatus (Budgerigar - Psittacidae)
References: Bhatia et al. 1973

Isospora psittaculae Chakravarty & Kar, 1946

Synonym: Eimeria psittaculidae Chakravarty & Kar, 1946 of Farr, 1960, lapsus
Host: Psittacula eupatria (Alexandrine parakeet - Psittacidae)
References: Chakravarty & Kar 1946; Farr 1960

"Coccidia" of Tsai, Hiari, & Itakura, 1992

Host: Amazona aestiva (Blue-fronted amazon - Psittacidae)
References: Tsai et al. 1992

"Coccidia" of Tsai, Hiari, & Itakura, 1992

Host: Trichoglossus haematodus (Rainbow lory - Loriidae)
References: Tsai et al. 1992


Appleby, E.C. 1958. Some observations on the diseases of finches and parrot-like birds kept in aviaries. In, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Congress of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Salisbury Hotel, London, 28-30 March, 1958. Newton Brown and Col., Ltd., London. pp. 25-32.

Bhatia, B.B., Chauhan, P.P.S., Arora, G.S., and Agrawal, R.D. 1973. Species composition of coccidia of some mammals and birds at the Zoological Gardens, Dehli and Lucknow. Indian Journal of Animal Science 43: 944-947.

Brada, W. 1966. Estudos sobre a eimeriose das aves. Isolamento dum coccidio em periquitos (Melopsittacus ondulatus). Pesquisa Agropecbuaria Brasileira 1: 287-288.

Chakravarty, M. and Kar, A.B. 1946. XXVII.-A study on the coccidia of Indian birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society (Edinburgh) B 62: 225-233.

Farr, M.M. 1960. Eimeria dunsingi n. sp. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the intestine of the parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw). Sobretiro del Libro Homenaje al Dr. Eduardo Caballero y Caballero, Mexico. pp. 31-35.

Gottschalk, C. 1972. Beitrag aur Faunistik der Vogelkokziden Thuringens und Sachsens. Beitrage zur Vogelkunde, Leipzig 18: 61-69.

Gray, H. 1936. The diseases of cage and aviary birds, with some reference to those of furred and feathered game. Veterinary Record 16: 343.

Keymer, I.F. 1958. Some ailments of cage and aviary birds. First Annual Congress of the British Small-Animal veterinray Association, 28-30 March 1958, Shaftesbury hotel, London. Pp. 19-24.

Morelli, P. 1956. Coccidiosis in budgies. Canary-Budgie World, Cage Bird Digest 13: 9.

Panigrahy, B., Craig, T.M., and Glass, S.E. 1981a. Intestinal parasitisn in budgerigars. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicial Association 178: 573-574.

Panigrahy, B., Mathewson, J.J., Hall, C.F., and Grumbles, L.C. 1981b. Unusual disease conditions in pet and aviary birds. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicial Association 178: 394-395.

Todd, K.S., Gallina, A.M., and Schmidt, J.M. 1977. Eimeria dunsingi Farr, 1960: A coccidium of the parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 44:188-190.

Upton, S.J., and Wright, T.F. 1994. A new species of Eimeria (Apicomplexa) from the orange-fronted conure, Aratinga canicularis (Psittaciformes), in Costa Rica. Acta Protozoologica 33: 117-119.

Varghese, T. 1977. Eimeria haematodi sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) from the rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus, in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Parasitology 63: 210-211.