Coccidia (Eimeria and Isospora) of Sauria

Compiled by
Donald W. Duszynski 1, Steve J. Upton 2, and Lee Couch 1

1 Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
2 Division of Biology, Kansas State University

Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687

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Updated: 14 July 2008
Comments: (Duszynski), (Couch), or (Upton)

Family: Agamidae (Agamas)

Eimeria agamae (Laveran and Pettit, 1910) Reichenow, 1921

  • Host: Agama agama (syn. Agama colonorum) (Rainbow lizard)
  • References: Laveran and Pettit 1910; Reichenow 1921

    Eimeria cameronensis Maupin, Diong, and McQuistion, 1998

  • Host: Gonocephalus grandis (Grand anglehead lizard)
  • Reference: Maupin et al. 1998

    Eimeria colonorum Prasad, 1960

  • Host: Agama agama (syn. Agama colonorum) (Rainbow lizard)
  • References: Cannon 1967b; Kasim and Al Shawa 1988; Prasad 1960

    Eimeria molochis Bovee and Telford, 1965

  • Host: Moloch horridus (Thorny devil)
  • Reference: Bovee and Telford 1965a, 1965b

    Eimeria nyschanica Davronov, 1985

  • Host: Agama lehmanni (Mountain agama)
  • Reference: Davronov 1985

    Eimeria japaluris Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Japalura polygonata (Chisei-teeth lizard)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria sinaitae Kasim and Al Shawa, 1988

  • Host: Agama sinaita (Sinai agama)
  • Reference: Kasim and Al Shawa 1988

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Pogona barbata (syn. Amphibolurus barbatus) (Bearded dragon)
  • Reference: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Calotes versicolor (Crested tree lizard)
  • Reference: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Physignathus cocincinus (Asian water dragon)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Acanthosaura crucigera (Mountain horned lizard)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Agama agama (Rainbow lizard)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Chlamydosaurus kingii (Frilled dragon)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phrynocephalus arabicus
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria yemenensae Al-Rasheid and Al Yousif, 1998

  • Host: Agama yemenensis (Rock agama)
  • Reference: Al-Rasheid and Al Yousif 1998

    Isospora amphiboluri Cannon, 1967

  • Hosts: Pogona barbata (syn. Amphibolurus barbatus) (Bearded dragon), Pogona vitticeps (Inland bearded dragon); tentatively Chlamydosaurus kingii (Frilled dragon)
  • References: Cannon 1967a; McAllister et al. 1995; Modry 1998; Rzepczyk 1976

    Isospora calotesi Bhatia, 1938, nomen nudum

  • Synonym: Isospora sp. of Setna, 1933
  • Host: Calotes versicolor (Crested tree lizard)
  • References: Bhatia 1938; Chakravarty and Kar 1947; Setna 1933
  • Remarks: Only endogenous stages were described

    Isospora cannoni Finkelman and Paperna, 1994

  • Host: Diporiphora australis (Two-lined dragon)
  • References: Finkelman and Paperna, 1994a; Paperna and Finkelman 1998

    Isospora caryophila Rogier and Colley, 1976

  • Host: Gonocephalus grandis (syn. Gonyocephalus grandis) (Grand anglehead lizard)
  • Reference: Rogier and Colley 1976

    Isospora choochotei Finkelman and Paperna, 1994

  • Host: Calotes mystaceus (Indochinese agama)
  • References: Finkelman and Paperna, 1994a

    Isospora deserti Finkelman and Paperna, 1994

  • Host: Trapelus pallidus (syn. Agama pallida), Trapelus mutabilis
  • References: Al Yousif and Al-Shawa 1997; Finkelman and Paperna, 1994a; Modry 1998; Paperna and Finkelman 1998

    Isospora gonocephali Maupin, Diong, and McQuistion, 1998

  • Host: Gonocephalus grandis (Grand anglehead lizard)
  • Reference: Maupin et al. 1998

    Isospora lacertae Saum, Diong, and McQuistion, 1997

  • Host: Calotes versicolor (Crested tree lizard)
  • Reference: Saum et al. 1997 Remarks: This may represent Isospora calotesi Bhatia, 1938.

    Isospora phrynocephali Ovezmukhammedov, 1971

  • Host: Phrynocephalus helioscopus
  • References: Ovezmukhammedov 1971; Ruziev and Davronov 1984

    Isospora rayi Mandal 1966

  • Host: Ptyctolaemus gularis (syn. Ptyctolaemus sp.)
  • Reference: Mandal 1966 Remarks: Ptyctolaemus gularis is the only member of the genus found in Assam

    Isospora rustamovi Ovezmukhammedov, 1977

  • Host: Phrynocephalus reticulatus (a toad-headed agama)
  • References: Davronov 1985; Ovezmukhammedov 1977a; 1980; Ruziev and Davronov 1984

    Isospora sp. of Adler vide Wenyon, 1926

  • Host: Agama agama (=Agama colonorum) (Rainbow lizard)
  • Reference: Wenyon 1926

    Isospora sp. of Rzepczyk, 1976

  • Host: Physignathus lesueurii (Water dragon)
  • Reference: Rzepczyk 1976

    Family: Anguidae (glass lizards, alligator lizards, lateral fold lizards)

    Eimeria mirabilis Yakimoff, 1936

  • Host: Ophisaurus apodus (Glass lizard)
  • References: Davronov 1985; Ovezmukhammedov 1968, 1969, 1974; Ruziev and Davronov 1984; Yakimoff 1936

    Eimeria raillieti (Leger, 1899) Galli-Valerio, 1930

  • Synonym: Coccidium raillieti Leger, 1899
  • Host: Anguis fragilis (Slow worm)
  • References: Galli-Valerio 1930; Lainson; 1959; Lavier 1938; Leger 1899

    Family: Chamaeleonidae (Chamelons)

    Eimeria bohemii Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Chamaeleo melleri (Meller's chameleon)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 2000

