Coccidia (Eimeria and Isospora) of Miscellenous Rodent Families

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski and Lee Couch
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Steve J. Upton
Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 03 October 2000
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NOTE: Coccidia of the host families Heteromyidae, Muridae, and Sciuridae are in separate files. Host taxonomy is after Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M. 1993. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 2nd edition. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 1207 pp.


FAMILY: Abrocomidae (Rat-chinchillas)

No coccidia reported

FAMILY: Agoutidae (Pacas)

  1. Eimeria agoutii Velazquez, Matamoros, and Pashov, 1985
    1. Hosts: Agouti paca (Pacas)
    2. References: Matamoros et al. 1991; Velazquez et al. 1985

  2. Eimeria (?) noelleri (Rastegaieff, 1930) Becker, 1956
    1. Hosts: Agouti paca (Pacas)
    2. References: Becker 1956; Hill 1952; Rastegaieff 1930

    FAMILY: Bathyergidae (Bathyergid mole rats or Blesmols)

    1. Eimeria burdai Koudela, Sumbera, and Sedlacek, 2000
      1. Host: Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Silvery mole-rat)
      2. Reference: Koudela et al. 2000

    2. Eimeria heterocephalus Levine and Ivens, 1965, nomen nudum
      1. non Eimeria muris Galli-Valerio, 1932
      2. Synonym: Eimeria muris Galli-Valerio, 1932 of Porter, 1957
      3. Host: Heterocephalus glaber (Naked mole-rat)
      4. References: Levine and Ivens 1965; Porter 1957
      5. Remarks: Porter (1957) provided no measurements, photographs, or line drawings of this coccidian. Only that it was morphologically similar to Eimeria muris.

    FAMILY: Capromyidae (Hutias or Indian coneys)

    1. Eimeria capromydis Rysavy, 1967
      1. Hosts: Capromys pilorides (Jutia Conga, Jutia de Rama, or Desmarest's Hutia)
      2. Reference: Rysavy 1967

    2. Eimeria garridoi Rysavy, 1967
      1. Hosts: Capromys pilorides (Jutia Conga, Jutia de Rama, or Desmarest's Hutia)
      2. Reference: Rysavy 1967

    3. Eimeria jiroveci Rysavy, 1967
      1. Hosts: Capromys pilorides (Jutia Conga, Jutia de Rama, or Desmarest's Hutia)
      2. Reference: Rysavy 1967

    4. Eimeria normanleveinei Rysavy, 1967
      1. Hosts: Capromys pilorides (Jutia Conga, Jutia de Rama, or Desmarest's Hutia)
      2. Reference: Rysavy 1967

    FAMILY: Caviidae (Cavies)

    1. Eimeria caviae Sheather, 1924
      1. Synonym: Eimeria acuminatus Bacigalupo and Roueda, 1953
      2. Host: Cavia porcellus (Domestic guinea pig)
      3. References: Alvez de Souza 1931; Bacigalupo and Roueda, 1953; Becker 1933; Bugge and Heinke 1921; Ellis and Wright 1961; Henry 1932; Lapage 1940; Muto et al. 1985a, 1985b; Nie 1950; Sheather 1924

    2. Eimeria dolichotis Morini, Boero, and Rodriguez, 1955
      1. Host: Dolichotis patagonum patagonum (Patagonian cavy)
      2. References: Morini et al. 1955; Zwart and Strik 1961

    3. Eimeria sp. of Kleeberg and Steenken, 1963
      1. Host: Cavia porcellus (Domestic guinea pig)
      2. Reference: Kleeberg and Steenken 1963

    FAMILY: Chinchillidae (Chinchilla)

    1. Eimeria chinchillae De Vos and van der Westhuizen, 1968
      1. Host: Chinchilla laniger (Chinchilla)
      2. Other hosts: Lagostomus maximus (Plains vizcacha)
      3. References: De Vos 1970a, 1970b; De Vos and Dobson 1970; De Vos and Van der Westhuizen 1968; Couch et al. 2001
      4. Remarks: De Vos (1970) was able to establish successful infections in Arvicanthis niloticus (Nile rat - Muridae), Mastomys natalensis (syn. Praomys natalensis) (Multimammate rat - Muridae), Mus musculus (House mouse - Muridae), Mystromys albicaudatus (White-tailed rat - Muridae), Otomys irroratus (Vlei rat - Muridae), Rattus norvegicus (Norwegian rat - Muridae), and Rhabdomys pumilio (Striped mouse - Muridae). Couch et al. (2001) found what appeared to be oocysts of E. chinchillae in a sympatric host, the plains vizcacha (L. maximus) from Argentina. But because it was a different host that they examined and because the host was from a different continent, they declined to say that it was E. chinchillae or name it as a new species. They have called it E. c.f. chinchillae until further molecular studies can be done to determine if the oocysts they found were indeed E. chinchillae oocysts.

