Supported by NSF-PEET DEB 9521687
The genus Tyzzeria Allen, 1936 consists of coccidia whose oocysts are without sporocysts, each oocyst possessing eight sporozoites (although the sporozoites are surrounded by a thin membrane). Species occurring in Anseriforme birds appear to be valid whereas the others appear to be misidentifications.
Tyzzeria allenae Chakravarty & Basu, 1946
Tyzzeria boae Lainson & Paperna, 1994
Tyzzeria chalcides Probert, Roberts, & Wilson, 1988
Tyzzeria chenicusae Ray & Sarkar, 1967
Tyzzeria galli Fernando & Remmler, 1973
Tyzzeria natrix (Matubayasi, 1936) Matubayasi, 1937
Tyzzeria parvula (Kotlan, 1933) Klimes, 1963
Tyzzeria pellerdyi Bhatia & Pande, 1966
Tyzzeria perniciosa Allen, 1936
Tyzzeria peomysci Levine & Ivens, 1960
Tyzzeria sp. of Farr, 1952
Tyzzeria typhlopis Ovezmukhamedov, 1968
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