    Eimeria largeni Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Host: Chamaeleo gracilis (Graceful chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry et al. 2000

    Eimeria sp. 1 of Brygoo, 1963

  • Synonyms: Choleoeimeria sp. (Brygoo, 1963) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989; gall bladder Eimeria sp. of Brygoo, 1963
  • Hosts: Calumma brevicornis (syn. Chamaeleo brevicornis) (Short-horned chameleon), Furcifer lateralis (syn. Chamaeleo lateralis) (Carpet chameleon), Furcifer oustaleti (syn. Chamaeleo oustaleti) (Oustalet's chameleon), Furcifer verrucosus (syn. Chamaeleo verrucosus), Furcifer willsii (syn. Chamaeleo willsii)
  • References: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Brygoo, 1963

  • Synonym: intestinal Eimeria sp. of Brygoo, 1963
  • Hosts: Calumma brevicornis (syn. Chamaeleo brevicornis) (Short-horned chameleon), Calumma parsonii (syn. Chamaeleo parsonii) (Parson's chameleon), Furcifer lateralis (syn. Chamaeleo lateralis) (Carpet chameleon), Furcifer oustaleti (syn. Chamaeleo oustaleti) (Oustalet's chameleon), Furcifer pardalis (syn. Chamaeleo pardalis) (Panther chameleon), Furcifer willsii (syn. Chamaeleo willsii)
  • References: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b

    Eimeria sp. of Blok, 1971

  • Host: Chamaeleo sp. (a chameleon)
  • Reference: Blok 1971; Marcus 1981 Remarks: The photographs suggest the same morphologic characteristics of the oocysts in both publications

    Eimeria sp. of Frank and Loos-Frank, 1977

  • Host: Chamaeleo jacksonii (Jackson's chameleon)
  • Reference: Frank and Loos-Frank 1977

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Chamaeleo dilepis (Flap-necked chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Host: Chamaeleo bitaeniatus (Two-lined chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry et al. 2000
  • Remarks: The authors thought that this may have been a pseudoparasite

    Eimeria sp. of Will, 1975

  • Host: Furcifer oustaleti (syn. Chamaeleo oustaleti) (Oustalet's chameleon)
  • Reference: Will 1975

    Eimeria tilburyi Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Chamaeleo jacksonii (Jackson's chameleon)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 2000

    Isospora jaracimrmani Modry and Koudela, 1995

  • Host: Chamaeleo calyptratus (Yemen chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry and Koudela 1995

    Isospora mesnili Sergent, 1902

  • Host: Chamaeleo chamaeleon (syn. Chamaeleo vulgaris) (Common chameleon)
  • References: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b; Sergent 1902

    Isospora muriyu Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Synonym: Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Chamaeleo jacksoni (Jackson's chameleon)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 2000

    Isospora necasi Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Synonym: Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Chamaeleo melleri (Meller's chameleon)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 2000

    Isospora tigris Modry, Koudela, and Volf, 1997

  • Host: Calumma tigris
  • References: Modry 1988; Modry et al. 1997

    Isospora wildi Modry, Slapeta, and Koudela, 2000

  • Synonym: Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Chamaeleo dilepis (Flap-necked chameleon)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 2000

    Family: Cordylidae (Spinytail lizards)

    Eimeria murphyi Upton, McAllister, and Garrett, 1993

  • Host: Cordylus cataphractus (Armadillo girdled lizard)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1993b

    Eimeria sp. of Deakins, 1972

  • Host: a "girdled lizard"
  • Reference: Deakins 1972

    Family: Corytophanidae (Casquehead lizards)

    Eimeria basilisci Duszynski, 1969

  • Host: Basiliscus basiliscus (Double-crested basilisk)
  • Reference: Duszynski 1969

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Basiliscus plumifrons (Green crested basilisk)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Isospora basilisci Lainson, 1968

  • Host: Basiliscus vittatus (Brown basilisk)
  • Reference: Lainson 1968

    Family: Gekkonidae (Gekkoes)

    Coccidian of Paperna, 1999

  • Synonym: Globidium sp. of Paperna, 1999
  • Host: Heteronotis binoei (Bynoe's gecko)
  • Reference: Paperna 1999

    Eimeria barnardi Upton, Freed, and Burdick, 1992

  • Synonym: Eimeria bamardi Upton, Freed, and Burdick, 1992 of Ball and Daszak, 1995, lapsus
  • Host: Rhoptropus barnardi (Barnard's Namib day gecko)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1992a

    Eimeria bongaonensis Sinha and Sinha, 1978

  • Host: Gekko gecko (Tokay gecko)
  • References: Sinha and Sinha 1978; Sinha et al. 1978

    Eimeria boveroi Carini and Pinto, 1926

  • Host: Hemidactylus mabouia (House gecko)
  • References: Carini and Pinto 1926; Lainson and Paperna 1999a; Laveran and Pettit 1910; McAllister and Upton 1989, 1994; Paperna and Lainson 1999a; Upton et al. 1992b

    Eimeria brygooi Upton and Barnard, 1987

  • Host: Phelsuma laticauda (Golddust day gecko), Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis (Madagascar giant day gecko)
  • References: Modry 1998; Upton and Barnard 1987

    Eimeria cicaki Else and Colley, 1975

  • Hosts: Gehyra mutilata (Mutilated gecko), Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • Reference: Else and Colley 1975

    Eimeria delalandii Matuschka and Bannert, 1986

  • Host: Tarentola delalandii (Canary Island wall gecko)
  • Reference: Matushka and Bannert 1986a

    Eimeria dixoni McAllister, Upton, and Boyer, 1990

  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • References: Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; McAllister et al. 1990, 1994; Upton et al. 1991b