    2. Eimeria lagostomi Couch, Foster, Machicote and Branch, 2001
      1. Host: Lagostomus maximus (Plains vizcacha)
      2. Reference: Couch et al., 2001

    3. Eimeria vizcacha Couch, Foster, Machicote and Branch, 2001
      1. Host: Lagostomuys maximus (Plains vizcacha)
      2. Reference: Couch et al., 2001

    FAMILY: Ctenomyidae (Tuco-tucos)

    1. Eimeria granifera Lambert, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1988
      1. Host: Ctenomys opimus (Tuco-tuco)
      2. Reference: Lambert et al. 1988

    2. Eimeria montuosi Lambert, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1988
      1. Host: Ctenomys opimus (Tuco-tuco)
      2. Reference: Lambert et al. 1988

    3. Eimeria opimi Lambert, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1988
      1. Host: Ctenomys opimus (Tuco-tuco)
      2. Reference: Lambert et al. 1988

    4. Eimeria oruroensis Lambert, Gardner, and Duszynski, 1988
      1. Host: Ctenomys opimus (Tuco-tuco)
      2. Reference: Lambert et al. 1988

    FAMILY: Dasyproctidae (Agoutis)

    1. Eimeria aguti Carini, 1935
      1. Host: Dasyprocta leporina (syns. Aguti aguti, Cotia vermelha, Dasyprocta aguti) (Orange-rumped agouti)
      2. Reference: Carini 1935

    2. Eimeria cotiae Carini, 1935
      1. Host: Dasyprocta leporina (syns. Aguti aguti, Cotia vermelha, Dasyprocta aguti) (Orange-rumped agouti)
      2. Reference: Carini 1935

    3. Eimeria paraensis Carini, 1935
      1. Host: Dasyprocta leporina (syns. Aguti aguti, Cotia vermelha, Dasyprocta aguti) (Orange-rumped agouti)
      2. Reference: Carini 1935

    FAMILY: Dinomyidae (Pacarana)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Echimyidae (Spiny rats)

    1. Eimeria caripensis Arcay-de-Peraza, 1964
      1. Host: Proechimys cayennensis (syn. Proechimys guyanensis (Guiana spiny rat)
      2. Reference: Arcay-de-Peraza 1964

    2. Eimeria proechimyi Arcay-de-Peraza, 1964
      1. Host: Proechimys cayenninsis (syn. Proechimys guyanensis (Guiana spiny rat)
      2. Reference: Arcay-de-Peraza 1964

    FAMILY: Erethizonitidae (New World porcupines)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Heptaxodontidae (Quemi or Giant huntias)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Hydrochaeridae (Capybara)

    1. Eimeria boliviensis Casas, Duszynski, and Zalles, 1995
      1. Host: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Capybara)
      2. Reference: Casas et al. 1995

    2. Eimeria capibarae Carini, 1937
      1. Host: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Capybara)
      2. Reference: Carini 1937

    3. Eimeria hydrochoeri Carini, 1937
      1. Host: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Capybara)
      2. References: Carini 1937; Levine and Ivens 1990
      3. Remarks: Levine and Ivens (1990) emended the name to Eimeria hydrochaeri.

