Eimeria surki Nukerbaeva & Abenov, 1979.
Type host: Marmota baibacina.
Other hosts: M. bobak.
Type locality: Asia: Kazakhstan, Kerekin area of
Description of oocyst: Oocyst shape: ovoid,
slightly flattened on one pole;
wall thickness: 1.2; layers: 2; outer layer proportion of total thickness:
not given; outer layer colour: not given; outer layer texture: smooth; inner
wall characteristics: not given; micropyle: absent; OR: absent; PG: not
given; size: 22.4 x 14.0 (20-25 x 11-17); L/W ratio: 1.6. Distinctive
features of oocyst: none.
Description of sporocysts and sporozoites:
Sporocyst shape: ovoid; size: 8-11
x 4-7; SB: absent; SSB: absent; PSB: absent; SR: present; SR characteristics:
large granules; SR size: not given; SP: bean-shaped. Distinctive features of
sporocyst: none.
Remarks: Eimeria surki was described from
M. bobak by Nukerbaeva & Abenov
(1979) and has not been observed since.
Reference: Nukerbaeva & Abenov (1979).ont>