    Eimeria flaviviridis Setna and Bana, 1935

  • Synonyms: Choleoeimeria flaviviridis (Setna and Bana, 1935) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989; Eimeria sp. of Setna, 1933; Eimeria sp. B of Knowles and Das Gupta, 1935; Goussia flaviviridis (Setna and Bana, 1935) Levine, 1983
  • Host: Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Common wall gecko)
  • References: Knowles and Das Gupta1935; Levine 1983; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b; Setna 1933; Setna and Bana 1935

    Eimeria frenatus Upton, Hanley, and Case, 1994

  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • Reference: Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; Upton et al. 1994

    Eimeria furmani Upton, Free, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. 1 of Yamamoto, 1933
  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • References: Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; Upton et al. 1990; 1991b

    Eimeria gastrosauris Paperna, 1994

  • Synonym: Eimeria gastrosauris Paperna, 1993, nomen nudum
  • Host: Gehyra australis (Northern detella), Heteronotis binoei (Bynoe's gecko), Odedura monilis (Ocellated velvet gecko)
  • References: Paperna 1993, 1994, 1999

    Eimeria gehyrae Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Gehyra variegata (Tree detella)
  • Reference: Cannon 1967b

    Eimeria gekkonis Tanabe, 1928

  • Host: Gekko japonicus (Japanese gecko)
  • References: Tanabe 1928a, 1928b

    Eimeria helenlevineae (Bray, 1984) Levine, 1988

  • Synonym: Eimeria helenae of Bray, 1984, nomen preocc.
  • Host: Hemidactylus brookii (Brook's gecko)
  • References: Bui et al. 1992a; Bray 1984; Levine 1989

    Eimeria hemidactyli Knowles and Das Gupta, 1935

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. C of Knowles and Das Gupta, 1935
  • Host: Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Common wall gecko)
  • Reference: Knowles and Das Gupta 1935

    Eimeria japonicus Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Gekko japonicus (Japanese gecko)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria knowlesi Bhatia, 1936

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. A of Knowles and Das Gupta, 1935 non Eimeria knowlesi Bhatia, 1936 of Saratchandra and Narasimhamurti, 1981
  • Host: Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Common wall gecko)
  • References: Bhatia 1936; Knowles and Das Gupta 1935; Mandal 1976; Saratchandra and Narasimhamurti 1981

    Eimeria koidzumii Matsubayasi, 1941

  • Host: Gekko japonicus (Japanese gecko)
  • Reference: Matsubayasi 1941

    Eimeria lineri McAllister, Upton, and Freed, 1988

  • Synonym: Acroeimeria lineri (McAllister, Upton, and Freed, 1988) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Hosts: Cyrtopodion scabrum (Roughtail gecko), Hemidactylus mabouia (House gecko), Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean or Turkish gecko)
  • References: Daszak and Ball 1991; McAllister et al. 1988, 1990, 1991a, 1994; Paperna 1989; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b

    Eimeria michikoa Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Gekko japonicus (Japanese gecko)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria pachybibroni Upton, Freed, and Burdick, 1992

  • Host: Pachydactylus bibroni (Bibron's gecko)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1992a

    Eimeria phelsumae Daszak and Ball, 1991

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. 5 of Brygoo, 1963 (?)
  • Host: Phelsuma madagascarensis (Madagascar giant day gecko)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1991

    Eimeria rabiti Mandal and Nair, 1973

  • Host: Gymnodactylus "rabitus"
  • Reference: Mandal and Nair 1973

    Eimeria rangei Upton, Freed, and Burdick, 1991

  • Host: Palmatogecko rangei (Web-footed gecko)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1991a

    Eimeria rochalimai Carini and Pinto, 1926

  • Synonym:s Choleoeimeria rochalimai (Carini and Pinto, 1926) Lainson and Paperna, 1999; Eimeria sp. of Upton, Hanley, Case, and McAllister, 1991;Eimeria sp. of Yamamoto, 1933
  • Hosts: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak), Hemidactylus mabouia (House gecko)
  • References: Carini and Pinto 1926; Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; Lainson and Paperna 1999a; Paperna and Lainson 1999b, 2000b; Upton et al. 1991b, 1992b, 1994; Yamamoto 1933

    Eimeria simonkingi Ball and Daszak, 1995

  • Hosts: Gekko smithii (Green-eyed gecko), Gekko vittatus (White-lined palm gecko), Phelsuma lineata (One-lined day gecko)
  • Reference: Ball and Daszak 1995

    Eimeria sp. of Brygoo, 1963

  • Host: Phelsuma lineata (One-lined day gecko)
  • Reference: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b

    Eimeria sp. of Brygoo, 1963

  • Host: Uroplatus fimbriatus (Leaf-tailed gecko)
  • Reference: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b

    Eimeria sp. of Else and Colley, 1974

  • Host: Gehyra mutilata (Mutilated gecko)
  • Reference: Else and Colley 1974

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phelsuma astriata (Narrow-headed day gecko)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phelsuma cepediana
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phelsuma sundbergi
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 1 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus henkeli
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus henkeli
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 3 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus henkeli
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 1 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus sikorue
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus sikorue
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Ray and Das Gupta, 1935

  • Host: Hemidactylus "coctoei"
  • Reference: Ray and Das Gupta 1935 Remarks: No gecko exists with this nomen triviale.