    4. Eimeria ichiloensis Casas, Duszynski, and Zalles, 1995
      1. Host: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Capybara)
      2. Reference: Casas et al. 1995

    5. Eimeria capibarae Casas, Duszynski, and Zalles, 1995
      1. Host: Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Capybara)
      2. Reference: Casas et al. 1995

    FAMILY: Hystricidae (Old world porcupines)

    1. Eimeria landersi Colley, 1971
      1. Host: Trichys fasciculata (syn. Trichys lipura) (Long-tailed porcupine)
      2. Reference: Colley 1971

    2. Eimeria lipura Colley, 1971
      1. Host: Trichys fasciculata (syn. Trichys lipura) (Long-tailed porcupine)
      2. Reference: Colley 1971

    FAMILY: Myocastoridae (Nutria)

    1. Eimeria coypi Obitz and Wadowski, 1937
      1. non Eimeria coypi of Hohner, 1955
      2. non Eimeria coypi of Seidel, 1954
      3. Synonym: Eimeria myopotami Yakimoff, 1933 of Prasad, 1960
      4. Synonym: Eimeria pellucida Yakimoff, 1933
      5. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      6. References: Anpilogova et al. 1979; Ball and Lewis 1984; Goldova et al. 1988; Hohner 1966; Lewis and Ball 1984; Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973; Obitz and Wadowsi 1937; Pellerdy 1960a; Prasad 1960; Scheuring 1989, 1990, 1996; Seidel 1954b, 1956; Sprehn 1954a, 1954b; Yakimoff 1933; Zajicek 1955; Zurlijsk 1985

    2. Eimeria fluviatilis Lewis and Ball, 1984
      1. Eimeria paramyopotami Michalski and Scheuring, 1979, nomen nudum
      2. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      3. References: Ball and Lewis 1984; Lewis and Ball 1984; Michalski and Scheuring 1979; Scheuring 1990, 1996

    3. Eimeria myocastori Prasad, 1960
      1. Synonym: Eimeria coypi Obitz and Wadowski, 1937 of Hohner, 1955
      2. Synonym: Eimeria coypi Obitz and Wadowski, 1937 of Seidel, 1954
      3. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      4. References: Goldova et al. 1988; Hohner 1955; Lewis and Ball 1984; Prasad 1960; Scheuring 1989; Seidel 1954b; Zurlijsk 1985

    4. Eimeria myocastoris Ringuelet and Coscaron, 1961
      1. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      2. References: Lewis and Ball 1984; Ringuelet and Coscaron 1961

    5. Eimeria myopotami Yakimoff, 1933
      1. non Eimeria myopotami of Prasad, 1960
      2. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      3. References: Ball and Lewis 1984; Goldova et al. 1988; Hohner 1955; Lewis and Ball 1984; Pellerdy 1960a; Prasad 1960; Scheuring 1989, 1990; Seidel 1954b, 1956; Sprehn 1954a; Tenora and Stanek 1985; Yakimoff 1933; Zajicek 1955
      4. Remarks: The descriptions by Seidel (1954, 1956) suggest measurements of more than one species were included in the descriptions of Eimeria myopotami.

    6. Eimeria nutriae Prasad 1960
      1. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      2. References: Anpilogova et al. 1979; Ball and Lewis 1984; Lewis and Ball 1984; Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973; Prasad 1960; Scheuring 1989, 1990; Umurzakov and Nukerbaeva 1984; Zurlijsk 1985

    7. Eimeria obitzwadowski Scheuring, 1990
      1. Synonym: Eimeria coypi Obitz and Wadowski, 1937 of Hohner, 1962
      2. Synonym: Eimeria coypi Obitz and Wadowski, 1937 of Seidel, 1956
      3. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      4. References: Hohner 1962; Scheuring 1990, 1996; Seidel 1956

    8. Eimeria quiyarum Ringuelet and Coscaron, 1961
      1. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      2. Reference: Ringuelet and Coscaron 1961

    9. Eimeria seideli Pellerdy 1957
      1. Synonym: Eimeria fulva Seidel, 1954, nomen preocc.
      2. Synonym: Eimeria pernitiosa (Seidel 1954) Scheuring, 1989, lapsus
      3. Synonym: Globidium fulva Seidel, 1954
      4. Synonym: Globidium perniciosa Seidel, 1954
      5. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      6. References: Ball and Lewis 1984; Farr 1953; Hohner 1962, 1966; Pellerdy 1957, 1960a, 1960b; Scheuring 1967, 1973, 1989, 1990; Seidel 1954a, 1954b, 1956; Sprehn 1954a, 1954b; Tenora and Stanek 1985; Zurlijsk 1985

    10. Isospora sp. of Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev, 1973
      1. Host: Myocastor coypus (Nutria)
      2. Reference: Nukerbaeva and Svanbaev 1973
      3. Remarks: It is likely that this represents a pseudoparasite.