    Eimeria sp. of Saratchandra and Narasimhamurti, 1981 non Eimeria knowlesi Bhatia, 1936

  • Host: Hemidactylus prashadi (Prashad's gecko)
  • Reference: Saratchandra and Narasimhamurti 1981

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Yamamoto, 1933

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria sp. (Yamamoto, 1933) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • Reference: Yamamoto 1933; Upton et al. 1991b

    Eimeria spp. of Stewart, 1995

  • Host: Heteronota bineoi (Bynoe's gecko)
  • Reference: Stewart, 1995

    Eimeria (Paperna and Landsberg, 1989)

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria pachydactyli Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Pachydactylus capensis (Cape gecko)
  • Reference: Paperna and Landsberg 1989b

    Eimeria stenodactyli El-Toukhy, 1994

  • Host: Stenodactylus sthenodactylus (syn. Stenodactylus elegans) (Elegant gecko)
  • References: El-Toukhy 1994b; El-Toukhy et al. 1994a

    Eimeria tarentolae Matuschka and Bannert, 1986

  • Host: Tarentola mauritanica (Moorish gecko)
  • References: Matuschka and Bannert 1986b; Modry 1998

    Eimeria telfordi Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Gehyra mutilata (Mutilated gecko)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria tokayae Ball and Daszak, 1995

  • Host: Gekko gekko (Tokay gecko)
  • Reference: Ball and Daszak 1995

    Eimeria turcicus Upton, McAllister, and Freed, 1988

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria turcicus (Upton, McAllister, and Freed, 1988) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean or Turkish gecko)
  • References: Daszak and Ball 1991; Paperna and Landsberg 1989a, 1989b; McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1988

    Eimeria vittati Ball and Daszak, 1995

  • Host: Gekko vittatus (White-lined gecko)
  • Reference: Ball and Daszak 1995

    Isospora albogularis Upton and Freed, 1990

  • Host: Gonatodes albogularis (Yellow-headed gecko)
  • Reference: Upton and Freed 1990b

    Isospora altiatlantis Volf, Koudela, and Modry

  • Host: Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus (Thorny-eyelidded gecko)
  • Reference: Volf et al. 2000

    Isospora canariensis Matuschka and Bannert, 1986

  • Host: Tarentola delalandii (Canary Island wall gecko)
  • Reference: Matuschka and Bannert 1986

    Isospora delmae Finkelman and Paperna, 1994

  • Host: Delma nasuta (Legless lizard)
  • Reference: Finkelman and Paperna, 1994b

    Isospora frenatus Upton, Freed, Burdick, and McAllister, 1990

  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • References: Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; Upton et al. 1990

    Isospora gardneri Modry, Koudela, and Volf, 1997

  • Host: Phelsuma astriata (Narrow-headed day gecko), Phelsuma sundbergi (Seychelles giant day gecko)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1997

    Isospora gekkonis Upton and Barnard, 1987

  • Hosts: Phelsuma laticauda (Golddust day gecko), Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis (Madagascar giant day gecko)
  • Reference: Upton and Barnard 1987

    Isospora gymnodactyli Ovezmukhammedov, 1972

  • Host: Gymnodactylus fedtschenkoi (Russian bent-toed gecko)
  • Reference: Ovezmukhammedov 1972

    Isospora hemidactyli Carini, 1936

  • Host: Hemidactylus mabouia (House gecko)
  • References: Carini 1936; Lainson and Paperna 1999b; Paperna and Lainson 2000a; Schmidt et al. 1967; Upton et al. 1992b

    Isospora knowlesi Ray and Das Gupta, 1936

  • Host: Hemidactylus flaviviridis (Common wall gecko)
  • References: Knowles and Das Gupta 1935; Ray and Das Gupta 1936

    Isospora ladiguensis Modry, Koudela, and Volf, 1997

  • Host: Phelsuma sundbergi (Seychelles giant day gecko)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1997

    Isospora oudrii Volf, Koudela, and Modry

  • Host: Ptyodactylus oudrii (Fan-footed gecko)
  • Reference: Volf et al. 2000

    Isospora pachydactyli Upton and Freed, 1988

  • Host: Pachydactylus bibronii (Bibron's gecko)
  • Reference: Upton and Freed, 1988

    Isospora platyurusi Finkelman and Paperna, 1995

  • Host: Cosymbotus platyurus (Common flat-tailed gecko)
  • References: Finkelman and Paperna 1995; Volf et al. 2000

    Isospora ptyodactyli Modry, Koudela, Al-Oran, Amr, and Dolezel, 1998

  • Host: Ptyodactylus puiseuxi (Fan-footed gecko)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1998b

    Isospora schlegeli Upton, Hanley, Case, and McAllister, 1991

  • Hosts: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak), Lepidodactylus lugubris (Mourning gecko)
  • References: Hanley et al. 1995, 1998; Upton et al. 1991b

    Isospora sp. 1 of Cannon, 1967

  • Synonym: Isospora ablephari Cannon, 1967, pro parte
  • Host: Heteronota bineoi (Bynoe's gecko)
  • References: Cannon 1967a; Stewart 1995

    Isospora sp. 2 of Cannon, 1967

  • Synonym: Isospora ablephari Cannon, 1967, pro parte
  • Host: Phyllurus cornutus (Northern leaf-tailed gecko)
  • Reference: Cannon 1967a

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Cyrtodactylus sp.
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Stenodactylus doriae
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Stenodactylus grandiceps
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus ebenaui
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Uroplatus phantasticus
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Paperna and Finkelman, 1998

  • Host: Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean or Turkish gecko)
  • Reference: Paperna and Finkelman 1998

    Isospora sp. of Paperna and Finkelman, 1998

  • Host: Heteronota binoei (Bynoe's gecko)
  • References: Paperna 1999; Paperna and Finkelman 1998; Paperna and Vilenkin 1999

    Isospora sp. of Schmidt, Johnston, and Stehbens, 1967

  • Host: Gehyra variegata (Tree detella)
  • References: Schmidt et al. 1967; Stehbens and Schmidt 1968

    Isospora stenodactyli El-Toukhy, 1994

  • Host: Stenodactylus sthenodactylus (syn. Stenodactylus elegans) (Elegant gecko)
  • References: El-Toukhy 1994a; El-Toukhy et al. 1994b; Modry 1998

    Isospora tarentolae Matuschka and Bannert, 1986

  • Host: Tarentola delalandii (Canary Island wall gecko)
  • Reference: Matuschka and Bannert 1986a

    Isospora thavari Else and Colley, 1975

  • Host: Gehyra mutilata (Mutilated gecko)
  • Reference: Else and Colley 1975

    Isospora uptoni Finkelman and Paperna, 1995

  • Synonym: Cyclospora sp. of Yamamoto, 1933, pro parte
  • Host: Hemidactylus frenatus (Chichak)
  • References: Finkelman and Paperna 1995; Yamamoto 1933

    Family: Helodermatidae (Gila monsters)

    Eimeria becki Upton, McAllister, and Garrett, 1993

  • Host: Heloderma suspectum (Gila monster)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1993a

    Family: Iguanidae (Iguanids)

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Iguana iguana (Green iguana)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Family: Lacertidae (Wall lizards)

    Eimeria acanthodactyli (Phisalix, 1930) Levine and Becker, 1933

  • Synonym: Coccidium acathodactyli Phisalix, 1930
  • Host: Acanthodactylus scutellatus (a fringe-toed lizard)
  • References: Levine and Becker, 1933; Phisalix, 1930

    Eimeria eremiasica Davronov, 1985

  • Host: Eremias velox
  • Reference: Davronov 1985

    Eimeria gallotiae Matuschka and Bannert, 1987

  • Host: Gallotia gallotiae
  • Reference: Matuschka and Bannert 1987

    Eimeria ghaffari Sakran, Fayed, El-Toukhy, and Abdel-Gawad, 1994

  • Host: Acanthodactylus boskianus (a fringe-toed lizard)
  • Reference:Sakran et al. 1994

    Eimeria roundtreei Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Takydromus tachydromoides (Japanese grass lizard)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria schmidti Al Yousif, Al-Sadoon, and Al-Shawa, 1997

  • Host: Acanthodactylus schmidti (Sandy fringe-toed lizard)
  • Reference: Al Yousif et al. 1997

    Eimeria sp. of Eimer, 1870

  • Host: Lacerta sp. (A lacertid lizard)
  • References: Danilewsky 1886; Eimer 1870

    Eimeria sp, of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Acanthodactylus tristromi
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria (?) sp. (Trinci, 1916)

  • Synonym: Orcheocystis lacertae Trinci, 1916
  • Host: Lacerta muralis (European wall lizard)
  • Reference: Trinci 1916

    Eimeria sp. of Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1940

  • Host: Eremias velox
  • Reference: Yakimoff and Gousseff 1940 Remarks: This may represent Eimeria eremiasica Davronov, 1985

    Eimeria sp. of Yakimoff and Gousseff, 1935

  • Host: Lacerta vivapara (Viviparous lizard)
  • Reference: Yakimoff and Gousseff 1935

    Eimeria takydromi Telford, 1992

  • Host: Takydromus sexlineatus (Six-lined grass lizard), Takydromus smaragdinus (Emerald grass lizard), Takydromus "takydromi"
  • Reference: Telford 1992 Remarks: No lacertid is known termed Takydromus "takydromi". However, this may actually represent Takydromus tachydromoides (Japanese grass lizard).

    Isospora abdallahi Modry, Koudela, and Slapeta, 1998

  • Host: Acanthodactylus boskianus (Fringe-toed lizard)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1998a

    Isospora acanthodactyli Sakran, Fayed, El-Toukhy, and Abdel-Gawad, 1994

  • Host: Acanthodactylus boskianus (Fringe-toed lizard)
  • Reference: Sakran et al. 1994

    Isospora gallotiae Matuschka and Bannert, 1987

  • Host: Gallotia galloti
  • Reference: Matuschka and Bannert 1987

    Isospora kaschcadarinica Davronov, 1985

  • Host: Eremias lineolata
  • Reference: Davronov 1985

    Isospora nagasakiensis Miyata, 1979

  • Host: Takydromus tachydromoides (Japanese grass lizard)
  • References: Miyata 1979, 1987

    Isospora sp. (Al Yousif and Al-Shawa, 1997)

  • Synonym: Isospora acanthodactyli Al Yousif and Al-Shawa, 1997, nomen preocc.
  • Host: Acanthodactylus schmidti (Sandy fringe-toed lizard)
  • Reference: Al Yousif and Al-Shawa 1997

    Isospora sp, of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Acanthodactylus tristromi
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp, of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Mesalina brevirostris
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Family: Phrynosomatidae (Earless, Spiny, Tree, Horned, and Side-bloched lizards)

    Eimeria ahtanumensis Clark, 1970

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria ahtanumensis (Clark, 1970) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Sceloporus occidentalis (Western fence lizard)
  • References: Clark 1970; Clark and Bradford 1969; Clark and Colwell 1973; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b

    Eimeria amreini Pellerdy, 1974, nomen nudum

  • Synonyms: Eimeria cystifelleae var. americana Amrein, 1951pro parte; Eimeria noctisauris Bovee and Telford, 1965, pro parte
  • Host: Uta stansburiana (Side-blotched lizard)
  • References: Amrein 1951, 1952b; Bovee and Telford 1965c; Debaisieux 1914; Pellerdy 1974

    Eimeria scelopori Bovee and Telford, 1965

  • Synonyms: Acroeimeria sceloporis (Bovee and Telford, 1965) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989; Eimeria sp. Telford and Bovee, 1964, pro parte
  • Hosts: Sceloporus clarki (Clark's spiny lizard), Sceloporus cf. grammicus (Mesquite lizard), Sceloporus jarrovii (Yarrow's spiny lizard), Sceloporus magister (Desert spiny lizard), Sceloporus occidentalis (Western fence lizard), Sceloporus poinsettii (Crevice spiny lizard), Sceloporus variabilis (Rose-bellied lizard)
  • References: Bovee and Telford 1965b; Clark and Bradford 1969; Clark and Colwell 1973; McAllister and Upton 1989; McAllister et al. 1994; Mitschler et al. 1993; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b; Telford 1970; Telford and Bovee 1964

    Eimeria sp. of Bovee and Telford, 1964

  • Synonym: Eimeria sceloporus Bovee and Telford, 1965, pro parte
  • Host: Sceloporus magister (Desert spiny lizard)
  • References: Bovee and Telford 1965b; Telford and Bovee 1964 Remarks: Morphologic differences suggest this not to be Eimeria sceloporus