    FAMILY: Octodontidae (Degus or Coruros)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Petromuridae (Rock rats)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Thryonomyidae (Cane rats)

    No coccidia reported


    FAMILY: Anomaluridae (Scaly-tailed squirrels)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Aplodontidae (Mountain beaver)

    No coccidia reported

    FAMILY: Castoridae (Beaver)

    1. Eimeria causeyi Ernst, Cooper, and Fryendall, 1970
      1. Host: Castor canadenis (Canadian beaver)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1970a; Frost et al. 1980; McKown et al. 1995; Morley 1934

    2. Eimeria sprehni Yakimoff, 1934
      1. Host: Castor canadensis (Canadian beaver)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1970a; Frost et al. 1980; McKown et al. 1995; Morley 1934; Yakimoff 1934

    FAMILY: Ctenodactylidae (Gundis)

    1. Eimeria gundii Mishra and Gonzalez, 1978
      1. Host: Ctenodactylus gundi (Gondi)
      2. Reference: Mishra and Gonzalez 1978

    FAMILY: Dipodidae (Jerboas and Jumping mice)

    1. Eimeria allactagae Iwanoff-Gobzem, 1934
      1. Synonym: Eimeria alactagae Iwanoff-Gobzem, 1934, lapsus
      2. Host: Allactaga major (Great jerboa)
      3. References: Glebezdin 1970; Iwanoff-Gobzem 1934; Musaev and Veisov 963a, 1965; Svanbaev 1956

    2. Eimeria damirchinica Musaev and Veisov, 1965
      1. non Eimeria caucasica Yakimoff and Buewitsch, 1932
      2. Synonym: Eimeria caucasica Musaev and Veisov, 1963, nomen preocc.
      3. Host: Allactaga elater (Five-toed jerboa)
      4. References: Glebezdin 1970; Musaev and Veisov 1963, 1965

    3. Eimeria elater Musaev and Veisov, 1963
      1. Host: Allactaga elater (Five-toed jerboa)
      2. References: Glebezdin 1970; Musaev and Veisov 1963

    4. Eimeria hudsoni Duszynski, Eastham, and Yates,1982
      1. Host: Zapus hudsonius (Meadow jumping mouse)
      2. Reference: Duszynski et al. 1982

    5. Eimeria jakunini Dzerzhinskii, 1981
      1. Host: Sicista tianschanica (Birch mouse)
      2. Reference: Dzerzhinskii 1981

    6. Eimeria joyeuxi Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1936
      1. Host: Allactaga major (syn. Allactaga jaculus) (Great jerboa)
      2. References: Svanbaev 1962; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1936

    7. Eimeria lavieri Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1936
      1. Host: Allactaga major (syn. Allactaga jaculus) (Great jerboa)
      2. References: Svanbaev 1962; Yakimoff and Gousseff 1936

    8. Eimeria pavlovskyi Matschoulsky, 1949
      1. Host: Allactaga sibirica (syn. Allactaga saltator) (Mongolian five-toed jerboa)
      2. References: Matschoulsky 1949; Musaev and Veisov 1965

    9. Eimeria popovi Matschoulsky, 1949
      1. Host: Allactaga sibirica (syn. Allactaga saltator) (Mongolian five-toed jerboa)
      2. References: Matschoulsky 1949; Musaev and Veisov 1965

    10. Eimeria tianschanica Dzerzhinskii, 1981
      1. Synonym: Eimeria sicistae Levine and Ivens, 1981
      2. Host: Sicista tianschanica (Birch mouse)
      3. References: Dzerzhinskii 1981; Dzerzhinskii and Svanbaev 1980; Levine and Ivens, 1981

    11. Eimeria williamsi Musaev and Veisov, 1963
      1. Host: Allactaga euphratica (syn. Allactaga williamsi) (Euphrates Jerboa)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1963

    12. Eimeria zapi Gerard, Chobotar, and Ernst, 1977
      1. Hosts: Zapus hudsonius (Meadow jumping mouse), Zapus princeps (Western jumping mouse), Zapus trinotatus (Pacific jumping mouse)
      2. Reference: Gerard et al. 1977

    13. Isospora dawadimiensis Kasim and Al Shawa, 1985
      1. Host: Jaculus jaculus (Jerboa)
      2. Reference: Kasim and Al Shawa 1985
      3. Remarks: This coccidian looks remarkably like an isosporan of a carnivore; perhaps a pseudoparasite from a cat or dog.

    FAMILY: Geomyidae (Pocket gophers)

    1. Eimeria geomydis Skidmore, 1929
      1. Hosts: Geomys bursarius (Great plains pocket gopher), Geomys breviceps (Baird's pocket gopher), Geomys texensis (Llano pocket gopher)
      2. References: Skidmore 1929; Upton et al. 1992

    2. Eimeria fitzgeraldi Todd and Tryon, 1970
      1. Host: Thomomys talpoides (Northern pocket gopher)
      2. Reference: Todd and Tryon 1970

    3. Eimeria jemezi Wilber, McBee, Hafner, and Duszynski, 1994
      1. Host: Thomomys talpoides (Northern pocket gopher)
      2. Reference: Wilber et al. 1994

    4. Eimeria orthogeomys Lainson, 1968
      1. Host: Orthogeomys grandis scalops (Large pocket gopher)
      2. Reference: Lainson 1968

    5. Eimeria thomomysis Levine, Ivens, and Kruidenier, 1957
      1. Hosts: Thomomys bottae (Botta's pocket gopher), Thomonys talpoides (Northern pocket gopher)
      2. Reference: Levine et al. 1957a

    FAMILY: Heteromyidae (Heteromyids)

    1. Cyclospora angimurinensis Ford, Duszynski, and McAllister, 1990
      1. Host: Chaetodipus hispidus (Hispid pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Ford et al. 1990

    2. Eimeria balphae Ernst, Chobotar, and Anderson, 1967
      1. Host: Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat), Dipodomys elator (Texas kangaroo rat), Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys ordii (Ord's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys spectabilis (Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1967b; Ford et al. 1990; Short et al. 1981; Stout and Duszynski 1983

    3. Eimeria chaetodipi Ford, Duszynski, and McAllister, 1990
      1. Host: Chaetodipus hispidus (Hispid pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Ford et al. 1990

    4. Eimeria chihuahuaensis Short, Mayberry, and Bristol, 1981
      1. Hosts:Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat)
      2. References: Short et al. 1981; Stout and Duszynski 1983

    5. Eimeria chobotari Ernst, Oaks, and Sampson, 1970
      1. Hosts: Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat), Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys microps (Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat), Dipodomys ordii (Ord's kangaroo rat)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1970b; Short et al. 1981; Stout and Duszynski 1983

    6. Eimeria dipodomysis Levine, Ivens, and Kruidenier, 1957
      1. Host: Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys ordii (Ord's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys phillipsi (syn. Dipodomys ornatus) (Southern banner-tailed kangaroo rat)
      2. Reference: Levine et al 1957b; Short et al. 1981; Stout and Duszynski 1983

    7. Eimeria hispidensis Ford, Duszynski, and McAllister, 1990
      1. Host: Chaetodipus hispidus (Hispid pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Ford et al. 1990

    8. Eimeria liomysis Levine, Ivens, and Kruidenier, 1957
      1. Hosts: Liomys irroratus (Mexican spiny pocket mouse), Liomys pictus (Painted spiny pocket mouse)
      2. References: Ford et al. 1990; Levine et al. 1957b

    9. Eimeria merriani Stout and Duszynski, 1983
      1. Host: Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat)
      2. References: Ford et al. 1990; Stout and Duszynski 1983
      3. Remarks: Ford et al. (1990) also list Chaetodipus penicillatus (Sonoran desert pocket mouse) as a host but this is likely a misidentification.