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Phrynosoma asio (Long spined horned lizard)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Sceloporus squamosus
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Sceloporus variabilis (Rose-bellied lizard)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria umis Bovee, 1969

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria umis (Bovee, 1969) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Uma notata (Desert fringe-toed lizard)
  • Reference: Bovee 1969

    Eimeria urosauris Bovee, 1966

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria urosauris (Bovee, 1966) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Urosauris graciosus (Long-tailed brush lizard)
  • Reference: Bovee 1966

    Polychrotidae (Anoles)

    Eimeria anolidis Daszak and Ball, 1991

  • Host: Anolis carolinensis (Green anole)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1991

    Eimeria avilae Cisper, Huntingdon, Smith, Powell, Parmerlee, and Lathrop, 1995

  • Host: Anolis olssoni (Olsson's anole)
  • Reference: Cisper et al. 1995

    Eimeria chamaeleolidisbatbati Modry, Vesley, and Koudela, 1999

  • Synonym: Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Anolis barbatus (syn. Chamaeleolis barbatus (Bearded false chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1999

    Eimeria intermedia Ruiz, 1959

  • Host: Anolis intermedius
  • Reference: Ruiz 1959

    Eimeria sanctaluciae Daszak and Ball, 1998

  • Host: Anolis luciae (St. Lucia tree lizard)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1998

    Eimeria schwartzi Cisper, Huntingdon, Smith, Powell, Parmerlee, and Lathrop, 1995

  • Host: Anolis armouri
  • Reference: Cisper et al. 1995

    Eimeria sp. of Marcus, 1981

  • Host: Anolis carolinensis (Green anole)
  • Reference: Marcus 1981

    Isospora chamaeleolidis Modry, Vesley, and Koudela, 1999

  • Synonym: Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998
  • Host: Anolis barbatus (syn. Chamaeleolis barbatus (Bearded false chameleon)
  • Reference: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1999

    Isospora guarocuyai Bui, Powell, Smith, Parmelee, and Lathrop, 1992

  • Host: Anolis distichus (Bark anole)
  • Reference: Bui et al. 1992b

    Isospora hendersoni Cisper, Huntingdon, Smith, Powell, Parmerlee, and Lathrop, 1995

  • Host: Anolis armouri, Anolis cybotes (Large-headed anole)
  • Reference: Cisper et al. 1995

    Isospora reui Cisper, Huntingdon, Smith, Powell, Parmerlee, and Lathrop, 1995

  • Host: Anolis bahorucoensis
  • Reference: Cisper et al. 1995

    Isospora sp. of Daszak and Ball, 1998

  • Host: Anolis trinitatis (St. Vincent tree lizard)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1998 Remarks: This species may be Isospora reui

    Isospora tahuayoensis Upton, Freed, and Freed, 1989

  • Host: Anolis fuscoauratus (Lichen colored anole)
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1989

    Family: Scincidae (Skinks)

    Coccidian of Bray, 1964

  • Host: Bray (1964) originally reported the host as Mabuya raddoni. Mabuya raddoni has since been synonymized pro parte between the two different hosts Mabuya affinis and Mabuya albilabrus. It is impossible to know which species of skink was actually examined.
  • Reference: Bray 1964

    Coccidian of Koudela and Modry, 1999

  • Host: Eumeces schneideri (Schneider's skink)
  • Reference: Koudela and Modry 1999

    Eimeria ablephari Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Ablepharus boutonii
  • Reference: Cannon 1967b

    Eimeria baltrocki Daszak and Ball, 1991

  • Host: Eumeces schneideri (African gold skink)
  • References: Daszak and Ball 1991; Modry 1998

    Eimeria beyerae Ovezmukhammedov, 1977

  • Host: Ablepharus deserti
  • References: Davronov 1985; Levine 1985; Ovezmukhammedov 1977b; Ruziev and Davronov 1984

    Eimeria chalcides (Probert, Roberts, and Wilson, 1988) Ball, Daszak, and Probert, 1994

  • Synonyms: Choleoeimeria chalcides (Probert, Roberts, and Wilson, 1988) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989; Tyzzeria chalcides Probert, Roberts, and Wilson, 1988
  • Host: Chalcides ocellatus (Eyed skink)
  • References: Ball et al. 1994; Daszak et al. 1989; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b; Probert et al. 1988

    Eimeria egerniae Cannon, 1967

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria egerniae (Cannon, 1967) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989
  • Host: Egernia whitii (White's skink)
  • References: Cannon 1967b; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b

    Eimeria egregia Telford, 1997

  • Host: Eumeces egregius onocrepis (Brown red-tailed skink)
  • Reference: Telford 1997

    Eimeria fasciatus Upton, McAllister, and Trauth, 1991

  • Host: Eumeces fasciatus (Five-lined skink)
  • References: McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1991b

    Eimeria lacertae Ohira, 1914

  • Host: Eumeces latiscutatus (Japanese skink)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971; Ohira 1914

    Eimeria lampropholidus Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Lampropholis guichenoti (Garden skink)
  • Reference: Cannon 1967b

    Eimeria leiolopismatis Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Saproscinus challengeri (syn. Leiolopisma challengeri)
  • Reference: Cannon 1967b

    Eimeria maboia Carini, 1938

  • Host: Mabuya dorsivittata (syn. Mabuya agilis dorsivittata), Mabuya mabouya
  • Reference: Carini 1938

    Eimeria minetti Ray, Raghavahari, and Sapre, 1942

  • Host: Mabuya sp.
  • Reference: Ray et al. 1942

    Eimeria pellopleuris Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Lygosoma "pellopleurum"
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria sami Bovee, 1971