    10. Eimeria mohavensis Doran and Jahn, 1949
      1. Hosts: Dipodomys panamintinus (Panamint kangaroo rat); experimentally Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat), Dipodomys deserti (Desert kangaroo rat), Dipodomys heermanni (Heermann's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys nitratoides (Fresno kangaroo rat); perhaps Dipodomys elephantinus (Elephant-eared kangaroo rat) and Dipodomys venustus (Narrow-faced kangaroo rat)
      2. References: Doran 1951, 1953; Doran and Jahn 1949, 1952; Hill and Best 1985

    11. Eimeria penicillati Ivens, Kruidenier, and Levine, 1959
      1. Hosts: Chaetodipus penicillatus (syn. Perognathus penicillatus) (Sonoran desert pocket mouse), Perognathus flavus (Silky pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Ivens et al. 1959

    12. Eimeria perognathi Levine, Ivens, and Kruidenier, 1957
      1. Host: Chaetodipus intermedius (syn. Perognathus intermedius) (Rock pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Levine et al. 1957a

    13. Eimeria pictus Levine, Ivens, and Kruidenier, 1957
      1. Host: Liomys pictus (Painted spiny pocket mouse)
      2. Reference: Levine et al. 1957b

    14. Eimeria reedi Ernst, Oaks, and Sampson, 1970
      1. Hosts: Chaetodipus baileyi (Bailey's pocket mouse), Chaetodipus californicus (California pocket mouse), Chaetodipus fallax (San Diego pocket mouse), Chaetodipus formosus (syn. Perognathus formosus) (Long-tailed pocket mouse), Chaetodipus hispidus (Hispid pocket mouse), Chaetodipus penicillatus (Sonoran desert pocket mouse), Chaetodipus spinatus (Spiny pocket mouse)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1970b; Ford et al. 1990; McAllister et al. 1993
      3. Remarks: Ford et al. (1990) also list Perognathus flavus (Silky pocket mouse) as a host but this is most likely a misidentification.

    15. Eimeria scholtysecki Ernst, Frydendall, and Hammond, 1967
      1. Hosts: Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat), Dipodomys gravipes (San Quint¡n kangaroo rat), Dipodomys panamintinus (Panamint kangaroo rat), Dipodomys spectabilis (Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat)
      2. References: Ernst et al. 1967a; Ford et al. 1990; Stout and Duszynski 1983
      3. Remarks: Ford et al. (1990) list Chaetodipus californicus (California pocket mouse) as a host but this is likely a misindentification.

    16. Eimeria utahensis Ernst, Hammond, and Chobotar, 1968
      1. Hosts: Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat), Dipodomys gravipes (San Quint¡n kangaroo rat), Dipodomys merriani (Merriam's kangaroo rat), Dipodomys microps (Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat)
      2. References: Ernst and Chobotar 1968; Ernst et al. 1968; Hill and Best 1985; Stout and Duzysnki 1983

    17. Isospora sp. of Stout and Duszynski, 1983
      1. Host: Dipodomys agilis (Agile kangaroo rat)
      2. Reference: Stout and Duszynski 1983
      3. Remarks: It is likely that this is an passeriform isosporan pseudoparasite

    FAMILY: Myoxidae (Dormice or Hazel mice)

    1. Eimeria abdildaevi Dzerzhinskii, 1982
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Dzerzhinskii 1982

    2. Eimeria abusalimovi Musaev and Veisov, 1965
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1965

    3. Eimeria asadovi Musaev and Veisov, 1965
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1965

    4. Eimeria dyromidis Zolotarev, 1935
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. References: Musaev and Veisov 1959; Zolotarev 1935

    5. Eimeria gliris Musaev and Veisov, 1961
      1. Host: Myoxus glis (Common dormouse)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1961

    6. Eimeria melanuri Golemansky and Darwish, 1993
      1. Host: Eliomys melanuri
      2. Reference: Golemansky and Darwish 1993

    7. Eimeria myoxi Galli-Valerio, 1940
      1. Host: Eliomys melanuri, Eliomys quercinus (syn. Myoxus quercinus) (Garden dormouse)
      2. References: Galli-Valerio 1940; Golemansky and Darwish 1993; Pellerdy 1954

    8. Eimeria nachitschevanica Musaev and Veisov, 1959
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1959

    9. Eimeria nitedulae Musaev and Veisov, 1965
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Musaev and Veisov 1965

    10. Isospora dryomidis Glebezdin, 1974
      1. Host: Dryomys nitedula (Forest dormouse)
      2. Reference: Glebezdin 1974
      3. Remarks: This appears to represent a pseudoparasite

    FAMILY: Pedetidae (Springhare)

    No coccidia reported


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