  • Host: Eumeces marginatus (=Eumeces oshimensis)
  • Reference: Bovee 1971

    Eimeria scincellae Telford, 1997

  • Host: Scincella lateralis (Ground skink)
  • Reference: Telford 1997

    Eimeria scinci (Phisalix, 1923) Levine and Becker, 1933

  • Synonyms: Coccidium scinci Phisalix, 1923; Eimeria sinci Phisalix, 1923, lapsus
  • Host: Scincus sincus (syn. Scincus officinalis) (Sand skink); perhaps Sphenops sepsoides
  • References: Levine and Becker 1933; Modry 1998; Phisalix 1923a, 1923b

    Eimeria sp. 3 of Brygoo, 1966

  • Host: Mabuya comorensis (syn. Mabuya comorensis infralineta)
  • Reference: Brygoo 1966

    Eimeria sp. 4 of Brygoo, 1963

  • Host: Mabuya sp. (Skink)
  • Reference: Brygoo 1963a, 1963b

    Eimeria sp. Hegner and Chu, 1930

  • Host: Mabuya multicarinata
  • Reference: Hegner and Chu 1930

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Dasia cf. smaragdina
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Mabuya perrotetti
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 1 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Ophiomorus punctatissimus (syn. Ophiomorus punctatus)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sp. 2 of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Ophiomorus punctatissimus (syn. Ophiomorus punctatus)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Eimeria sternfeldi McAllister, Upton, and Garrett, 1993

  • Host: Tiliqua multifasciata (Blue-tongued skink)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1993

    Isospsora ablephari Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Ablepharus boutonii
  • Reference: Cannon 1967a

    Isospora chalchidis Amoudi, 1993

  • Host: Chalchides ocellatus (Eyed skink)
  • Reference: Amoudi 1993

    Isospora camillerii (Hagenmuller, 1898) Sergent, 1902

  • Synonym: Diplospora camillerii Hagenmuller, 1898
  • Host: Chalcides ocellatus (Eyed skink)
  • References: Hagenmuller 1898; Sergent 1902

    Isospora chalchidis Amoudi, 1989

  • Host: Chalchides ocellatus (Eyed skink)
  • Reference: Amoudi 1989b

    Isospora cryptoblephari Finkelman and Paperna, 1994

  • Host: Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Fence skink)
  • Reference: Finkelman and Paperna, 1994b

    Isospora egerniae Cannon, 1967

  • Host: Egernia whitii (White's skink)
  • Reference: Cannon 1967a

    Isospora eimanae Amoudi, 1989

  • Host: Chalchides ocellatus (Eyed skink)
  • Reference: Amoudi 1989b

    Isospora manchacensis Atkinson and Ayala, 1987

  • Host: Scinella lateralis (Ground skink)
  • References: Atkinson 1981; Atkinson and Ayala 1987

    Isospora scinci Upton, McAllister, and Trauth, 1991

  • Host: Eumeces fasciatus (Five-lined skink), Eumeces laticeps (Broadhead skink)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1994; Upton et al. 1991b

    Isospora seychellensis Modry, Koudela, and Volf, 1997

  • Host: Mabuya seychellensis (Seychelles skink)
  • References: Modry 1998; Modry et al. 1997

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Ophiomorus punctatissimus (syn. Ophiomorus punctatus)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Scincus sincus (Sand skink)
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Sphenops sepsoides
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora sp. of Paperna and Finkelman, 1998

  • Host: Carlia rhomboidalis
  • Reference: Paperna and Finkelman 1998

    Isospora spp. of Paperna and Finkelman, 1998

  • Host: Delma nasuta (Legless lizard)
  • Reference: Paperna and Finkelman 1998

    Isospora spilogaster Upton, Freed, and Burdick, 1992

  • Host: Mabuya spilogaster
  • Reference: Upton et al. 1992a

    Isospora viridanae Matuschka 1989

  • Host: Chalcides viridanus
  • Reference: Matuschka 1989

    Family: Teiidae (Whiptails, Tegus)

    Eimeria ameivae Lainson, 1968

  • Host: Ameiva undulata (Rainbow ameiva)
  • Reference: Lainson 1968

    Eimeria bautistae Huntington, Powell, Parmerlee, Cisper, Smith, and Lathrop, 1996

  • Host: Ameiva chrysolaema (Racerunner)
  • Reference: Huntington et al. 1996

    Eimeria cnemidophori Carini, 1941

  • Host: Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Strand racerunner)
  • Reference: Carini 1941b

    Eimeria guyanensis Daszak and Ball, 1991

  • Host: Ameiva ameiva (Blue ameiva)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1991

    Eimeria perazae Levine, 1980

  • Synonym: Eimeria flaviviridis americana Arcay de Peraza, 1963
  • Host: Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Strand racerunner)
  • References: Arcay de Peraza 1963; Levine 1980

    Eimeria sexlineatus McAllister, Upton, and Trauth, 1991

  • Host: Cnemidophorus sexlineatus viridis (Prairie racerunner)
  • Reference: McAllister et al. 1991b, 1994

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Tupinambis teguixin nigropunctatus (Golden tegu)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria sp. of Carini, 1931

  • Synonyms: Acroeimeria pintoi Lainson and Paperna, 1999; Eimeria boveroi Carini and Pinto, 1926 of Carini, 1931
  • Host: Ameiva ameriva (Blue ameiva)
  • References: Carini 1931; Lainson and Paperna 1999a; Paperna and Lainson 1999b

    Eimeria sp. of Carini, 1931

  • Synonym: Choleoeimeria carinii Lainson and Paperna, 1999
  • Synonym: Eimeria rochalimae Carini and Pinto, 1926 of Carini, 1931
  • Host: Ameiva ameriva (Blue ameiva)
  • References: Carini 1931; Lainson and Paperna 1999a

    Eimeria subcylindrica Arcay de Peraza and Bastardo de San Jose, 1970

  • Host: Ameiva ameiva (Blue ameiva)
  • Reference: Arcay de Peraza and Bastardo de San Jose 1970a

    Isospora ameivae Carini, 1932

  • Host: Ameiva ameiva (Blue ameiva), Cnemidophorus lemniscautus (Strand racerunner)
  • References: Carini 1932; Lainson and Paperna 1999b

    Isospora cnemidophori Carini, 1942

  • Hosts: Ameiva undulata (Rainbow ameiva), Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Strand racerunner)
  • References: Arcay de Peraza and Bastardo de San Jose 1970b, 1975; Bastardo de San Jose 1970; Carini 1942; Duszynski 1969

    Isospora jedlickai Huntington, Powell, Parmerlee, Cisper, Smith, and Lathrop, 1996

  • Host: Ameiva chrysolaema (Racerunner)
  • Reference: Huntington et al. 1996

    Family: Tropiduridae (Neotropical ground lizards)

    Eimeria albemarlensis Couch, Stone, Duszynski, Snell, and Snell, 1996

  • Host: Microlophus albemarlensis (syn. Tropidurus albemarlensis) (Lava lizard)
  • Reference: Couch et al. 1996

    Eimeria caesicia Daszak and Ball, 1998

  • Host: Tropidurus torquatus (Brazilian collard lava lizard) (Brazilian collared lava lizard)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1998

    Eimeria galapagaensis Aquino-Shuster, Duszynski, and Snell, 1990

  • Host: Microlophus delanonis (syn. Tropidurus delanonis) (Lava lizard)
  • Reference: Aquino-Shuster et al. 1990 Remarks: This coccidian may have been a pseudoparasite (see Couch et al. 1996)

    Eimeria hispidi Bastardo de San Jose, 1974

  • Host: Tropidurus hispidus (=Tropidurus torquatus hispidus) (Hispid lava lizard)
  • Reference: Bastardo de San Jose 1974

    Eimeria leiocephali Daszak and Ball, 1991

  • Host: Leiocephalus barahonensis, Leiocephalus personatus (Haitian curley-tail lizard)
  • References: Daszak and Ball 1991; Huntington and Cisper 1994

    Eimeria liolaemi Daszak and Ball, 1998

  • Host: Liolaemus taenius (Blue-gold swift)
  • Reference: Daszak and Ball 1998

    Eimeria tropidura Aquino-Shuster, Duszynski, and Snell, 1990

  • Host: Microlophus delanonis (syn. Tropidurus delanonis) (Lava lizard), Microlophus albemarlensis (syn. Tropidurus albemarlensis) (Lava lizard)
  • References: Aquino-Shuster et al. 1990; Couch et al. 1996

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Tropidurus plica (=Plica plica) (Plica lizard)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria stenocerci Carini, 1940

  • Synonym: Eimeria tropidura Carini, 1941
  • Host: Tropidurus torquatus (Brazilian collared lava lizard)
  • References: Carini 1940, 1941a

    Isospora insularius Aquino-Shuster, Duszynski, and Snell, 1990

  • Host: Microlophus delanonis (syn. Tropidurus delanonis) (a lava lizard)
  • References: Aquino-Shuster et al. 1990; Couch et al. 1996

    Family: Varanidae (Monitors)

    Eimeria beccari Upton and Freed, 1990

  • Host: Varanus prasinus beccari (Black tree monitor)
  • References: Modry 1998; Upton and Freed 1990a

    Eimeria polydaedali Borst, Peters, and Weijerman, 1975

  • Host: Varanus niloticus (Nile monitor)
  • Reference: Borst et al. 1975

    Eimeria sp. of Barnard, 1986

  • Host: Varanus bengalensis (Bengal monitor)
  • Reference: Barnard 1986

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Varanus bengalensis (Bengal monitor)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria sp. of Brodbeck, 1988

  • Host: Varanus timorensis (Timor monitor)
  • References: Brodbeck 1988, 1990

    Eimeria rimahensis Amoudi, 1989

  • Host: Varanus griseus (Grey monitor)
  • References: Amoudi 1989a; Modry 1998

    Eimeria varani Bhatia and Chauhan, 1972

  • Synonym: Eimeria nebulosa Colley and Else, 1975
  • Hosts: Varanus monitor , Varanus bengalensis nebulosus (Clouded monitor)
  • References: Bhatia and Chauhan 1972; Colley and Else 1975

    Eimeria zulphinensis Amoudi, 1989

  • Host: Varanus griseus (Grey monitor)
  • Reference: Amoudi 1989

    Isospora sp. of Adler vide Wenyon, 1926

  • Host: Varanus griseus (Grey monitor)
  • Reference: Wenyon 1926

    Isospora (?) varani Yakimoff, 1938

  • Host: Varanus griseus (Grey monitor)
  • References: Davronov 1985; Ovezmukhammedov 1968, 1969, 1974); Ruziev and Davronov 1984); Yakimoff 1938; Wenyon 1926 Remarks: This may be a Sarcocystis sp.

    Family: Xantusiidae (Night lizards)

    Eimeria noctisauris Bovee and Telford, 1965

  • Synonyms: Choleoeimeria noctisauris (Bovee and Telford, 1965) Paperna and Landsberg, 1989; Eimeria cystifelleae var. americana, pro parte
  • Host: Xantusia riversiana (=Klauberina riversiana) (Island night lizard)
  • References: Amrein 1951, 1952; Bovee and Telford 1965c; Goldberg and Bursey 1990; Paperna and Landsberg 1989b; Telford 1970

    Eimeria sp. of Modry, 1998

  • Host: Lepidophyma smithi
  • Reference: Modry 1998

    Isospora xanthusiae Amrein, 1951

  • Hosts: Xanthusia henshawi (Granite night lizard), X. vigilis (Desert night lizard)
  • References: Amrein 1951, 1952a; Telford 1970


    Al-Rasheid, K.S.S., and Al Yousif, M.S. 1998. Eimeria yemenensae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from the rock agama (Agama yemenensis) in Saudi Arabia. Parasitology International 47: 127-130.

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